Novel Name : The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 248: I want to go back to earth

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Chapter 248: I want to go back to earth

Frieza’s seclusion was a big matter for the current turbulent North Area, as there were no strong people to step forth and swiftly unify them. Only, with each of these Corps’ capability in fighting, it was just like getting caught up in the conflict of subordinates.

It is foreseeable that for a long period of time in the future, North Area will be busy with the change of authority and reconstruction of forces.

Although Frieza nominally handed over the ruling authority to the two brothers, Abo and Kado, he did not directly order the other Corps to obey the brothers, Abo and Kado. This vagueness in treatment could be faintly seen from Frieza where he had not used his name to recall his subordinates, instead, used Abo and Kado’s name.

He did not personally “pass his position”, instead, he only stood with the brothers on the platform. Every corp had similar people who could not accept the two brothers, Abo and Kado. Only Frieza himself could suppress these people. So, at this moment, the seeds of dispute had already been buried; which may take a long time to restore the calm.

However, this was probably what Frieza wanted to see. With the Abo and Kado brothers capabilities, it was no problem to control the main territory under Frieza, but since the surrounding vassals were eyeing them menacingly, they could only continue to rely on the secluded Frieza.

Of course, all these have nothing to do with Vegeta and the others. Vegeta had no interest in the new leaders, the Abo and Kado brothers, after confirming that Frieza had not died.

Coldly glancing at Frieza on the tall platform, Vegeta said, “Nappa, let’s go.”

“Hey, aren’t we going to wait for the new leaders to finish their speech?” Nappa asked in surprise.

Vegeta sneered. “Since Frieza is not dead, what is the importance of this so-called new leaders? They are nothing but puppets placed as a front. If you have to time to stay and watch, then it is better to use it to increase your strength.

Regarding the brothers, Abo and Kado, Vegeta did not think much of them. How can a prideful prince place his sights on the so-called “puppets”? What he was more interested in was the reason why Frieza wanted to hide behind the scenes. Was it really like what is said in the rumors, that it is because of the threat of a powerful enemy?

“No matter what Frieza is plotting, whether he is scared or escaping, the only person who can defeat Frieza in the future will be me.”

Vegeta vowed in his heart.

When, in the past, all the members of the Saiyan race served King Frieza, even his father, King Vegeta, had no choice but to obey Frieza’s arrangement on the surface, but he did not get much in return. Saying it in pleasant words, they were Frieza’s subordinates and saying it in unpleasant words, they were just slaves; which is unacceptable to Vegeta who is prideful by nature.

Vegeta want to prove with his strength that the Saiyan is the best race in the universe and not subordinates of some race.

“OK.” Nappa nodded as he stroked his smooth head. Although he didn’t quite understand what Vegeta meant, since Prince Vegeta was saying so, then he will do as instructed.

“Raditz, quickly go and accept an appropriate mission,” Napps commanded Raditz.

Trifling matters like choosing missions was usually done by Raditz, who had the worst strength.


Raditz also nodded his head, not the slightest bit resentful, and soon ran to pick up a mission. Afterwards, the three of them left Frieza’s third administrative planet on a spaceship, travelling like mercenaries in the universe.

East Area, Planet Hongshan.

The dawn’s sunlight crept up through the horizon, and sunlight gradually shone upon the dark mountain-tops. The sunlight drove the thin mist away, and a new day once again arrived.

“Knock! Knock! Knock!”

Early in the morning, the door of Xiaya’s house was knocked on.

Xiaya’s house was located in the middle of the villas at the center of the city, and of course, it had the best modern facilities and environment. As it was the place where their leader lives, generally no one would knock on the door rudely like this.

“Who is it?” Myers ran out in slippers.

She opened the door and saw a girl with blonde curly hair wearing green halter top standing at the doorway. The girl’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and it looked like she was waiting impatiently.

“Launch, why have you come over?” Myers asked, surprised.

Normally, Launch stays on the floating island, and seldom comes to Planet Hongshan. On one hand, because of the strong gravity on the planet, she always had to wear the customized gravity control device; on the other hand, she doesn’t want to be beaten up at all as the Saiyans on Planet Hongshan were too strong.

So, she rarely comes to Planet Hongshan.

“Hey, is Xiaya here? I have had enough, I want to go back to Earth!”

Blonde-haired Launch rushed in and directly sat down on a sofa in the living room without the slightest bit of unfamiliarity.

It made sense that she, an earthling, couldn’t bear to stay on Planet Hongshan for such a long time as everyone here was stronger than her, and she was just like a little sheep among a pride of lions. Although there is no danger here, such a situation was too depressing, and there was no sense of accomplishment.

“What was the blue-haired Launch thinking? She actually came to such a place!” Blonde-haired Launch grumbled.

“Do you want to go back to Earth?” At this time, Xiaya walked over to Blonde-haired Launch’s side.

He noticed that Blonde-haired Launch was wearing the clothes that she bought for herself when he first met her. On her upper body was a green halter top, and below was a skintight cowboy shorts; her golden beautiful hair was strapped with a red headscarf. It was the usual dress of the blue-haired Launch. The two slender white thighs were exposed to the air, brimming with a girly aura.

Because, when he bought her clothes at that time, he had fully combed through a shop, and bought a lot of different styles and of all sizes, enough for Launch to wear for a few years.

“Mhm, I’m bored to death staying on Planet Hongshan. Employees also have holidays. You have to let me go back to earth to have fun!” Blonde-haired Launch raised a teacup, took a drink and said.

“Hmm, what you said is true.”

Xiaya agreed with Blonde-haired Launch’s words. Having Launch stay on Planet Hongshan all the time, and not giving her personal time was really a problem. Even if Blue-haired Launch would not have any complaint, it was hard to say about Blonde-haired Launch. Looking at her, you could tell that she was already very dissatisfied.

“Right, right, employees always require holidays.” Blonde-haired Launch, with her eyes shining, leaned closer to his face without realizing how tempting her action was.

Smelling the fragrance that she was exuding, Xiaya lightly coughed twice, nodded and agreed. “You want to go back to earth to have fun, it is not impossible, but the prerequisite is to complete the task of watering the Senzu Beans.”

Hearing him, she happily patted her chest. “Hahaha, I am already done with it. Next, as long as Aunt Gine and the others continue to look after them, it will be fine until the Senzu Beans harvest.

Blonde-haired Launch took away the Blue-haired one’s credits into her own hands.

She predicts the Senzu Beans’ first year’s harvest to be better than expected. In the past on earth, during Korin’s harvest of one year, when it was high it may be more than one hundred, and when it was low, the crop was likely to be a complete failure; but the floating island was created based on the growing environment for Senzu Beans, so the yield would be better. This year, they could harvest about 500 Senzu Beans.

This quantity was naturally not much, just like collecting drops of water in a bowl, but after accumulating over a long period of time, the amount would only become more and more.

“Such being the case, then after you finish your work every year, I’ll allow you to go back to Earth on holidays for the remaining time!” Xiaya laughed.

“Hee hee, that settles it then!”

Blonde-haired Launch was overjoyed, fearing that Xiaya would renege on his words, she kept talking.

“Hehe, I can finally go back to Earth. The Saiyans on Planet Hongshan are all too powerful. I have only been bullied here. After I return to Earth, I will be free. When the sky is high, the bird will fly. I can do whatever I want!” Blonde-haired Launch delightedly thought.

So under Blonde-haired Launch’s suggestion, Xiaya put his hand on her shoulder and launched Instant Transmission.

When she returned to Earth and smelled the familiar smell in the air, the blonde-haired Launch suddenly felt tearful, as if she had just escaped from the abyss.

Boo hoo, I’ve finally returned to Earth.

“Launch, you can do whatever you want until you intend to return, then I’ll come to pick you up,” Xiaya said, letting go of Launch’s shoulder.

“Well, I know, then I will go first.” Blonde-haired Launch impatiently waved her hand, then soared directly high into the sky, her reply came from the direction where she had flown off to.

Looking at the frightened blonde-haired Launch’s receding figure, Xiaya shook his head helplessly, “This little girl, she must have been holding back on Planet Hongshan with all her might, but this is going to be a disaster for the people on earth.”

He was not at all worried about Launch’s safety, instead, he felt that the earthlings were going to suffer. Blonde-haired Launch’s current Battle Power was 180, and seriously, there weren’t many people on earth that could defeat her. It was equivalent to Tien Shinhan’s Battle Power when he participated in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.

And maybe only Mercenary Tao could fight with Launch, but only with great difficulty; Master Roshi and Master Shen were still a little worse.

“I didn’t expect that I would meddle like this, making Launch the most powerful earthling.” Xiaya shook his head and smiled, but after thinking about it, this Launch was after all trained by Korin himself; it was impossible not to become strong.

Xiaya stopped thinking and prepared to return, but since he had come to earth, he should go back to the peninsula city to look at his other home on earth. Therefore, Xiaya launched Instant Transmission and arrived at the peninsula city by the seaside.

This place was not far from the Kame House where Master Roshi lived, and it would only take over an hour to get there with a speedboat.

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