Novel Name : Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1523

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Kieran exerted all his strength to grab the bouquet.

"Don't push me."

"Who stepped on my foot?"

"Oh no. I'm about to fall." The crowd was playing and joking around, and many fell to the ground.

The bouquet eventually tumbled to the edge of the crowd and ended up in Edward's hands, who had

only joined in to make up the numbers. Seeing this, Kieran quickly rose from the ground and walked

over. "Edward, let's make a deal. Give me this bouquet, and I'll get my brother to give you two weeks


Edward alternated his gaze between Kieran and the bouquet, feeling as if fate was reminding him to

get married. He shook his head and refused, saying, "No, I need this bouquet."

"What use do you have for it? You don't even have a girlfriend. It's better to give it to me. It can save

my life," convinced Kieran as he tried to grab the bouquet. Unfortunately, Edward was faster than him

and swiftly moved aside.

novelbinKnowing what Kieran wanted the flowers for, he laughed and advised, "If Master Kieran wants the

flower bouquet, you can go grab the one that Miss Gulliver is about to toss. As for this one, I do have a

use for it."

Kieran probably did not expect Edward to reject him firmly, so he frustratedly gritted his teeth whilestaring at him. Even so, Edward did not mind. As if a thought had come to his mind, he said with a

smile, "By the way, Master Kieran, what you said earlier is incorrect. I have a girlfriend, and there may

be good news soon. Don't forget to prepare two big gifts for me when that happens."

"Why two big gifts?" It caught Kieran's attention.

Edward smiled. "Because my girlfriend is pregnant. Don't you need gifts for the wedding and the baby

shower?" That revelation shocked Kieran. Seeing his reaction, Edward noticed that the second round

of flower bouquet tossing was about to begin and reminded him, "Hurry up and grab the bouquet,

Master Kieran. Otherwise, you won't be able to explain it to Mrs. Sawyer later."

When Kieran snapped out of it, he saw that Sabrina was getting ready to throw the flower bouquet, so

he quickly went over to snatch it. He feared that his mother would arrange blind dates for him every


On the stage, Tessa noticed Kieran's desperate attempt and was somewhat surprised. "What's wrong

with Kieran?"

"I bet he got threatened by Mom. She probably heard that the person who catches the wedding

bouquet would be the next one to get married," Nicholas explained while holding her hand.

"Does Mom believe that?" She laughed.

"She can't help it since Kieran is just dead set against getting married," he explained, laughing and

watching Kieran fight hard to grab the bouquet. After the bouquet tossing, the wedding ceremony was considered over, and the last segment was to

have a toast with the guests. After Nicholas and Tessa made the rounds, they went to the lounge. Once

inside, he took a set of regular clothes and handed them to her. "Change into this."

She was stunned and gazed at him in confusion. "Shouldn't I be wearing a gown?"

"No need. We'll leave the rest to Kieran, and we're off to our honeymoon," he explained with a smile. "I

just saw your brother came in here before us. They should be ready and waiting for us."

Hearing that, Tessa initially wanted to say something but could only comply and change into the

clothes. It seems like the two have discussed this beforehand.

After changing, Nicholas led Tessa to the hotel rooftop, where they saw a parked helicopter. Timothy

and Sabrina were already waiting on board. When they saw the couple, they urged them, "Hurry up,


Soon, the helicopter took off, alarming the guests at the wedding. Kieran recognized it as their family's

private helicopter and soon figured out what was happening. However, he wanted to confirm it first.

With that thought in mind, he hurriedly ran toward the lounge and bumped into Edward, who happened

to be walking out.

He immediately ran over and questioned Edward, "Where's my brother?"

"President Sawyer is taking Miss Tessa on their honeymoon. He said the company will be left under

your care for the next month. Young Master Gregory and Young Master Gordon have been entrusted to

you too. Oh, and you'll have to take care of the rest of the wedding ceremony," Edward told him frankly

and chuckled. "So, my brother and Timothy ran away?" Kieran gritted his teeth. It was something his brother and

Timothy had planned early on!

It was then that Gregory and Gordon ran over while holding hands. "Mr. Edward, have you seen Daddy

and Mommy?" The two little ones looked at him with big, innocent eyes.

Before he could respond, Kieran interjected fiercely, "Don't bother looking! Your daddy abandoned you.

You won't see your mommy for the entire month."

"Uncle Kieran, what do you mean?" Gregory looked at him with confusion.

Hearing that, Kieran ground his teeth and then thought of something. He deliberately instigated, "Your

daddy took your mommy on their honeymoon and left you behind to prevent you from disturbing their

time together."

"What?!" Gregory exclaimed and got angry. "That's not right. How could Daddy leave us behind? No

way. I want to give him a call."

Although Gordon did not understand the situation, he followed along and nodded. "Daddy is bad. Let's

find Daddy."

Unfortunately, when Gregory tried to call, he was told the receiver's phone had switched off.

Meanwhile, on the plane, Tessa was laughing at the man beside her. "It's just a honeymoon. Do you

have to abandon the kids? When you get back, they'll probably be angry with you." "It's not a honeymoon with them around." Nicholas did not think there was anything wrong with leaving

the two kids behind. On the contrary, he was happy to get rid of them. She could not help but laugh

when she looked at the man's proud expression.

Right then, he held her and let her sit on his lap before gently stroking her belly with one hand. "I hope

this little one will be a considerate baby girl."

"What if it's not a girl?" She could not resist teasing.

He replied without hesitation, "Then, we'll just hand the baby to their grandma."

"Oh, to have a father like you." Tessa laughed, her heart fluttering. After all, Nicholas was doing this

because he cared about her. Thinking of this, she nestled in his arms and whispered, "Let's be happy

like this forever."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and

continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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