Novel Name : My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance Chapter 136

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Chapter 13646. Something Pure CHARLENE.

That night we talked hours into the night, filling each other in on everything that had happened. Listening

to the things Thea had been subjected to at the hands of her father shocked me, and I realised how

lucky I was to grow up with a father who sheltered me. Even if I never saw eye–to–eye with my mother, it

was still nothing compared to what she had been through. We all had slowly drifted off, but my sleep was

plagued with nightmares of burning bodies, Hunter dying... Yileyna dying, and the world being conquered

by evil. The following day, no one came, and we simply sat there; starving, thirsty, and tired.

I felt too exhausted to talk much, and the day passed painstakingly slow. I was unsure when sleep kept

pulling me into its folds, and I had come down with a high temperature. I know they were talking to me

but nothing made much sense anymore... I awoke with a jolt and sat up my heart pounding, as I scanned

the area trying to figure out why I had awoken, when I saw the entrance scrape open. I wasn‘t the only

one to get up, not knowing what was to come. My heart was in my throat as I looked at the tall, hooded

figure that stood there. His glowing eyes were something I had never seen before. They were a variety of

golds and oranges, so similar to Yileyna yet so different.... It was only for a second, and I wondered if I

had imagined it. 1

Who is that?

Everyone was tense, wondering what was to come, but when he spoke, he took us all by surprise.

“I never thought I‘d say this, but it‘s good to see you all alive.” The deep voice came. My heart skipped a beat.

“Theon!” I exclaimed weakly.

He removed his hood and came over to Gamma Henry, braking his silver collar and cuffs off.

“We need to move fast.” He said quietly as he began breaking the chains on everyone with ease,

completely barehanded. His aura felt different too, it was stronger...

My heart thumped as he approached me. Why wasn‘t Hunter here?

“Are they alright?” I asked softly. His eyes met mine as he broke my collar, his eyes were multi–coloured,

just as I had thought I had seen from afar.

“They are.” He said, breaking my hands free, and I felt as if a weight had been lifted from me. The pain

that the silver was causing vanishing. “Theon, what‘s going on?” Raiden asked as Thea kissed her

brother, hugging him tightly.

“We don‘t have time, I‘ll explain on the way. I arrived here yesterday, but it took me a while to find you.

Tomorrow is the Alpha Gathering. I still don‘t know exactly what he‘s planning, but I have my theories,

and if I am correct, then we need to fucking stop him. I will take you all to safety. Grayson and Zarian are

not far outside of Westerfell. I‘ll take you there. I don‘t think anyone will come for you today...” He

scanned the cave.

“Sounds good to me, why the fuck have your eyes changed?” Ryan asked as everyone was finally free.

1 “He‘s marked.” Thea said smugly “Don‘t you think the eyes look familiar? Almost like Yil...” She trailed

off, her heart thudding as she looked at Raiden.

I didn‘t miss the look of sadness in his eyes, but he said nothing, holding his hand out to her.

“Congratulations.” He said after a moment, giving Thea a small smile, before he turned to Theon.

Their eyes met, and tension filled the room.

“Do not hurt my sister.” Theon said dangerously to him. “I won‘t.” Raiden replied, his blue eyes sharp.

“Don‘t hurt our Queen.” “I don‘t need to be told. I won‘t hurt her.” 1

A silence followed before Ryan cleared his throat.

“Wow, the ten–”

“Ryan! Do you need to always comment!” I exclaimed, taking everyone by surprise, and, for once, I

rendered him speechless... 2

We began to head to the exit.

“What is this place anyway?” Thea asked as she looked at the engravings.

“I can‘t be certain, but those engravings look just like the ones Arabella works with. I think this place

belonged to the Dark Ones.” Theon replied as he led the way out. A shiver ran down my spine, but I had a feeling he was right...

“Won‘t they find out we escaped?” Gamma Henry asked, as I stepped out to see dusk had fallen.

“No. Theoden is too busy preparing for the event tomorrow. Hunter should be here by nightfall, tomorrow

night when this gathering takes place, we attack.” Theon explained.


I knew the upcoming war was scary, but the fact it was here meant we would lose many… I was to meet

Gamma Grayson, and I knew before this war, I needed to tell him... As for Hunter, I would have to tell

him about our baby too.

“Theon, Theon.” Thea was whispering.


“Hunter‘s going to be a daddy.”

Theon looked at her sharply, before glancing at me.

“He will be happy.” He said simply, and I smiled weakly. It may not be a direct compliment, but from

Theon, it was a great thing to hear. The closest thing to a compliment or a congratulations I would ever

get, and it was enough “Come on, you little pipsqueak. I‘m still shocked you shouted at me.” Ryan said,

taking hold of my arm and slinging it around his neck as he supported my waist.

That‘s what sisters are for. 5

The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back. I needed Gamma Grayson‘s blessing

before I told anyone else, and if he did not want me to ever tell Ryan, then I wouldn‘t. We managed to leave Westerfell undetected, and sure enough, it was clear the city was preparing for a

grand festival or something, but I had a feeling the meaning behind it was going to be a lot darker than

that. Theoden was up to something, and Theon‘s words echoed in my mind repeatedly as I tried to make

sense of them.

I felt my vision darkening, and then I lost consciousness...


I could feel the intense tingles wash through me and I wondered if I was dreaming... That felt like

Hunter‘s touch... If it was a dream, then I never wanted to wake up... This scent... it was his too...

My eyes fluttered open, and I realised I was lying on a bed in a cosy room, bathed in a warm glow. But it

was the handsome man gazing down at me that made my heart skip a beat.

“Hunter!” I cried, flinging my arms around his neck. He caught me, pulling me into his lap as he hugged

me tightly.

“My Luna.” He murmured huskily as he began kissing my neck, making my core clench. “I missed you.” I

whispered, kissing his lips deeply. He didn‘t reply, simply kissing me back hard. We didn‘t speak for

several moments, simply kissing one another like there was no tomorrow. When we finally broke apart,

breathing heavily, I buried my nose in his neck. It felt like a dream come true to see him here.

“How long was I out?” I asked softly. “A few hours; the doctor checked you over, she said you were weak

but well.”

“I‘m glad.” I whispered. “Did she say.”

A knock on the door interrupted us and we turned to see none other than Ailema standing there, with a

knowing smile on her face. “Ah, I see I‘m just on time to check on my patient.” She stated. “You‘re adoctor too?” I asked surprised. “I am many things.” She replied secretively, her eyes sparkling. “I am

uncertain if you know but you are.”

“I know.” I interrupted, giving her an apologetic smile, as Hunter frowned, looking between us both


I guess no one had told him anything, my thoughts were confirmed when Thea appeared at the door.

She had showered and her hair was in a ponytail. Despite the fading marks of the collars, she looked

much better. “Go on.” She urged as Ryan and Raiden appeared behind her. I turned to look at Hunter,

who was looking between us.

“So, what am I missing?” He asked.

“Give them some privacy, come now.” Ailema said as I turned to Hunter, hearing Thea‘s protest.

“You are going to have to make sure you come back to me safe and sound, because it‘s not only my life

that is now tied to yours... so is our pup‘s.” I said, gently placing his hand on my stomach.

His eyes widened slightly, his heart racing before he looked down at my stomach. My own stomach was

a mess of nerves, my heart thundering as I watched his reaction.

“I put a pup in you...” He murmured.

I smiled at his shock, before a smirk crossed his lips and he tugged me closer, kissing me hard.

‘I will definitely return to you both, because I have so much to live for...‘

Yes, yes we do.

I heard the door shut but I didn‘t care, allowing my Alpha to pin me to the bed. He kissed me, as if it was

the first and last time. It was an hour later, and although I had wanted Hunter to make love to me, he refused, saying I was far

too weak yet. I guess I was...

I had showered before going outside to see exactly where we were. We were far enough from Westerfell

not to be discovered, the trees were an excellent cover for us and magic was masking where our armies

were gathering. To my happiness, Madelia and several other mages and fae were willing to help us.

Some who had fled when Dad had died. Men were readying for war; Fae, Mages, and Werewolves all


Thea told me that the warriors had been working on the battle plans, and Theon had said he and Yileyna

would lead the resistance from within. The plan was to trap Theoden in the middle and kill him, but

Theon‘s first aim was Arabella.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookHe had left earlier, not being able to be away from the castle for long, but Thea was still part of his pack.

Even if her father had sold her, she had never been initiated into the pack of her abusers. She would

keep him filled in, being the link between us and him.

I was now mustering the courage to speak to Gamma Grayson, and when I saw him walk away from the

crowds, I looked at Hunter, who gave me a nod. I didn‘t need to give him an explanation for him to

understand. I just hoped Gamma Grayson wouldn’t shun me...

“Gamma.” I called, when I caught up.

“Princess, you need to be careful, what with the good news.” He said, and I smiled. “I will be careful.” I

promised, fidgeting with the hem of the tunic I had been given to wear.”

There is something I wanted to share with you, Gamma Grayson... If I offend you in any way, please

don‘t hesitate to admonish me.” “Speak your mind, you need not hesitate.” He encouraged, looking at me with concern. “I will understand

if you don‘t want me to ever repeat this again, but with the war looming above our heads, I wanted to tell

you... King Andres was not my biological father.” I whispered, looking at him with fear in my eyes.

Did he understand?

My heart thundered as he stared at me. His expression betrayed nothing, and those few seconds felt like

years. I didn‘t speak, waiting for him to make an excuse to leave, but he didn‘t. He stepped closer,

cupping my face.

“You‘re mine.” He said quietly.

Tears stung my eyes. “I know the way mother tricked you was wrong... She admitted to using magic, but

she was your fated mate. She spelled Dad because she wanted to be Luna...” I mumbled.

“None of those things matter.” He said before he welcomed me into his embrace. “I always held a special

spot for you when you were a child, yet I thought it was because you were my Alpha‘s daughter, not

knowing it is because you are mine.”

I closed my eyes in relief as I hugged him back. “So, that was some interesting shit.” 3 I froze when

Ryan‘s voice came. I pulled away quickly, only to realise he wasn‘t alone. Zoe was standing right beside

him. No, I wasn‘t meant to ruin this.

My heart was thumping as Zoe came towards me, and where I was ready for her wrath, she simply took

my hands, smiling softly.

“Grayson told me of what occurred between himself and Soleil, and when you told him just now that she

used magic against him... I understood how lucky I am to have him in my life. If she had claimed him as

her mate, I would not have found such a perfect forgive Soleil, but Grayson‘s daughter is my own.” 4 Her

words made me overwhelmed, and I couldn‘t stop the tears that fell from my eyes as I hugged her tightly.“I‘m so sorry for all the pain this may have caused you.” “Do not apologise for something you had no say

in. The goddess bestowed you in Soleil‘s womb, but if you were mine.”

“Then you wouldn‘t be so pale and you sure as heck wouldn’t be ginger.” Ryan added.

Both Zoe and I turned to look at him, before looking at one another.

Then, we all burst into laughter.

“This boy is a fool.” Zoe scolded, smacking her son lightly over the head. “I agree, and the Queen made

him Gamma.” Gamma Grayson chuckled, pulling Zoe into his

arms and planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

I smiled as Ryan simply smirked at me. “Even if we are siblings, you don‘t get to tell me what to do.” He


“We shall see.” I replied, smiling sweetly, making the elders smile. Suddenly I felt like I had a perfect,

beautiful family once again, but this time, it just felt so much purer. 2

Thank you Goddess.

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