Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 89

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One Night Surprise Chapter 89Chapter 89 Draw a Line

As there was a storm that afternoon, all of the flights were canceled, causing everything to be on hold

for two days before normal operations could be resumed. Because of that, Alexander had no choice

but to stay in Maldives for an extra two days and it was already three days later when he finally arrived

in the country.

At a mansion in Royal Park, he stood in front of the guest room with a deep frown while his butler

tentatively reported, “Mr. Alexander, Miss Hunter had already moved all her belongings out when she

returned two days ago. She said that she has found a place to stay, so she will not disturb us


“What else did she say?”

“She also said that the rough estimate of her rent for staying here for more than a month is 30

thousand. She has left all of it here.” The butler held up a bag. “I didn’t want to give her our account

number, so she brought this bag here the next day.”

When Alexander saw the paper bag, his face immediately darkened. Is she so anxious to keep a

distance from me?

Meanwhile, Jordan was pulling on Alexander’s sleeves with an anxious expression.

Alexander replied angrily, “Can’t you see it for yourself? She’s gone! We can’t do anything about it.”

Jordan immediately pouted as tears formed in his eyes before he burst out in tears.

When the butler saw that, he and the maids were helpless as they could not calm him down. While

feeling angry and sorry for his son, Alexander said loudly, “Is she this amazing? She’s not your mom!

Why do you like her so much?”Jordan was crying so much that he almost ran out of breath. The butler quickly asked the maids to

bring him out before he advised Alexander, “Mr. Alexander, please don’t be angry. I saw that Miss

Hunter looked rather troubled when she returned this time. Did something happen during the vacation

that caused her to be unhappy?”

When Alexander heard that, his frown deepened. Well, something did happen, but at that time I clearly

didn’t see her getting upset—apart from the night when she left. She was still fine at the beach, but she

looked distressed during dinner. According to Shay, something seemed to have happened with her


“Mr. Harry, where is the house of Lucian Hunter, the president of Sunrise Enterprise?”

After a moment of silence, the butler replied, “I think it’s at River Park.”

With the lavishly decorated living room, the house was probably worth tens of millions.

In the lounge, the maid brought a cup of tea over and spoke coldly—‘please enjoy the tea, Miss

Hunter’—before leaving with the plate in her arms.

“Is my uncle home yet?”

The maid stopped and looked at Courtney with a lukewarm attitude. “He is very busy. At this hour, he is

still dealing with the paperwork, so he has no time to return home.”

“So what? He still has to attend to clients on Sundays! Miss Hunter, if you are willing to do so, just wait

for him here. Perhaps he might come home for dinner tonight.”

With that, she left without looking at Courtney, who slowly sighed with mixed feelings.

When she left the Somerfield Family, she was only five—and it was a messy departure. She had

caused her grandfather’s death and Alicia sent all of her belongings to the Hunter Family in a mannerthat was interpreted as never wanting to see her again.

Many years passed since that incident and she never returned.

If it was not because of her future custody battle, Courtney would not return to take the assets her

mother left for her during that time.

After some time, shuffling footsteps could be heard on the second floor, which was followed by

someone walking down the stairs.

Upon looking toward the source of the sound, Courtney’s heart tightened.

The footsteps stopped in the middle of the staircase—it was a slightly plump woman in her fifties, who

was looking down at Courtney with a pair of sharp, shrewd eyes. “Oh, hey, I was just thinking, who the

hell is the one interrupting my sleep? You haven’t returned in two decades. If I didn’t hear the maids

telling me about you after I woke up, I thought I would never stand the chance to meet the

granddaughter who has been spoiled by Dad back then,” she said sarcastically as soon as she opened

her mouth.

Clenching her fists tightly, Courtney replied with difficulty, “Aunt Alicia, you’re home?”

It was at least half an hour after her arrival and the maids had been heading upstairs several times.

Judging by Alicia’s attitude, if Courtney had not been waiting all the time, her aunt would not have

planned to meet her downstairs.

“I was taking a nap! All of the maids know my temper. When I’m napping, no one can wake me up—not

even the mayor.”

Courtney awkwardly looked at her, not knowing what to say for a long time.Alicia was from a family of influential diplomats in Kyoto’s political scene. Back then, Courtney’s uncle

had been groomed by Alicia’s family, which was why she always enjoyed a fair share of influence from

her in-laws.

Even as a little girl, Courtney was always afraid of her.

“Take a seat.” Alicia then walked down the stairs and sat in front of her before asking with a cold

expression. “Why are you here?”

After a moment of hesitation, Courtney replied, “I think it’s better to wait for Uncle William.”

“Are you sure? You might not be able to meet him since I am not even sure when he will return.”

Upon hearing that, Courtney grabbed the edge of her clothes and thought for a while before repeating

herself, “I’m here to take the assets that my mom had asked my grandpa to take care of on her behalf. I

don’t want anything else—only the house.”

“Of course! I was wondering what else you could have been thinking of after decades of not returning.”

Alicia snorted coldly. “Your mom left the Hunter Family without a single cent and died after giving birth

to you. Who told you that she left you something?”

novelbinUpon hearing that, Courtney immediately paled and tentatively responded, “Grandpa said that there

was. Even though I might have been a young child back then, he reminded me about this countless

times. Hence, I think I remembered it correctly.”

Even though her mother had left the Hunter Family in a fit of anger without asking for any money, there

were many assets under her name—some of them were from the family while the rest were given by

her parents as her dowry when she settled down.Alicia was still quite cold. “Is that so? Why is it that I don’t remember it? You were only five when you

left. Do you still remember this? Furthermore, when Lucian’s company landed with some issues during

these two years, he kept asking your grandpa for assistance. I wouldn’t be surprised if the assets were

used by him to set up the company back then. Your good-for-nothing mother left something for you? I

bet you are day-dreaming!”

When Courtney heard that, the remaining blood was drained from her face. She almost bit her lips until

they bled and she could not wait to immediately leave. Nevertheless, she clenched her fists tightly and

spoke through gritted teeth,

“Aunt Alicia, if my memory serves me right, grandpa has told me that the house my mother left me has

my name written on the deed. Even though the deed isn’t with me, I can check with the Real Estate

Bureau if you don’t remember.”

“Oh yeah?” Alicia’s expression immediately changed. “Is this how you speak to me? Are you saying

that I snatched your house? Are you going to sue me? If you have the capabilities, go ahead! Go to

court and ask your Uncle William directly and see if he will settle it for you.”

Courtney’s heart sank as soon as she heard that, seeing that her uncle was the director of Melrose

Municipal Court.

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