Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 74

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One Night Surprise Chapter 74Chapter 74 She Can’t Wait That Long

A bright red palm print was left on Alexander’s face, which showed how ruthless Courtney was with her


This was the first time he had seen her this determined, so he could not help but feel upset by his

abrupt actions just now.

“I’m sorry.”

Upon hearing his response, Courtney was startled instead since she didn’t expect him to apologize so

soon. After all, he was a young master and president with a high status, so no one dared to question

him. No one would even be surprised if he did something as spontaneous as what he did just now.

She grabbed her faintly hurting hand and felt a little awkward. “Forget about it. Just forget about it. I-I’ll

just move out with Tina.”

novelbin“Wait.” Alexander called after her. “You don’t need to move out. I’ll go on a long business trip this

evening, and my flight departs at 3.00PM, which means I won’t be staying here for the time being.

During this period, I would like you to help me take care of Jordan.”

Courtney instantly halted her steps and hesitated for a while before nodding her head.

At this point, if she suddenly moved away, there was nowhere for her to go anyway.

I can’t bring Tina out with me to find a place to stay. How could a child stand that?

After changing his attire, Alexander went downstairs, and without finishing his breakfast, he reminded

Jordan to always listen to Courtney and the butler before leaving.While the sound of the engine in the yard slowly disappeared, Courtney was still holding her hands

together, her heart beating wildly.

She must admit that she had an inexplicable affection toward Alexander, but he was about to get

married, and she couldn’t bring herself to destroy other people’s marriages. After what happened with

Isaac and Vanessa, she hated third wheels for the rest of her life, so she herself definitely wouldn’t do

that as well.

That night, Alexander didn’t return. She found out from Harry that he went to Shanghai on a business

trip, and this time, he was waiting for a huge client from New York, so he wouldn’t be back for at least

another two weeks.

“Should I not stay here?”

At night, she leaned on a pillow and talked to herself while pinching the nose of a husky doll.

“Please tell me what I should do.”

She then shook the husky’s head with her hand and pressed her lips to show that she was in her

thinking state.

“You don’t know either?”

After that, a long sigh echoed in the dim room.

The next morning, after sending the two children to kindergarten, she went to work in her company.

Not long after she arrived at the hotel, the current manager of the housekeeping department came

rushing toward her. “Miss Hunter, please go and take a look in Room 1023. There’s been an incident.

They are quarreling right now.”“What happened?” Courtney furrowed her brows and asked about the situation while walking out.

“The female guest who checked into Room 1023 said that there were cockroaches in her room, so we

went in and dealt with it. Indeed, we found two cockroaches, but I don’t know whether the previous

attendant had a bad attitude because she’s now making a scene.”

In the meantime, they had already arrived at the door of Room 1023, which had a group of onlookers

surrounding it.

Immediately, Courtney scolded, “Don’t you all have work to do?”

The manager of the housekeeping department, who was beside her, quickly waved his hands. “Go and

do your work. What are you all gathered here for?”

As the crowd dispersed, a sharp scream came from the room. “Hey! You’re simply bullying your guest

just because you have an impressive business. Where is everyone going? You should send someone

to deal with this matter.”

“Miss Heather, please calm down.”

The manager of the housekeeping department went in to greet her, but the woman simply ignored him.

“Where is your general manager? I request to speak to him. I don’t want to speak to you arrogant


Courtney also went in with the manager and saw the typical face of an influencer who had such a

plastic face that her own mother possibly wouldn’t be able to recognize her.

She had a sharp pointy chin and a pair of large European-style double eyelids with the currently

popular peach-colored makeup. There was also glitter at the corner of her eyes. Wearing a ginger-yellow camisole, she sat cross-legged on a marble table while swaying her two snowy-white legs

around, looking extremely arrogant.

However, Courtney had been working in this industry for many years, so she had seen all sorts of

people before. At the moment, she was quite tolerant as she said, “The general manager is now

traveling abroad on a business trip, so he isn’t here. You’re Miss Heather, right? May I ask about your

dissatisfaction with the hotel? You can tell me, and I’ll see if I can deal with it. We can look for the

general manager afterward if we are unable to solve it. Is that fine with you?”

“Who are you? Do you even have any power here?” The influencer glanced at her. As soon as she saw

the name tag on the front of Courtney’s chest, her eyes darkened slightly. “You are Courtney Hunter,

the hall manager?”

“Yes, that’s me.” Courtney followed her gaze toward her name tag before she nodded politely and

reached out to touch it. “Our hotel always rotates the housekeeping and hall manager. We both serve

the same role, so you can inform me if there’s any problem. There’s no difference.”

“Don’t tell me that. I’m not interested in your hotel’s rotation at all.” The influencer impatiently crossed

her other leg. “You are a five-star hotel known for your top service in the country, but you’re telling me

that you can’t even meet the minimum hygiene requirements? You are practically scamming your


“Miss Heather, our hotel definitely meets the hygiene requirements. If you don’t believe me, I can ask

someone to flip the bed over for you to see. I can confirm that the underside of the bed is completely

clean and free of dust. You won’t find a better hotel than ours in the country.”

Even though Courtney was firm with her words, the influencer still looked disdainful. “Who wants to see

the underside of the bed? I don’t even sleep there. Don’t think you can escape the fact that there are

cockroaches in this room. You’d better give me a reasonable explanation for this.”Upon that, Courtney furrowed her brows. “To be honest, Miss Heather, it’s impossible for any

cockroaches to breed in our hotel. If there really are cockroaches, it might be because they came in

accidentally from a trash can or somewhere outside. But this is the hotel’s mistake, so why don’t we

give you a new room, and we won’t charge you for your stay here in the hotel?”

“Do you think I lack the money?” The influencer jumped off the table and glared at Courtney. “You are

saying as though I’ve wronged you. Could it be that I brought in the cockroach myself? Also, you are

not sincere with your apology at all. If that’s the case, there is nothing much to talk about. I’ll call the

Commerce Department and the Health Department straight away. I’ll ask them to shut down the hotel,

and we’ll get to the bottom of this in two days.”

Although this influencer looked like she only had a pretty face, she was very harsh and stubborn with

her words. Without saying much, she was already trying to take full control of the situation.

Immediately, the manager of the housekeeping department was getting anxious. “Please don’t do that,

Miss Heather. Let’s just talk about this.”

Of course, the Sunhill Enterprise wasn’t afraid to be investigated by the Commerce and Health

Departments, but in today’s digital age, if any actions were taken that would cause the Sunhill Hotel to

be shut down, it would be a huge topic on the internet, which could be devastating to their business for

some time.

“She’s right, Miss Heather. Let’s sit down and have a talk. You can ask me for any compensation.”

Courtney was also starting to become worried.

Her public relations crisis awareness wasn’t bad, but she couldn’t wait that long because she was still

in a bet with Alexander.

Even though the centennial celebration was postponed for a month, the ceremony is still looming on

the horizon. If it clashes with this incident, I’m afraid the performance of the hotel during this period willplummet drastically.

“Alright. Since you’ve mentioned it, it’ll be unreasonable of me to keep on being stubborn.”

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