Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 31

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One Night Surprise Chapter 31Chapter 31

but his face now darkened as he continued to interrogate the unexpected visitor. “Where did you hear

the news about Jordan at 2.00AM? The surgery just ended half an hour ago, yet you’re here at the

hospital already? What are your intentions?”

Courtney felt her chest burning with rage upon listening to Alexander’s pressing questions. She stood

up angrily once she recalled how Scott had told her about Jordan falling off the stairs. “Is this the right

time for you to be asking about how I heard of Jordan’s accident? Your son’s lying on the hospital bed

right now; how could you have the energy to even suspect that I have ulterior motives?” she asked


“This has to do with my personal matters. Don’t forget that you’re just a mere hotel manager in one of

the hotels under Sunhill Enterprise,” he hissed.

“Of course l’ve got no right to ask about your family matters, President Duncan. You have so much

power that you could fire me just by uttering a single sentence. However, we’re not at work now. I’m

here to visit my daughter’s classmate. I initially thought that it was just a minor injury that he got while

playing, but I was shocked to hear that he had to be hospitalized because of how bad his injuries were.

Aren’t you worried after hearing that he rolled down the stairs? If he had hit his head, you could have

lost your son. Do you know that?” Courtney lost all control of her temper, perhaps because she had

been suppressing her emotions and experiencing a great deal of stress at work recently. She also felt

furious whenever she thought about how Jordan’s past two accidents were always because there

weren’t any adults watching over him. “Do you know why Jordan doesn’t speak up and call you his

dad? It’s because you simply don’t care about him enough. Ask yourself-do you think you’re a

dependable father? Do you make your son feel safe? He’s your biological son; why did you allow him

to be born if you weren’t planning on loving and caring for him wholeheartedly?”Her words struck Alexander where it hurt the most, and his gaze fell onto the floor while he frowned

deeply as he didn’t know how to respond to her words. In the past, Jordan was born only because he

wanted to satisfy his grandfather’s pressing demands, so that he would be able to obtain the rights to

take over Sunhill Enterprise. Right then, Alexander hung his head low as Courtney’s words had been

spot on.

“Miss Hunter, aren’t you being a little too much of a busybody right now? This has to do with his

personal family matters; how are you a part of this at all? Who are you to point fingers and place the

blame on him?” Britney spoke up with a tone of irritation.

“Why doesn’t she have the right to do that? She’s using her perspective as a mother to teach

Alexander how he should act as a father. She has the right to do that because she’s brought her

daughter up so well. Alexander, on the other hand, should really do some self-reflection.” Scott’s old

and calm voice echoed off the walls as he interrupted their conversation. “You’re doing a great job with

the company, but you really have to think about your role as a father. Are you really doing your best in

that aspect?” he asked Alexander.

Britney’s eyes were wide, her hands

trembling. I can‘t believe that this old man‘s speaking up for Courtney. This woman is really showing up

everywhere we go. First, she managed to get that stupid brat, Jordan, to be attached to her; now, she

even succeeded in getting Old Master Duncan to support her. “Even if that is the case, she’s still not a

part of the Duncan Family. Why did she show up in the middle of the night?”

Tina, who had been silent all along, finally spoke up. “Well, you’re not part of the Duncan Family either,

Miss Price. What are you doing here?”

Britney nearly lost her temper upon hearing the young girl’s words. “What nonsense are you saying,

you brat? I’m Alexander’s fiancée, of course I’m a part of the Duncan Family.”“A fiancée means that you haven’t gotten married to him, right?” Tina shrunk away from Britney and hid

behind her mother’s back as she glanced up and blinked at Britnoy na my

“How dare you…” Britney was too furious to say anything Right a Tina ma armasta ting mother, Scott

sneakily gave her a high five while they both wore solemn, calme et grassing faces.

“That’s enough. What’s there to fight about? Jordan needs to rest” Alexander fronrecard Britney. “It’s

late, so you should leave now. I can stay here by myself.” His voice was clear annoyance, and Britney

knew better than to go against his will. Furthermore, she had ot! handle, so she left the room without

hesitation. However, her footsteps slowed down a corridor of the hospital as she then wondered why

Courtney and Tina were allowed to s she was asked to leave.

She then heard a voice coming from the room. “You can leave as well. I don’t need yo did Britney

heave a sign of relief and walk out calmly.

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Britney flashed Jordan a gentle smile, but that smile was the same one that appeared in the countless

childhood memories and nightmares Jordan had. “Come here-give me your hand” Britney reached her

pale hand out. She had skinny fingers, pink nail polish, and a diamond ring that glinted at certain

angles. The sharp reflection of the light against the diamond shot directly into Jordan’s eyes; it seemed

like a warning that something was about to happen.

The young boy held his shaking hand out, and Britney grabbed onto him tightly before she led him out

of the room. “Maybe he’s afraid that you won’t have the time to play with him once we get married,”Britney said pitifully as she brought Jordan over to Alexander. “I told him that I’d stop acting in many

films; I’d take care of him and bring him to theme parks with you. He calmed down after that.” Her gaze

was warm and kind as she spoke.

Alexander felt relieved to see Jordan with his head lowered and his temper under control; he had no

reason to question Britney’s words. He simply felt like the wedding was happening too soon.

novelbinLike every other Friday, Courtney got off work and routinely went to the mailbox downstairs to collect

the magazines and newsletters that she had subscribed to. She flipped through the pages of a

magazine as she let herself into the house and walked toward the couch. Meanwhile, Tina ran out of

her bedroom and plopped herself down on the couch to show her mother some new bracelet-braiding

techniques that she had just learnt.

“Sapphire Bilingual Kindergarten?” Courtney exclaimed all of a sudden as she glared at a thick set of

documents that was sandwiched between a stack of magazines.

“What is it, Mommy?” Tina put her braided strings aside and edged over as she didn’t know what was

going on. Courtney hastily tore the packet of documents open to reveal a bunch of papers in it. “An

enrollment letter?!” Her shouts were even louder than before.

“What’s that?” Tina had a limited vocabulary, and she frowned in confusion.

“All of your fees have been paid for?” Courtney’s voice was so loud, she could practically blow the

entire roof off the place.

“You’re scaring me, Mommy! What is it?” Tina clamped her palms over her ears annoyedly. Courtney

continued to mumble to herself in disbelief. “How did you get enrolled in Sapphire Kindergarten? Have

you heard of this place?”Tina shook her head dumbfoundedly. Courtney then smacked herself lightly on her forehead as if she

had just snapped back into reality. “Of course. How could you possibly have heard of this?” she

muttered to herself.

Courtney grew up in Melrose City, so she was extremely familiar with all of the names of the famous

kindergartens in the area. Sapphire Kindergarten was known to be one of the best and most exclusive

preschools in Melrose-commoners could never dream of getting into such a place. It was known as the

Hermes of preschools; the King of all royalties. Their school fees were about 400,000 excluding food,

uniforms and other extracurricular activities. Combining all of that, a family would need to spare at least

one million per year if they wanted to send their kids to this school.

“This school sounds nice. Why would they let me attend without having to pay for anything?” Tina’s

eyes bulged wide as she couldn’t comprehend the situation.

“More importantly, we didn’t even apply to this place. How did they get your personal details?” Courtney

Knitted her eyebrows together as she realized how odd the situation was. “Did your godmother do


Cameron had a lot of connections, and she had even offered to pay for the miscellaneous fees to send

Tina off to a better private kindergarten

previously. I rejected her offer back then, though. Could she have gone ahead with it anyway? Thinking

about that, Courtney quickly gave Cameron a call.

“Sapphire Kindergarten? Do you think I’d dare to force you into paying such a fortune? You think too

highly of me, Courtney. Sure, I could find ways to smuggle Tina into that place, but you won’t allow me

to pay for anything. Also, I don’t think you’d be able to handle all her school fees by yourself!” Cameron

was just as shocked at the other end of the call.Courtney explained the rest of the situation to Cameron. “What?! All the fees have been paid for? Did |

hear you correctly? How did you get so lucky?!” Courtney had to move her ear away from the phone as

Cameron’s shouts were too loud.

“Alright. I’m going to end the call since you weren’t the one who did this. I’ll think about it for a while

more,” Courtney said.

“Hey, did you find yourself a new man who’s willing to splurge on you recently?” Cameron teased just

before she ended the call. However, her words rang a bell in Courtney’s mind.

Could it be...? There can‘t be anyone else who is both capable and

willing to help me with this other than that person. After some contemplation, Courtney finally decided

to dial the number on her phone.

“Hello? President Duncan… I’m sorry for disturbing you at this time of the night.” Alexander was the

only person Courtney could think of that would spare a few million without even batting an eyelid.

“What is it?” His tone of voice was rather chilly on the other end of the call.

“This is really sudden, but I can’t think of anyone else who might’ve done this. I received an enrollment

package from Sapphire Bilingual Kindergarten, and I was wondering if you were the one who helped

me with it,” she said.

“Yup,” he uttered.

Yup? That‘s it? Courtney was a little confused. “What? Why?”

“You saved Jordan, so I thought I should help you out in return,” he explained.

“This favor is way too expensive. I can’t accept it.”“I just made a phone call, that’s all.”

“But…” Courtney stumbled over her words as she didn’t know how to explain the reason why she felt

conflicted and hesitant. She was afraid that others would think that she was taking advantage of


“Is there anything else?” He began to sound a little annoyed.


“Well, I have other matters to handle. Goodbye.” Courtney stared at her phone frustratedly after he

ended the call. I don‘t mind him helping me out, but can‘t he ask me

what I need at the very least? | would‘ve been extremely thankful if he offered to help me with the gover

why did he have to pick Sapphire Kindergarten? Even if he could handle all the bills,

would Tina be able to handle being in an environment filled with rich second generations?

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