Novel Name : Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 414: Fruition

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Chapter 414: Fruition

Wang Wei looked at the wood carving in front of him; it was one of the many mortals that worshipped him in the Heavenly Abode World. He injected his origin essence into the carving, then it suddenly came alive.

A powerful aura on par with the Void Shattering Realm or the Profound Sovereign Realm emanated from it. With a glance, he could tell that his carving could generate an attack on par with the aura it released.

However, it could only sustain three such attacks because the material used for the carving was mostly ordinary. The power of the carving came slowly from Wang Wei's ability and the fact that he captured the essence of the people he carved.

"Did I just come up with a new system of puppeteer?" he muttered. And Wang Wei was partially correct. This kind of carving that relied on spiritual power to function used to be popular in the Myriad Emperor World.

However, after a few Era Changing Catastrophe, puppeteers in general as a Dao were drastically weakened and many of their techniques were lost.

Shaking his head to remove these distracting thoughts from his mind, Wang Wei took out an enormous rock the size of a mountain from one of the prefectures, and with it, he slowly began carving out something.Â

Previously, he was only carving the people he knew and the things he saw individually, and with their essence.

But now, he was combining everything to form a whole, to form a complete picture. And as he carved the individual people, in different sceneries, locations, or situations, his eyes began to clearly distinguish the Karmic Bond between all of them.

The more he carved, the deeper his understanding of Karma became. As such, he entered a state of forgetness: everything else in the world did not matter to him, only his carving. With such deep concentration, his carving skills drastically improved, his understanding of these people and things deepened, and in return, so was his comprehension of Karma.

Wang Wei did not know how long he was in this state, or how many more stones he took to continue his carving. When he woke up from his trance, his carving that he called [World of Karma] was only a quarter of the way done.

Immediately afterward, his aura changed. The visible red hue and horrible stench were all gone. It's not that he removed them, but with his current understanding, he can properly hide them and ensure that they do not affect his life.

Wang Wei took a deep breath as he was closer to removing this burden on his shoulder. Then, he focused his attention on the people below. The main reason that he woke from his enlightenment was that his spirit particle warned him that something important that required his attention was happening.

Zhou Shu sat in the middle of a large empty room with a circular rune written on the floor of the house. The breath of the Profound God Realm emanated from his body.

In just a short five years, he already reached the highest cultivation possible in this world while also gathering enough luck to become the Son of Destiny.

Thinking about what happened in the past few years, Zhou Shu had to sigh. The world was in chaos as the demonic sect began its conquest. A new genius suddenly appeared out of nowhere, killed a few Demon Monarchs, and conquered the others.

Then, he began his conquest: prefectures after prefectures have fallen. With his current strength, Zhou Shu has now become one of the leading figures in the righteous sect's resistance.

Unfortunately, he was no match for the Demon Lord. Even when the latter was besieged by countless people of the righteous sect, a lot of people were killed while the rest fled with heavy injuries–including him.

'Hopefully, once I become a Son of Destiny, things will change.'

After activating the formation, a Qi Luck Dragon with seven colors appeared in the room, however, only one of the seven colors was vibrant while the others seemed dull or gray.

Zhou Shu's Luck had reached the one color of the 7-Rainbow color Qi Luck.

 A few minutes later, another Qi Luck Dragon appeared, this one had two colors; this was the Earth Luck that Zhou Shu gathered the past few years. Once all the preparations were finished, Zhou Shu prepared for the final test.

Soon, he found himself standing in a dark space with scattered lights that looked like stars; the space seemed infinite, yet, Zhou Shu did not care about that because of what was in front of him.

A gigantic eye; an eye that seemed to fit this infinite space; it was as if the very existence of this eye turned this infinite realm into a finite one. Zhou Shu could feel that this eye was scanning him, learning everything all of his secrets.

Whether it was his body, soul, or his history, he felt that this eye could see through it. For a moment, he was worried. Although this eye looked cold and callous without showing any emotions, Zhou Shu felt that it paused for a moment before checking him a few dozen times.

After what felt like an eternity, the two Qi Luck Dragon appeared in this suffocating space, fused into three colors. Then, the character for "Heaven" suddenly appeared, full of majesty and nobility.

Finally, the gigantic eye disappeared, and Zhou Shu returned to his room previous room. What the two things failed to notice was that something slipped off from Zhou Shu's body and disappeared into the infinite space.

"Finally succeeded," muttered Zhou Shu.

And on the sun, Wang Wei was saying the same thing. It seems that the Heavenly Dao of this world suspected something but did not find it. Of course, Wang Wei knew that it was only because this was a Great Thousand World.

Back in his world, he would not be able to act so recklessly.

A few seconds later, a frown appeared on Wang Wei's face as he remembered something that he overlooked before: his black Qi Luck. At first, he thought that it was the result of entering the Duyi Realm since he acquired it right after.

However, from what he summarized in his previous talk with Wu Hong, people who enter the Duyi Realm have regular Qi Luck, so where did this anomaly come from?

Thinking about this now, a few things that happened in his life are not quite normal. For example, many times in his life he was attacked by Heart Devil which only happens to cultivators in the Primordial Spirit Realm. The first time it happened to him, he was just a moral that had no cultivation whatsoever.

Then, there was his last fight with the Wrath of Heaven; some anomaly also occurred during this fight as he felt that this battle was more than a simple trial to temper him; it was like it had a deeper meaning, deeper significance.

"*Sigh* Let's not think about these things that are out of my understanding and strength," he muttered to himself before focusing on the Heavenly Profound Continent.

The first major step of his plan has come to fruition with Zhou Shu, now, all he had to wait for the right moment. Then, he focused on Chu Mo and once again frowned.

"Chu Mo's strength is too high compared to Zhou Shu. For my plan to work, they have to be relative to one another. Should I increase his strength?"

After thinking about it for a moment, he decided otherwise. As a new Son of Destiny, he could foresee that Zhou Shu will have countless fortunate encounters from now on to rapidly increase his strength, so Wang Wei decided to wait and see.

And maybe, he could get a few good things from Zhou Shi.

After that, he focused on the people of the Unspoken Sect. Their plans seemed to be on track, however, Chu Mo's rise as the new Demon Lord has added too many variables and made them uncertain.

"As a Son of Destiny, Zhou Shu should be the person with the greatest chance to become a World Lord. So, should I use this opportunity to take that Dao Source Seed?... If I use my cards correctly, it may not be impossible."

Wang Wei then began to plan out possible ways to achieve his goal; the fact that Heavenly Dao might have noticed something with Zhou Shu made him more careful.

After making some preliminary decisions, he observed Zhou Shu's every move. He wanted to gather more information on the Son of Destiny and increase his understanding of Qi Luck.

Not only because of his ability to become a Son of Destiny but because he had an inspiration. If things went smoothly, it would greatly help him when he creates his Fate Incarnations.

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