Novel Name : Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 334: Huang Yuan

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Wang Wei turned his head to see Lan Ling and Wan Luo standing behind him and looking in the direction of the Dao Opening Sect.

"Senior brother, you must be joking. How could I know such a powerful Heaven Chosen as Sacred Son Wang Wei?" replied Wang Wei calmly, without a hint of shame after complimenting himself.

True. A person like that which has a great chance of becoming a Great Emperor lives in a completely different world from us," said Wan Luo, his voice containing a little melancholy.

"There is no need to belittle yourself, senior brother. I'm sure you have your own advantage; you should be proud of that," said Lan Ling in a soft voice.

"You're right, junior sister. So what if this Wang Wei is powerful. When it comes to Alchemy, I, Wan Luo, am not afraid of anyone."

"It is common knowledge that Sacred Son Wang Wei has a powerful and unique soul. If he ever decided to learn alchemy, his achievements would be unimaginable," suddenly added Wang Wei.

Wan Luo's mouth twisted after hearing this before giving his junior brother a harsh stare. He had just regained his confidence, but now…

"Plus, he's very handsome. Probably more handsome than you, senior brother. Wouldn't you agree, senior sister?" said Wang Wei, further adding salt to Wan Luo's injury.

Lan Ling internally sighed. Although he agreed with Lou Cheng, she would not admit this out loud in front of her senior brother.

"You," said Wan Luo as he pointed his finger at Lou Cheng. "What about you? Can you compare to him in both appearance and ability?"

"You're right, senior brother, I cannot and I accept this fact."

Wan Luo instantly felt like something was stuck in his throat after hearing this answer. In the end, he just snorted coldly before ignoring Lou Cheng.

After all, the latter was right. Wan Luo knew that even if he managed to acquire the position of Young Pill Sage and become the Heaven Chosen of the Origin Pill Dao Sect, he could not compete with someone like Wang Wei.

So, even if he was indignant, angry, ashamed, all he could do was swallow this breath. It's not like he could do anything to Wang Wei. In terms of status, strength, and potential, he was completely outmatched.

So, the only thing he could do is pretend that things did not bother him or that it had nothing to do with him. As he said before, they belong to two different worlds.

Lan Ling gave his junior brother a slight look, 'My junior brother seemed to have changed a lot recently.'

Meanwhile, on the boat of the Dao Opening Sect, Wang Wei's clone was observing the people around. Not many Emperor Lineages showed up, and amongst the ones that did, only a few people were worth paying attention to.

He looked in the direction of the Sword Casting Villa where a young handsome man with sword eyebrows, white clothes, and a sword on his waist: it was Jian Wushuang.

Despite his calm and peaceful demeanor, Wang Wei could feel a deep arrogance hidden from his exterior appearance.

Wang Wei had noticed that Jian Wushuang experienced a change in personality during the Dao Tablets Secret Realm after his Infinity Sword Will managed to subdue his father's Absolute Cut Sword Will.

From what Wang Wei knew, the upper echelons of the Sword Casting Villa also noticed this change in temperament, so they ordered him to travel around the world to temper himself.

Sudden change in temperament is a normal thing if a person's state of mind or Dao Heart is not firm enough. Logically speaking, Jian Wushuang should have awakened after he experienced defeat at Lin Fan's hand more than 500 years ago. However, it seems not.

Wang Wei guessed that Su Ya used some method to influence Jian Wushuang. After all, from what he knows, she has been scheming against him for quite some time now.

If her plans work, Wang Wei guessed that Jian Wushuang will either end up dead or in terrible shape. Either way, Wang Wei does not care.

After all, Jian Wushuang is his enemy/competitor. His death is advantageous to him.

Additionally, his demise is actually quite inconsequential. From what he learned from his father and grandfather, not all the Heaven Chosen currently active on the world stage will make it to the Heaven Will Battle.

Some will die halfway through, some will have their Dao Heart shattered and no longer wish to pursue the Emperor Path. Many other people will suddenly grow up and replace the current people.

More importantly, there are many hidden seats, families, or factions that will not show themselves until the appropriate time.

In conclusion, the Heaven Will Battle will not be simple. Not even a tenth of the participants have shown up yet.

After thinking about this, Wang Wei's clone eyes moved to another boat. This one belongs to the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and their current Heaven Chosen, Huang Yuan.

From the information currently known about him, he is from the Lower Realm and was discovered by a member of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. So, they pooled a lot of their resources together to exchange for an Identity Token for him from an Emperor Lineage so that he can participate in this generation's battle.

After meeting this guy, Wang Wei instantly felt that something was wrong. He felt a particular breath from Huan Yuan; the breath of Heavenly Dao. And he knew that all of the people who placed their names on the Heavenly Dao Protection Book and attained immortality had that same breath.

However, it was very faint on Huang Yuan; it was so faint to the point of being unnoticeable. In fact, the clone did not detect the breath, but the real body who was posing as Lou Cheng did.

Immediately afterward, Wang Wei's brain began to think; he knew that there must be some secret here. His first instinct was to use his Fate Reading Technique to find the Truth. Unfortunately, a dark aura seemed to be protecting Huang Yuan.

So, he used his brain instead. He suddenly remembered one of the Top 30 Heaven Chosens from the Academy's Trial. It was the ranked 23rd whose name was also Huang Yuan.

From what he remembered, this guy was from a Supreme Land called Soaring Lantern Valley.

'Now, the question is, what is the relationship or connection between these two Huang Yuan?' thought Wang Wei. He did not think that this was merely a coincidence of two people having the same name–especially after sensing that breath.

Immediately, he contacted the current acting leader of the Fate Shadow Guard in Wang Ju's absence. He ordered him to find the whereabouts of Huang Yuan from Soaring Lantern Valley.

While Wang Wei was staring at the Huang Yuan from afar, the latter noticed his gaze and looked at him back. Immediately, Wang Wei knew that he was right to assume that this guy had a secret.

This was because of his eyes. They displayed a level of vicissitudes, a wisdom that could only be possible through time. He had seen such eyes from his grandfather and grandmother.

There is no way for a young person to have such eyes. Truth be told, the only young person he knows who has such eyes is Di Tian, however, he also knew that it was because the latter was an old monster that has lived for who knows how long and experienced too many things.

So, after seeing Huang Yuan's eyes, two thoughts came to his mind: "Reincarnation or Body Possession."

Of course, there is also the possibility that this guy had a fortunate encounter that allowed him to experience Samsara, to experience myriad lives, thus explaining why he has such eyes.

Whatever the truth is, it does not change the fact that Huang Yuan has become an unknown factor in this generation's battle for the throne. As such, he must be investigated and his secrets must be known.

That way, it will be easier for Wang Wei to deal with him.

After coming to this conclusion, Wang Wei removed his eyes from Huang Yuan, meanwhile, the latter frowned as he pondered to himself:

'Did he discover something? Probably not, but based on his reaction, he might be suspicious of me. *Sigh* Heaven Chosens of such a powerful world is nothing compared to the Lower Realm.'

If his body possession is discovered, it will only be a minor inconvenience for him when it comes to consequences. However, he will lose the ability to use this knowledge in a beneficial way.

So, actions must be taken to cover his tracks.

'Luckily for me, I could not destroy the other guy's body and soul. However, I have to find a way to erase his memories.'

Huang Yuan quickly thought of ways to cover his track and prevent his secrets from being leaked.

Meanwhile, Wang Wei's eyes looked in another direction as someone else's caught his attention.

"Who is that?" he asked one of the Supreme Elders that were accompanying him.

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