Novel Name : The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 923: Same race

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Chapter 923: Same race

At this moment, the Beiyaians in the spaceship had no idea that as they were incredulously staring at the vast emptiness of space, two extraordinary figures were approaching their spaceship.

“Captain… Captain, we have repositioned and confirmed that this is indeed the orbit of our home planet. There should be no mistake.”

After confirming the location of their home planet, the Beiyaians were startled and quickly relayed the observed situation to their chief, awaiting his decision.

But before the chief could issue any orders, the spaceship’s alarm system suddenly detected two unfamiliar figures and began to blare intensely.

“What’s happening? Why is the alarm sounding?” The captain’s eyes widened, and he immediately ordered the technicians to investigate the source of the problem.

“Could it be those evil aliens?”

Cold sweat dripped down from the captain’s forehead as a bad premonition flashed through his mind. While they were panicking, two blurry figures had already passed through the solid hull of the spaceship and appeared before the startled Beiyaians.

“Hehe, there’s no need to look around. We’re standing in front of you,” Meifei looked at the frightened Beiyaians, her lips slightly curled up.

“Who are you?”

Suddenly, a man and a woman appeared in the spaceship, causing the Beiyaians to become nervous.

“Yardratians, there’s no need to be alarmed. We don’t have any ill intentions in coming here,” Xiaya casually glanced at the people in front of him, then looked straight ahead at the person who seemed to be leading them. “Tell me what year it is now and why you are here.”

“Yardratians? You’ve got it wrong, sir. We are Beiyaians,” the captain shook his head.

“Beiyaians?” Xiaya looked momentarily astonished, then he nodded calmly and carefully examined his attire and appearance. It was definitely the attire of Yardratians, but the other party was claiming to be Beiyaians.

However, the name “Planet Beiyaduoda” sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before. Xiaya furrowed his brows and pondered.

“The planet that was destroyed earlier was your home planet, right?” Xiaya asked the Beiyaian in front of him.

“Yes, because of those evil aliens, our home planet, Planet Beiyaduoda, was destroyed in the war,” the Beiyaian replied, still vigilant towards the two strangers before him. However, a sorrowful expression appeared on his face when he spoke of his home planet. Little did they know, Meifei was the one that destroyed Planet Beiyaduoda, and those aliens were also buried with it.

After listening, Xiaya pondered, and knowledge regarding Yardratians surfaced in his mind.

According to the records in the Time Scroll by Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa, Yardratians were originally Beiyaians who migrated to Planet Yardrat for unknown reasons. When Xiaya first saw these records, this part of history was sealed for unknown reasons.

Based on this, Xiaya could roughly determine the era they were in.

“Dad, it seems that the era we are in is a little earlier. Yardratians haven’t found a new place to settle yet,” Meifei whispered.

Xiaya glanced at Meifei and nodded lightly, then said to the Beiyaians, “We won’t leave for now. Prepare two rooms for us. We will stay here.”

Xiaya’s attitude was firm and non-negotiable, as if he were in his own home, directly making decisions without giving the other party any chance to refuse. He knew that the history of Yardratians was sealed, and as long as they followed this Yardratian’s spaceship, their actions would also be sealed, minimizing the impact on history.

“This…” The Beiyaians’ expression suddenly changed, appearing troubled.

The man and woman before him were obviously not easy to provoke, but it was inappropriate to let two strangers stay on the spaceship, especially when their race had been forced to leave.

If they had malicious intentions, the consequences would be unimaginable! They wanted to refuse, but they were worried about possible retaliation from the other party.

“Don’t dawdle around, quickly arrange the rooms! To be honest with you, it’s your lucky day that we are staying on this spaceship. I guarantee that you will be safe in the future,” Meifei looked at the Beiyaians with an expression that said ‘you are benefiting from this situation’.

She was the mighty God of Destruction, even if she wasn’t the God of Destruction of this era, her power hadn’t diminished. Wherever they are present, it is surely the safest place.

“Arrange rooms for them.”

The leader’s face darkened slightly, waving his hand to instruct the nearby members of his race. Then, he nodded respectfully towards Xiaya and the others before turning around and leaving. He was preparing to report the situation here to the chief.

Xiaya and Meifei paid no attention to the leader’s actions and calmly walked around the spaceship.


“Chief, that’s how it is. Both of those people are on the spaceship.”

“Don’t act rashly. I will go and ask the prophet for a prophecy.”

After learning about the situation, the Beiyaian’s chief pondered for a moment and gave instructions through the communicator. After about ten minutes, an excited voice came from the other side of the communication device, “Manbei, make sure to treat them well. If they have any requests, agree to them. The prophet just prophesied that they are Beiyaian’s lucky stars.”

“With them around, we Beiyaians will have a safe journey and will rise again because of it.”


The Beiyaian called Manbei had great faith in the prophet and responded loudly.

Xiaya was well aware of everything happening on the spaceship. His purpose for boarding the Beiyaians’ spaceship was to minimize his influence. Once he had a relatively peaceful environment, Xiaya began researching methods to return to his own era.

They had traveled to this timeline via “Reversal”, and if they wanted to go back, he simply needed to use Reversal again. However, the problem lay here: Xiaya was not proficient in controlling the “Reversal.” The previous successful attempt had a significant element of chance, and it was impossible for him to replicate it once more.

If he hadn’t been forced to do so at the time, he wouldn’t have taken such a risk.

Moreover, Meifei was with him now, and even if he could use the “Reversal” again, the possibility of smoothly returning to his own era was close to zero.

Without the precise but powerful strength of the Time King or the Great Heaven Official, “Reversal” was impossible to succeed.

Since “Reversal” was impossible, Xiaya needed to find another way to return to his era.

Fortunately, he was currently in the past, so to return to his own era, he only needed to move forward along the timeline, which was more convenient than moving backward.

“If it’s just me, the projections left on the timeline when I broke through the fifth level of the Divine Realm might give me some clues.”

When Xiaya broke through the fifth level of the Divine Realm, his past all merged together, and the projections left on the timeline were all him. If he wanted, he could switch between his true self and the projections at any time, allowing him to travel briefly along the timeline. However, the era he was currently in was too early, so this idea could only serve as a backup plan.

Swish, Xiaya’s finger swept through the void, opening a dimensional rift in front of him.

“Unfortunately, this ‘dimensional space’ can only store inanimate objects. Even if I establish contact with the projections on the timeline, I can’t bring Meifei back with me.”

“Unless I modify this dimensional space to make it resemble a real cosmic space. But, that’s another challenge.”

Carefully considering various feasible methods, Xiaya rejected them one by one. He was racking his brains to find a way to return to his era.

Over the next few days, Xiaya locked himself in his room, deep in contemplation.

Outside, the elongated spaceship finally rendezvoused with the majority of the Beiyaians’ forces. The Beiyaians’ chief and prophet came together to request an audience with Xiaya but were refused. Unable to see Xiaya, they could only seek an audience with the woman accompanying him. However, when they saw Meifei, both the chief and the prophet were awestruck by the divine aura emanating from her.

“This supreme divine aura.”

“She is the great goddess!”

“Supreme goddess, please bless us!”

The Beiyaians’ chief and prophet were briefly stunned before they excitedly prostrated themselves on the ground. Through prophecies and other secret techniques, they vaguely understood the exalted status of Meifei. The faint pressure she exuded was even stronger than the legendary Grand Kai.

At that moment, the Beiyaians wholeheartedly believed that Meifei was the goddess guiding their future, and they would fulfill any request she had.

Meifei suddenly became ecstatic, her stern face resembling that of a lofty goddess, and she began bossing the Beiyaians around with an air of superiority, giving random commands.

Beiyaians, being sincere, did not dare to defy any of Meifei’s orders.

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