Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 102

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One Night Surprise Chapter 102Chapter 102 I Have a Group Picture

After playing a few rounds of cards, Courtney’s ‘comrade’, who sat across from her, quickly understood

what she meant. “A two.”

Courtney’s gaze brightened as she was eager to make a move with the only card she had in her hand.

A deep and rumbling voice spoke, “King.” Alexander appeared calm when he looked at her. “It’s your


While suppressing the uneasy feeling that she had, she smiled before answering tersely, “No.” He used

a King to suppress a two; he obviously knows the cards I’m playing! He is doing this deliberately!

Later, the situation continued for a few rounds and she was unable to play a single card despite having

a good hand—as a result of him intercepting all the cards that she had.

“Yay! We won again! Sir, you are awesome. The young woman, who partnered with Alexander, looked

about 18 to 19 years old and she seemed like a university student. She sounded especially eager while

addressing him as ‘Sir’. On the other hand, although the other young woman was partnered with

Courtney, the former swiftly shifted her focus on him.

In fact, they were only serious during the first game because in the succeeding rounds, the two young

women took turns to learn more about his age and work. Both of them were beating around the bush to

invade his privacy by acting cute.

Courtney was rendered speechless as she watched the girls after a few rounds. Then, she tossed her

cards while announcing, “Forget it; I’m not playing anymore.”

The two young women were more than happy to stop playing and they immediately surrounded

Alexander to press him about further private matters. “Sir, you are already 31 years old. Are youmarried?”

Upon hearing that, Courtney felt her heart sinking and she felt upset. I am right here. Haven’t these two

young women ever considered the possibility that I might be his girlfriend or wife? Are they deliberately

ignoring me? Nevertheless, she could not help but pay attention to his response despite her frustration.

He leaned against the back of his seat before he calmly answered them, “My son is 5 years old this


The two young women were stunned into silence when they heard that.

Initially, Courtney thought that they would stop pestering Alexander after learning that he has a child.

Unfortunately, it seemed like they were completely unfazed; instead, their eyes shone brightly, and they

pulled their stools to sit closer toward him.

“You already have a child! Sir, do you have a photo?”

“Sir, you are handsome, so I’m sure your son must be adorable too.”

Courtney clenched her fists, but after a few seconds, she took her phone out of her pocket. “His photos

are with me. Let me show it to you.”

Their expressions slightly changed and one of them immediately asked, “Miss, isn’t he your employer?

Why would you have a picture of his son?”

Courtney raised her brow at the young woman. “Is it a rule that an employee isn’t allowed to have a

picture of her boss’ son? Not only do I have a picture of his son, I even have a group picture of us at

Maldives as well.”

The two young women were dumbstruck when they saw the photo. “Oh, you are both a couple!” One of

them chuckled as she commented, “I assumed that he’s your employer since you addressed him asPresident Duncan.”

From the corner of her eyes, Courtney caught a glimpse of Alexander’s relaxed expression as if he was

merely an onlooker. He weighed his options before he swiftly asked, “I don’t suppose that you two have

graduated from university, have you?”

Both girls nodded in response.

“You’ll understand more after graduating from university. Working in reality is much more complicated

than studying. Things aren’t usually what they seem because oftentimes, superficial status might not

reflect somebody’s true identity.”


Courtney shot them a long and thoughtful look. “We are not a couple at all.”

The two young women exchanged glances. After a pause, they seemed to have realized what she

meant because they immediately dragged their stools away.

The sound of the rain continued to splatter against the windows.

The group around them was still boisterous—Alexander continued to stare at Courtney with a

mysterious expression. In fact, it was impossible to tell what he was feeling at that moment.

She tilted her head while explaining, “I’m not trying to stop your luck with the ladies. It’s just that I feel

these two young women are underage. They can’t possibly be suited as Jordan’s stepmother, can


Alexander’s gaze darkened before he teased, “So, are you the one making up the unwritten rules

within the office?” There is clearly a double meaning in what she has said. Even a fool is able to tell

that she is deliberately indicating something else.“I don’t mean anything. Well, I was merely warning them that society is a ruthless and dangerous place.

It’s not like I was referring to myself.” Courtney seemed calm when she further explained herself.

“Besides, President Duncan, you are a principled and honorable person. With your genuine and ethical

ways, you don’t have to worry about others misunderstanding you.”

Alexander kept quiet for the longest time.

“Why are you staring at me?” She was feeling uneasy because he was staring at her. In fact, she was

regretting her decision to spew nonsense earlier.

“Courtney?” He suddenly straightened his sitting posture while he placed his hands on the table and

interlaced his fingers. Then, he slightly leaned forward as his exquisite face came into a much larger


She was astounded by his actions and she immediately asked, “What is it?”

“Have we met before you started work?”

The hot, pumping blood that initially flowed within Courtney’s veins gradually cooled down when she

heard Alexander’s words. The impulses in her mind completely vanished and were replaced by the

constant echo of his question as it impacted every nerve of hers. “Why are you asking that?” She

forced herself to appear bewildered. “Have you met me before?”

Alexander was stumped and he leaned back against the chair. “I’m not sure since I can’t recall.” Maybe

I am overthinking this. Even if I had seen her in the past, I should not have such a familiar feeling

around her. There are only a handful of women close to me, after all.

The staff enthusiastically exclaimed, “The dumpling soup is here!” Her voice rang loud amidst the noisy

and lively atmosphere and it was soon before each table was served with bowls of dumpling soup atthe rest area.

“Our madam personally wraps each dumpling by hand. I apologize for the sudden electrical fault

earlier.” The staff was especially quick and smart. Nobody in the crowd seemed to be displeased, but

she apologized while she served free bowls of dumpling soup to every table. The customers appeared

satisfied and happy.

Courtney had a taste of the dumpling soup and she glanced at Alexander. “I suppose with this bowl of

dumpling soup, there’s no doubt that this particular Ancient City Homestay earns the first place.”

“Are you sure it’s that delicious?” Alexander did not sound convinced, but tried a spoonful and he

gradually frowned.

“How is it?” Courtney asked without being aware of the change in his expression. “The madam

conducted all the renovation in this place. Previously, I chatted with her and she even asked about you.

For someone who claims that she has heard a lot about you, she seems pretty concerned about you

despite not knowing who you are.”

novelbinUpon hearing that, he had an intimidating expression when he reached out to grab the staff, who was

about to leave, after she served the bowls of dumpling soup. “What is your madam’s name?”

The staff was frightened by his words. “What happened?”

Simultaneously, there was a loud clang from the kitchen. The sound of ceramic bowls crashing onto the

ground was especially loud, and it interrupted the rowdiness within the rest area.

Courtney turned, but she only caught sight of the madam turning in a hurry as the latter rushed into the

kitchen. There was a bowl of spilled dumpling soup by the kitchen door while the ceramic bowl was

smashed into pieces, causing the soup and dumpling to scatter across the floor.Nevertheless, the madam left without saying a word and she left the mess behind her.

Courtney had wondered what was happening when the chair opposite her made a scratching noise due

to the friction. She looked up at Alexander in bewilderment since he abruptly stood up to leave the

table. He had a frosty expression when he headed upstairs.

What happened? We were merely enjoying a bowl of dumpling soup. Did I say something by mistake?

Why… She seemed to have realized something after linking what she had said earlier to the madam’s

hasty reaction by the kitchen door as the latter turned.

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