Novel Name : The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 929: Enormous continent

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Chapter 929: Enormous continent

After sending Meifei and Android 18 back to Planet Hongshan, Xiaya didn’t stay there for long and continued to the Angel Realm. Angel Realm, Time Realm, and Dragon Realm are all high-level dimensions located in the sea of space-time. They stand as the three vertices of a triangle, each holding up a vast dimension.

These three realms have a transcendent status, with strong spatial barriers separating them. Each world is protected by several layers or hundreds of layers of defensive barriers.

Especially the Angel Realm, which has an astonishing number of three thousand spatial membranes.

Passing through layer after layer of complex spatial membranes, with each membrane crossed, it felt like undergoing a baptism. For intruders, these membranes were their top obstacle. However, for someone like Xiaya, who had gained the recognition of the Time King and the Universe King, entering the Angel Realm was a completely different experience.

Xiaya squinted his eyes, and the “Domain” world within his body began to rotate like a small sun, continuously providing a steady stream of energy. The consumption of traversing these spaces not only didn’t make him feel tired but rather invigorated him due to the supply of energy.

What pleased Xiaya was that the energy within the “Domain” world underwent constant changes and improvements between each extraction and nurturing process, constantly refining itself.

“It’s truly marvelous! After each consumption, the energy within the Domain undergoes a change, and the purity of the energy even somewhat increases.” Breaking through one spatial barrier after another, as Xiaya continuously crossed the membranes, he got closer and closer to the Angel Realm. Soon, he entered the range of the Angel Realm.

With a swoosh, the final barrier was pushed aside, and the foggy environment suddenly changed, revealing a clear view.

The moment Xiaya entered the Angel Realm, a refreshing aura struck him.

Looking up, he saw a sky blue sky, gentle breezes, drifting white clouds, and a clear sky that seemed to have just been cleansed by rainwater. In the boundless sky, a hemispherical object floated. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the hemispherical object was enormous, and on it was a large continent.

At this moment, Xiaya appeared below the floating continent. The towering magnificence of the continent made him smile, and he said, “Interesting, this floating object is actually a continent. It looks a lot like Earth’s Lookout, but it’s countless times larger.”

Xiaya mused for a while before flying towards the enormous floating continent.

As he neared the Angel Realm’s continent, the oppressive feeling in the surrounding space grew stronger. Even with the strength at the fifth level of the Divine Realm, Xiaya could feel the pressure.

The pressure in the Angel Realm surpassed that of the Dragon Realm. It was the home of all Angels, and ordinary experts at the fourth level of the Divine Realm were the “natives” here. Apart from them, there were also experts from various eras. From this, one could only imagine the scale of the Angel Realm.

Feeling a little emotional, Xiaya transformed into a divine light and flew towards the Angel Realm’s continent.

When he set foot on the land of the continent, the sensation of solid ground intoxicated him. Boom, a profound and boundless aura struck his face, followed by a slight trembling of the ground. Indescribable ripples passed through his feet, as if they came from ancient times, constantly emitting an ancient aura.

Every rock and inch of land of the Angel Realm’s continent was inscribed with ancient aura. Here, one could feel the weight of the distant past and also experience the awe-inspiring spirit that suppresses everything and which established the heaven and earth for all beings in the myriad universes.

Xiaya looked at the distant scenery, slightly fascinated. His thoughts expanded, and in an instant, everything within a hundred miles appeared in his mind. However, with his fifth level of Divine Realm’s strength, he could only cover a minuscule fraction of the Angel Realm’s continent. Anything farther was beyond his perception.

“It seems that it will take some time to find Xiling and Myers.”

Xiaya smiled faintly. He didn’t lack time now; instead, he leisurely strolled through the Angel Realm, much like taking a casual walk. Along the way, he saw many Angels dressed like Whis. These Angels varied in age and gender, and their strengths were not all at the fourth level of the Divine Realm.

Clearly, these were the native ordinary Angels of the Angel Realm, while the ones sent to the Multiverse below were among the elites.

After several hours had passed, Xiaya had explored most of the Angel Realm’s continent and finally saw Xiling and Myers’ figures on a field. At this moment, they were receiving guidance from an Archangel, and their strength had reached the third level of the Divine Realm.

“This Angel’s strength is not weaker than that of the Great Priest. Angel Realm truly lives up to its reputation.”

Xiaya’s voice startled Xiling and Myers, and the two women snapped out of their training-induced daze.

“Xiaya, why are you here?” Xiling exclaimed with delight. Seeing Xiaya here, she felt extremely surprised, and her bright eyes shimmered.

“Just came to see you guys. Not bad, your strength has improved a lot, almost on par with Meifei,” Xiaya smiled.

“Of course, if we were still being surpassed by that brat, what would happen to our reputation?” Myers proudly lifted her head, looking very pleased. As a mother, she couldn’t help but feel greatly affected by the fact that her own daughter had surpassed her.

Xiaya chuckled and nodded at the Archangel on the side. She was a female angel with a graceful appearance similar to Vados, but her realm was at the fifth level of the Divine Realm.

“Miss Angel, we have troubled you during this period.”

“There is no need for excessive formality. I am also following the orders of Universe King,” the female Angel said calmly, nodding slightly towards Xiaya.

As an angel of the Angel Realm, the orders of Universe King were the highest directives. Universe King had instructed her to guide Xiling and Myers, so she naturally devoted herself to it wholeheartedly without any personal emotions.

Angels were neutral figures who didn’t let personal feelings interfere with their work.

“Xiaya, Miss Malika’s realm is at the fifth level of the Divine Realm,” Myers shouted excitedly, as if receiving guidance from a fifth-level Divine Realm expert was an extraordinary thing.


Xiaya nodded with a smile, not wanting to disturb her good mood. He waved his hand, allowing Xiling and Myers to continue their training, while he stood aside, quietly watching with a warm smile on his face.

So far, Xiaya has encountered many powerful experts. The Archangel named Malika was undoubtedly a formidable existence. In the Angel Realm, someone like her, at the fifth level of the Divine Realm, was likely a rare talent. To have her serve as a mentor to Xiling and the others showed Universe King’s care for them.

It should be noted that every fifth-level Divine Realm expert was capable of suppressing an era.

For example, in the Multiverse, the Great Priest was not considered to be at the pinnacle of the Divine Realm, but his status was only below that of Zeno. Many times, even Zeno had to consider giving face to the Great Priest.

While there were many fifth-level Divine Realm experts in the Angel Realm, it was not to the point of being overly abundant.

In the Time Realm, which holds an equivalent status to the Angel Realm, apart from the Time King, Great Heaven Official, and Great Demon God, there are only six experts at the fifth-level Divine Realm: Season, Time, Life, Death, Fate, and Destruction. They respectively represent the dual laws of time and space, as well as the four symbols. In the Dragon Realm, there were only three: One-Star Dragon God to Three-Star Dragon God. This was partly due to the Dragon Realm’s weaker foundation and the extremely stringent conditions required for reaching the fifth level of the Divine Realm.

Angel Realm had a stronger overall strength compared to the Time Realm and Dragon Realm, but apart from the past generations of Archangels, there were not many fifth-level Divine Realm experts in the Angel Realm. These experts represent different aspects of the order and laws.

The laws of space-time could be divided into dual laws of time and space as well as four symbols, such as Season, Time, Life, Death, Fate, and Destruction, while the order laws consist of the four elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.

“Mr. Xiaya, Universe King-sama requests your presence. He invites you to the White Cloud Palace for a meeting!”

After Xiling and the others finished their training, a small boy who wasn’t very tall flew over, bringing the message from Universe King, the controller of the Angel Realm.

Xiaya amicably nodded at the boy, indicating that he already knew.

“Please lead the way.”

“Please follow me.”

The young boy led the way ahead, and Xiaya used his divine power to bring Xiling and Myers and flew towards the White Cloud Palace where Universe King resided.

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