Novel Name : The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 921: Planet Beiyaduoda

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Chapter 921: Planet Beiyaduoda

Time Realm, Time King’s Palace.

It was a different scene altogether here. Time King was sitting on her throne, with a serene expression, appearing completely relaxed. In her hands, she held a clear white glass cup. Steam wafted out from it, and a few green tea leaves floated inside the cup, filling the air with a delightful fragrance.

Beside her, Great Heaven Official’s dark green eyes observed Majin Buu not far away who wore a forced smile on his face. However, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

“Tang Xing, umm, Xiaya accidentally disappeared……but it wasn’t my fault. It’s all because Original King suddenly appeared.” After Majin Buu returned to the Time Realm, he hurriedly rushed over without stopping to Time King and Great Heaven Official. He immediately informed them of the events that had happened in the mortal world while cleanly shifting the blame away from himself with a chuckle.

After listening to the information brought in by Majin Buu, Time King raised her delicate eyebrows, indicating that she did not fully believe Majin Buu’s words. She closed her eyes and sensed for a moment, quickly investigating what happened.

“Tsk, so even Zalama appeared this time. Indeed, this matter can’t be fully blamed on you. You can go and play for now. Oh, and don’t tell Lazuli the news yet,” Time King opened her eyes as she spoke. By now, she is already aware of everything that had happened in the mortal world. After giving a few instructions to Majin Buu, she sent him away.

Seeing that the Time King didn’t blame him, Majin Buu was overjoyed and eagerly scampered out of the palace.

“What do you make of this matter?” Time King asked the Great Heaven Official after Majin Buu left.

Great Heaven Official smiled lightly as she replied, “Xiaya should be fine. Although the ‘Reversal’ technique requires enduring the immense force of the entire world, based on the current situation, this world hasn’t undergone any changes yet.”

“Mavis, you’re mistaken. It’s not that nothing happened, but rather, that particular ‘event’ in the timeline has been concealed.”

Saying this, Time King smiled gently and beckoned towards the void. Suddenly, a yellow book materialized out of thin air.

If Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, was present here, she would have recognized the book summoned by the Time King. After all, it was one of the books from her Time Nest. (See Chapter 626)

Time King opened the book and reached one of its pages, on which a section was missing between the paragraphs, revealing a significant blank space.

“What’s going on here?” Great Heaven Official asked with a surprised look on her face.

Time King revealed a smile on her face as she spoke. “You were right earlier. ‘Reversal’ is a technique that no one can truly master except for you and me. For Xiaya, the weight of the world is simply too heavy. So, when I learned about him using ‘Reversal,’ I intended to seal off that period in the timeline before he had to bear the burden…”

“But take a look…” Pointing to the missing content in the Time Scroll, Time King revealed a meaningful smile on her face.

Great Heaven Official exclaimed in astonishment, “It has already been sealed off… but how is that possible? Who other than you and I can achieve such a feat of sealing a segment of the river of time?”

“Exactly, that’s what makes it very interesting!” With a leisurely smile, Time King lightly stroked her slender fingers across the blank space on the book, and gradually, the missing text began to appear, connecting the previously concealed history of that period.

Observing Time King’s actions, Great Heaven Official quickly realized that history had already been altered a long time ago, but it had been suppressed by “someone” with tremendous power, remaining hidden.

In this world, aside from herself, only Time King had the ability to suppress this particular time period. However, neither she nor the Time King had done it, so who was the one responsible?

Glancing at the Time King, Great Heaven Official suddenly realized something and asked with a smile, “Did you already know that Xiaya would travel to the past a long time ago?”

Time King glanced at Great Heaven Official with her clear and bright eyes and shook her head.

“No, I only found out just now. I hadn’t thought about it before Buu mentioned it to me. Although I sensed a temporal fluctuation thousands of years ago, I hadn’t connected it with time travel… Anyway, I need to personally go back thousands of years ago. Otherwise, they won’t know how to return.”

In Time King’e eyes, the past, present, and future were all intertwined in a chaotic mix, without a clear distinction between before and after. She could traverse the timeline whenever she pleased.

Continuing under the watchful gaze of Great Heaven Official, Time King gracefully rose from her throne and took a step forward, then her entire graceful figure pierced through a water membrane, becoming blurry.

At this moment, Time King directly traversed the river of time, traveling to a certain point in the past.

Watching the Time King traversing through time, Great Heaven Official picked up the yellow book, her beautiful eyes fixed on the sealed history. After reading the passage, a smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

“You’re saying it wasn’t you who did it, yet here you are doing it!”


In the Time Realm, apart from Time King and Great Heaven Official, no one else knew what was happening.

In the vast river of time, Xiaya tightly held Meifei’s body as the two drifted through the timeline. Bizarre and fantastical scenes constantly assaulted Xiaya’s mind. The scenes of past, present, and future caused his head to spin. Glancing at Meifei, who had turned pale and fainted, Xiaya bit his lip, trying to force himself to stay alert as he struggled to maintain the protective shield, his energy nearly depleted.

“Reversal is not a technique that can be easily used without surpassing the power of the Divine Realm,” Facing the overwhelming force of the entire world, even the kings dare not easily touch upon it.

Xiaya bitterly smiled. This desperate situation reminded him of the destruction of Planet Vegeta decades ago, where he had inadvertently entered a spatial tunnel. But compared to back then, Xiaya was now truly wandering within the river of time.

Beneath his feet was an incessantly flowing river, the tangible manifestation of the river of time. The river surged forward rapidly, and each rising wave represented a different point in time.

Soon, Xiaya’s energy was depleted, and after the dark golden energy ceased revolving, excruciating pain surged through him. His vision became blurry, and he fell towards a rising wave while still holding onto Meifei.

At a certain point in ancient times.

Thousands of years before Xiaya’s era.

Planet Beiyaduoda.

At this moment, the Beiyaians were being attacked by other alien races in the universe. Beiyaians are a peaceful and kind-hearted race, naturally gifted with powerful secret techniques. However, it was precisely because of these techniques that they had attracted the attention of outsiders.

After these powerful invaders arrived at the homeland of the Beiyaians, they swept across the land with an unstoppable force, quickly plunging the entire Planet Beiyaduoda into an abyss of suffering. Despite the Beiyaians’ fierce resistance, the enemies they were facing were simply too powerful.

Rumbling sounds echoed as giant mushroom clouds rose on the planet’s surface. The continental plates began to break apart, and scorching magma spewed out.

As the war continued, Planet Beiyaduoda gradually became uninhabitable.

“Hurry up, move the ancestral stone carvings onto the spaceship.”

“Destroy everything that can’t be moved, we can just recreate the secret techniques; we must never let them fall into the enemy’s hands.”

“Chief, the evacuation is almost complete. We must leave before the next wave of alien reinforcements arrives.”

“Recall all the warriors. We are leaving Planet Beiyaduoda.”

Beiyaians’ chief sorrowfully gazed at their mother planet engulfed in flames and issued the order to retreat. Soon, one elongated spaceship after another ascended into the sky, breaking free from the shackles of gravity.

As they watched the burning Planet Beiyaduoda grow distant, all the Beiyaians remained silent.

At this time, Planet Beiyaduoda descended into destruction. Giant waves surged, devouring the continents. Plates cracked, and lava erupted. Forests and grasslands submerged in the sea, mountains and plateaus were submerged in magma. The air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, resembling an apocalyptic scene.

At this moment, in the snowfield that was gradually melting under the high temperatures.

Xiaya’s eyelids twitched, and he opened his eyes. His fingers moved, causing a dull pain to spread throughout his body. Shaking his head, Xiaya recovered from his dazed state and looked around.


Searching the surroundings, he found Meifei a few hundred meters away. She lay in the melting snow, her hair moistened by the slowly melting snow. Near her, scorching lava had already flowed over.

“Where exactly are we?”

Xiaya got up, walked towards Meifei, and helped her up. After moving her to a relatively safe place, he finally had time to observe the surroundings.

From the sights before him, it was clear that they were on a planet on the verge of destruction. The planet’s core had collapsed, and complete disintegration was only a matter of time.

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