Novel Name : Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 537 - Win Some, Lose Some

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Chapter 537 - Win Some, Lose Some

Across the vastness of space of the Novus Galaxy, a particularly powerful being was watching a singular illusory screen showcasing the quick battle at the Verittas Fortress.

Aldrich, the remaining Founder of the Celestials watched on with out so much as a change of emotions in his eyes as two Star Forging Realm Celestials were actually killed, and in a short time at that by the 9th Infernal Lord that had many mysteries surrounding him!

Yet at this moment, no anger or wrath was apparent on his face, only slight surprise as he closed his eyes and sent forth a telepathic message.

"Advance the Realm Dreadnoughts forward and pierce through the layers of defenses."

A terrifying command released from him and went towards Celestials Commanders already stationed and waiting at specific locations, the powerful vessels known as Realm Dreadnoughts that only Star Forging Commanders piloted moving forward!

The place they were stationed and hidden at were actually extremely important strongholds where the Star Forging experts of the Dark Expanse protected, and amazingly, a few of these experts had left their posts to quickly go towards the Verittas Fortress to save a certain being that should have been facing a certain death.

These Strongholds were now left unprotected, the forces that Aldrich had stationed in advance moving out as they began to rip through the defenses of beings which had no Star Forging leaders to protect them!

Aldrich's eyes shone with a golden l.u.s.ter as even though he has lost two Star Forging Golden Commanders unexpectedly at the hands of the 9th Infernal Lord, he still stood much to gain as things still went exactly how he expected.

"You win some and you lose some, hmm?"

His face had a widening smile as his eyes focused a whole lot more onto the Infernal Lord staying stationary while being surrounded by two Authorities of universal laws, the terrifying plan he hatched already taking form as even with a loss today, his forces would gain so much more as they would finally pierce through the important layers of the Dark Expanse!

"But you…"

A contemplative gaze was apparent on Aldrich as he stared at the illusory figure of the 9th Infernal Lord on the screen, many thoughts crossing his mind as a golden light of fate enveloped his location.


In the Verittas Fortress, the shocking auras of multiple Star Forging beings had made their appearance in succession within the minutes following the death of the two Star Forging Golden Commanders.

The Grand Mage Edrusim, the 4th and 5th Infernal Lords, and a single Vampyre Lord all stood in the periphery as they looked towards this being, their hearts seeing a bright future with such a creature standing with them!

They were about to go towards the red and blue circle of authority when each of them began receiving news from their forces, news that mentioned Realm Dreadnoughts with Star Forging Golden Commanders in the lead had actually made their moves at this exact moment!

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell."

Edrusim cursed under his breath as he turned around right where he was, his body beginning to teleport vast distances as the other Star Forgers were doing the same as they rushed to protect the command the post they left.

Only the four of them- Edrusim, the 4th and 5th Infernal Lords, as well as the single Vampyre Lord had rushed to this location at high speed, the other experts of the same realm turning around halfway through after they saw that the 9th Infernal Lord could somehow defend himself.

This was because they also understood how risky it was to leave their posts during times of war, so only Edrusim and the other three continued forward to the Verittas Fortress just to make sure another Star Forging Golden Commander did not pop up to target the 9th Infernal Lord while the rest rushed back to their posts.

They didn't expect the Celestial to still be plotting and actually exploit this period of time, powerful Celestial Legions actually moving on important locations that had yet to be attacked since the beginning of the war!

Even Noah with his position as a Celestial Commander did not know about this, the Legions being sent this time actually being under the Leadership of Star Forging Golden Commanders, with the release of three Realm Dreadnaughts to attack three specific strongholds with even higher importance than the Verittas Fortress.

So even though some of the Star Forgers from the side of the Dark Expanse had returned to their posts halfway through, they had still left them as the Celestials hiding in wait went forth and attacked, beginning to decimate their remaining forces as they worked to quickly take over these strongholds!

The Grand Mage Edrusim was receiving numerous communications of this plot as he gritted his teeth while streaking across the void of space, teleporting vast distances every now and then as he neared his Mage's Tower where he could see and command everything in just three minutes.

The Mage's Tower was hectic as reports flooded in, Edrusim resuming control as the situation across the Dark Expanse became clearer.

In just a matter of minutes and with the reduced defenses of some strongholds, more than five locations were pierced through and overtaken, three of them being those that faced the three Legions which had a Golden Commander leading a Realm Dreadnought!

Colossal losses were taken, the forces of the Dark Expanse realizing that the plot of Celestials today was not just the assassination of the unique 9th Infernal Lord, but to also use the chaos surrounding this to lay a siege which actually succeeded in capturing 5 locations!

Other strongholds were gradually fighting and holding on as their Commanders returned and faced the Star Forging Celestial Commanders, especially the locations where Vampyres were protecting being those that actually could not be taken over in time before all their forces returned.

But the damage was done! On this day, Celestials advanced further into the Dark Expanse than all the days since the war began, gaining a major victory even with the loss of two Star Forging Golden Commanders under the power of the 9th Infernal Lord!

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