Novel Name : The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 901: Time Realm

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Chapter 901: Time Realm

This is like a person standing high above can see farther, but no matter what, the “sky” above the head always envelops him. This “sky” is the Dragon Ball World, which not only encompasses the Multiverse but also includes many other yet-to-be-explored areas.

If we imagine it as a circle, when a person is inside the circle, their understanding of the “sky” is limited to the circle itself, or perhaps only a small part of it, depending on the observer’s perspective. However, if they step outside of this circle, their perception of the “sky” will be encompassed by another larger circle.

This nesting of circles goes on and on, changing along with the observer’s perception.

“I have answered your question, do you have any other questions?” Season smiled lightly, calmly looking at Xiaya.

“Of course!”

Xiaya also smiled as he looked at the impressive demeanor of the Season before him. The opportunity to meet such a powerful expert was rare, and he certainly wouldn’t miss it.

Then, Xiaya sat up straight and raised all the problems he had encountered in his recent training. Season was very generous and provided detailed answers to all of Xiaya’s questions. As a result of this session, Xiaya’s mind was suddenly enlightened, and he felt that all of his previous confusion had disappeared.

In fact, for Xiaya, many of the problems were only a step away from being solved, and with just a little guidance from Season, everything suddenly clicked into place.

While Xiaya was asking Season questions, Myers and Meifei were very tactful and didn’t interrupt, but listened quietly on the side, offering warm tea and sweets, like serving a distinguished guest.

Although Season’ answers were focused on the God of Time’s training, there were still many areas where they could be corroborated at higher realms. Broadening one’s knowledge and integrating various sources of information is also a way to improve. Moreover, Myers herself practiced the Angel Realm’s training method, which was obtained from Android 18, and to some extent complemented the God of Time’s training method. The two methods worked together in harmony, and Myers also gained some valuable insights from this session.

Season naturally didn’t mind Myers and Meifei “stealing” some knowledge, and after giving them a quick glance, she lightly smiled and continued to answer Xiaya’s questions.

Time quickly passed like this. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in the living room, and Xiling appeared with Android 18.

At this moment, Android 18 was dressed in a cool and stylish outfit. She wore a white top with a small black sleeveless coat over it, and black trousers on the bottom. There was a tight brown belt around her waist, accentuating her slender figure. Even though so many years had passed, Android 18’s appearance remained miraculously unchanged, as if she were still a young girl, unaffected by the passage of time.

After Android 18 appeared in the living room, her attention immediately focused on the unfamiliar woman. Her beautiful eyes stared at the other person as she asked curiously in an ethereal voice, “Are you the one who will take me and Xiaya to the Time Realm?”

“Yes, you must be Miss Lazuli. Now please come with me and Mr. Xiaya.” Season smiled warmly like a breeze passing over the water, ending her discussion with Xiaya and turning to Android 18 with a friendly nod. However, when she got a good look at Android 18’s appearance, her expression slightly froze for a moment, but it quickly returned to normal.

“Okay.” Android 18 nodded slightly, her sparkling eyes glancing over at Xiaya. Xiling had already explained the origins of the other party to her before they arrived – God of Seasons, a powerful expert from the Time Realm. That was an extraordinary existence, so without much thought, she knew what choice to make.

“Then, let’s leave as soon as possible and not keep Time King-sama waiting,” Season smiled charmingly and said with a satisfied nod. This mission was completed relatively smoothly, so her mood was naturally good.

With a wave of her hand, a mysterious ripple spread out, and the next second, a colorful energy vortex suddenly appeared in the spacious living room. The vortex gradually expanded, quickly compressing the surrounding space, forming a spatial passage wide enough for multiple people to pass through.

“This is the passage leading to Time Realm.” Season explained after stabilizing the passage.

Xiaya watched as Season completed this series of actions effortlessly. He admired the other’s strength, but at the same time, felt a chill run down his spine. This was a passage completely constructed by space-time ability. Other laws within a one-meter radius had to make way. Such power was truly remarkable! In fact, what surprised him even more was that, as a God of Time, he couldn’t detect how Season used her space-time ability.

It seems that Season has already reached a perfect level of mastery in using space-time laws.

In fact, high-level gods at the fifth level of Divine Realm like Season have already mastered some of the authority over the laws to a certain extent. Creating a passage leading outside the Multiverse out of thin air is an effortless feat for them.

“Please!” Season gestured to Xiaya and Lazuli.

“Xiling, Myers, wait here. Lazuli and I will be right back,” Xiaya said to his wives before glancing at Meifei, who looked excited, and Majin Buu, who seemed at a loss. He gestured to Android 18 and both of them nodded at each other before walking into the passage leading to the Time Realm.

After Xiaya and Android 18 entered the passage, Season turned to Xiling and the others and nodded before entering the passage. As the three of them entered, the colorful passage began to close, eventually turning into a blurry light and disappearing like smoke.

“They are gone,” Majin Buu smacked his lips.

Meifei licked her lips, and her eyes twinkled.

At that moment, Meifei’s body suddenly jolted as a chill ran down her back. Startled, she turned her head only to discover that her mother Myers had appeared behind her without her noticing. Meifei muttered to herself, “Not good,” and tried to escape, but Myers was quick to grab her brown tail.

Myers snarled fiercely, “You shameless brat! Will you dare to barge into your parents’ room again?”

Meifei was scared and cried out, “Mom, please let go! It will break, it will break!” She then looked to Xiling with a pleading expression, hoping her other mother could intervene.

However, Xiling sneered and pretended not to see, leading Majin Buu out of the room. “Buu, it’s been a long time since you came back. Let’s go out and have something delicious.”

“Okay, but what about Meifei? Is she okay?”

Xiling gave a casual glance and said, “She’s fine. Myers is just asserting her authority as a mother.”

“Oh,” Majin Buu nodded as if he only understood a little, and followed Xiling out of the door, leaving only Myers and Meifei behind in the room.

“Hehe, Mom, could you please let go first?” Meifei wore a fawning expression, hoping that her mother would release her.

However, while the idea was nice, reality does not always develop in accordance with your ideas. Myers glared at Meifei and grabbed her tail, and with a “smack,” she spanked her on the bu*tocks and said with an expressionless face, “Let go? Do you really think that’s possible? You’ve been pushing your luck for too long, I haven’t hit you before, but you’ve been getting more and more outrageous!”

Meifei’s face turned pale and her little face immediately contorted with bitterness.


Not caring about how Myers disciplined their disobedient daughter, on the other hand, Xiaya and Android 18, who entered the space-time passage, moved for a while in the passage, not feeling any passage of time and changes in space, only a dazzling white light flashing by.

The sun and the moon rotated, and the stars changed, as the whole world changed completely.

When they came to their senses, they had already left the temporal portal and appeared in a golden flawless sky. The azure sky was adorned with golden auspicious clouds, surrounded by rosy hues and dense immortal aura. Islands floated below, and the green mountains and blue waters looked like a fairyland. This was the Time Realm’s continent, consisting of dozens of different-sized islands.

Xiaya and Android 18 stood side by side, quietly taking a breath, feeling the mysterious aura in the air.

This is the Time Realm, a place far beyond the timeline, where the power of time and space permeates everything around.

“This Time Realm feels like a paradise,” Android 18 said, her beautiful eyes enchanted by the surroundings.

Xiaya nodded in agreement. Even after having visited multiple Dragon Ball Worlds, he couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the Time Realm. The auras of the various laws were incredibly strong, making it an ideal place for training. Of course, it was only suitable for those who trained in the power of time and space. Compared to the Dragon Realm, the Time Realm lacked the overbearing pressure, but instead, it had a boundless aura that transcended time and space.

“Please follow me, both of you. The Time King-sama’s residence is located in the sky, and it’s still a bit of a distance away,” said Season, who had appeared beside Xiaya and Android 18 without them noticing. Her pleasant and ethereal voice was soothing to the ear.

Xiaya nodded lightly, then together with Android 18 kept up with Season’s pace.

Just like Universe King’s Palace, Time King’s Palace was not located on any continent but in the distant sky. There, unaffected by the timeline, time seems to lose its meaning, making it a truly divine place.

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