Novel Name : Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1513

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Chapter 1513After saying that, Tessa turned to leave. On the way back to the restaurant, she couldn’t help thinking

that something was strange. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that things did not

add up.

When Mona first arrived at Southend, she did not show any symptoms of having trouble acclimatizing

from her travels. Wait a minute… Tessa abruptly stopped in her tracks. Mona’s reaction earlier is similar

to the morning sickness I experienced during my previous pregnancy. Could it be…

Her expression changed slightly at the thought, then she hastily returned to Mona’s room and knocked

on the door. It did not take long before the door opened. Mona seemed surprised to see Tessa standing

outside the door.

“What’s wrong?” She glanced at Tessal quizzically. Tessa did not respond immediately, choosing.

instead to enter the room with Mona in tow. When they were securely inside the room, she settled

Mona on the couch and questioned sternly, “Mona, tell me honestly. Are you pregnant?”

Mona’s expression stiffened at the question. Seeing the change in Mona’s expression, Tessa

immediately understood the situation. She pressed onward, “Is Edward the father?”

The question made Mona stiffen in shock. She stared at Tessa in astonishment. “How did you know?”

“That’s because Edward asked me about you a few days ago.” Tessa did not conceal the truth and

provided an analysis of the situation back then. “Although he said nothing at the time, based on my

understanding of his character, he would not ask about somebody for no reason. Something must have


Mona fell silent, not knowing what to say. After some time, she finally pursed her lips and admitted the

truth. “You’re right. It’s his child.” “So, he took advantage of you that night?” Tessa’s expression became

grim and stern. Although she did not believe Edward was that kind of person, she couldn’t help

assuming the worst due to the situation before her.Knowing that her best friend was misunderstanding the situation, Mona quickly shook her head and

denied those accusations. “He did not take advantage of me. It was me…. In any case, it was an


Tessa could tell that her best friend was not willing to talk about the incident, so she did not ask for

more information.

“What are your plans now? What do you think of this child? You have not told Edward about your

pregnancy, have you?” She fired a barrage of questions, but she couldn’t help feeling curious about

what happened between them that night.

Judging by her best friend’s tone, it would seem that her best friend was the one who pushed Edward

down. Be that as it may, she did not believe that was possible.

It had to be said that Edward was very skilled in martial arts. Under normal circumstances, he would

have no trouble dealing with ten opponents on his own. Besides, he was completely sober that night..

Unfortunately, the entire incident was ultimately her best friend’s private affairs. It was not her place to

question the incident, so she kept silent in the end. Mona was oblivious to these thoughts..

After listening to Tessa’s questions, she hesitated. ‘What happened that night was an accident. We are

adults. It’s no big deal.” By the end of her statement, she seemed to have made a decision about

something. Her voice lightened considerably as a result.

Tessa frowned deeply. “So… you don’t plan to inform Edward about your pregnancy, and you plan to

secretly abort the child. Is that what you’re saying?”

It was evident that she did not approve of her best friend’s decision. “I can understand your feelings.

But, I personally believe that, as one of the parties involved in this incident, Edward deserves to knowabout the situation, even if it was just an accident.”

While Tessa was persuading Mona, a sudden idea occurred to her. Both Mona and Edward were

single. Even though they barely had contact with each other in the past, something like that had

happened between them. It could even be regarded as fate.

I should try pushing them to get to know each other better. Let’s just do it. Tessa did not blurt out her

intentions in a straightforward manner. Instead, she began. talking about Edward’s strong points.

“To be honest, I think that Edward is a great guy. He’s got the looks, albeit slightly inferior to my

husband. You should consider developing a new relationship with him. Besides, your family is pestering

you to attend various blind dates, no? Why don’t you choose an acquaintance instead?”

novelbinMona was stunned. She did not expect her best friend to try and matchmake her with the other party.

Her best friend’s voice entered her ears again. “Don’t be fooled by the fact that Edward is my

husband’s assistant. His net worth is upwards of millions. Moreover, he is a morally upright person. You

won’t find strange people loitering around him.”

At this point, Mona did not know whether to laugh or cry. “Even if that’s the case, he’s not my type,” She

firmly shook her head, clearly not interested in the notion.

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