Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 112

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One Night Surprise Chapter 112Chapter 112 The Roses Arrived on Time

The car drove under the burning July sun and a young lolita’s voice was heard inside while Tina

explained the situation for a whole 10 minutes.

“That was what happened. Mommy is always sad about this, so please don’t bring this up in front of


At that moment, Oliver rested his elbow on the window frame of the car and he supported his chin with

one hand, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. “You said that your brother went missing not long after

you were born, right? And it was here that he went missing from? Weren’t you born in America?”

“Yes.” Tina blinked while answering firmly. “Why can’t my brother be missing here if I’m born and bred

in America?”

“That’s possible.” Oliver tried to suppress his laughter. “What about your dad? Didn’t anyone try to find

your brother?”

“I don’t know about that. I rarely see my daddy.” She shrugged her shoulders with an innocent face.

“You rarely see your daddy?”

“Yes. My daddy is so busy that I can even count the number of times that I’ve seen him with my fingers.

However, I haven’t seen him this year and I’m quickly forgetting how he looks.”

“Do you know why your daddy divorced your mommy? Is it because he doesn’t like you?” Oliver

suddenly approached her with curiosity as he tried to engage in gossip.

“Who told you that my parents are divorced?” Tina waved her hand resignedly. “Daddy likes me a lot.

Everytime he sees me, he brings a lot of gifts for me. Even though they are not the ones that I like, theyare still expensive.”

“Your mommy isn’t divorced?!” Oliver seemed to have heard a breaking news as his eyes widened.

“Then, why do you keep pushing your mommy toward Alexander?”

“That’s because I like Mr. Alexander and I want him to be my daddy.” Tina went straight to the point.

“Besides, my mommy only gets to see my daddy a few times a year. It’s more fun to see my mommy

with Mr. Alexander.”

This reason… Oliver’s lips twitched. I completely salute her.

On the other side, Alexander knocked on Jordan’s door and entered his room. Before his dad entered,

Jordan was sitting alone on his bed and he held the box of snacks in a daze, but when he saw his

father coming in, he immediately wore a resentful look.

The indifferent Alexander could only helplessly sit down to speak sincerely, “Jordan, she stole your

heart with only a box of snacks. Have you forgotten how many snacks I’ve bought for you since you

were a baby? Don’t you think that this is a bit unfair?”

However, Jordan pouted his lips and still looked angry as he wrote on his drawing board, ‘Her snacks

are delicious and the ones you bought aren’t. She is good to me, but because of you, she won’t come

and see me now.’

Upon seeing his son’s reaction, Alexander furrowed his brows. “That’s because I told her not to come

to you. Not only did she not take good care of you, she even sent you to the hospital. Jordan, this is

why she isn’t suitable to be your mom. If you want a mom, I can find another one for you.”

The moment Jordan heard those words, he almost burst into flames as he glared at Alexander angrily

while his tiny face started to redden. A while later, he wrote a line of words while trembling.‘It wasn’t her. I was sent to the hospital not because of food poisoning.’

However, Alexander only took it as a child throwing tantrums. “Alright, you should stop speaking up for

her. I’ll let you eat the snacks, but from now on, I won’t allow you to meet her alone.”

Jordan furiously gritted his teeth and grabbed Alexander’s hand before biting him.

Alexander yelped, but he did not dare to injure his son by pushing his hand away, so he growled

instead, “Jordan, what are you doing?”

After that, Jordan released his bite and furiously pointed at the words he wrote on the drawing board.

Yet, Alexander did not think much when he saw Jordan’s reaction as he only felt that his son needed to

properly control his temperament.

“Tomorrow, I’ll ask the butler to search for talent classes that you can choose from so that we can

remove that nonsense in your head.”

At that moment, Jordan’s face had already reddened due to his rage while he threw a pillow angrily at

Alexander. With a loud grunt, he buried himself in his blanket.

During the entire weekend, Tina continued to observe Courtney’s emotions.

Whenever Courtney’s phone rang, her ears would prick up, but the weekend ended after two days and

not one of the calls was from Alexander.

On Sunday night, Tina could not bear to see her mother in that situation any longer, so she hid in her

bedroom and made a call. As soon as the other person answered the call, she explained anxiously,

“Grandpa Scott, the situation between my mommy and Mr. Alexander is getting worse.”

After a while of silence, an old and firm voice was heard at the other end. “Alright, leave this to me.”The next morning, Courtney could sense that something was wrong in the atmosphere the moment she

arrived at the hotel.

“Good morning, Miss Hunter.”

“Good morning.”

On the way to her office, it seemed like countless eyes were sweeping across her body.

I don’t think I was that attractive when I usually come to work, right?

At first, she thought that she could have worn the wrong shoes or that there was something on her


“Miss Hunter, you’re here.” Addie welcomed her.

“Morning.” When Courtney saw him, her brows instantly tightened. “What is that expression for?”

“Of course I’m happy for you.” He smiled joyfully as he stood in front of her office. “You don’t know what

has happened yet. Don’t be too surprised. Come and see for yourself.”

After that, he opened the door to her office.

novelbinInstantly, she could see that her office was filled with roses of all colors as the fragrant scent entered

her nose. Every inch of her office from the desk to the corner of the wall was filled with flowers. Some

would have even mistaken the place for a florist.

Courtney’s eyes were wide open. “What is this?”

“Can’t you see?” Addie smiled. “This is definitely a surprise from your husband. Hmm… Isn’t

Valentine’s Day approaching? He sent the roses just in time.”However, Courtney furrowed her brows as she was even more confused. Everyone in the hotel knew

that she had a child, so they naturally assumed that she also had a husband. To prevent any

misunderstandings, she never tried to correct them. Therefore, it was reasonable for everyone to

mistakenly think that it was her husband who filled her whole office with roses as a gift. But, I’m the

only one who knows about this. Where did I get myself a husband? Even if he and I are married in

name only, he would never order a bunch of flowers from a thousand miles away for me.

After Addie’s reminder, she saw a card on her desk—‘To my dearest Miss Hunter.’

“Miss Hunter, you and your husband have unique ways of addressing each other. I can’t believe he still

calls you ‘Miss’ after your marriage!”

Upon looking at his annoying face, she angrily hid the card away. “Go and do your work. What are you

looking at? Don’t you have anything to do?”

“Fine, I don’t want to be the only singleton here anyway.”

His head shrunk before he cheerfully ran off.

In the end, Courtney was the only one left in the office. So, she slowly opened the card and she saw a

line of words that were firmly written with a pen—‘I apologize for my recklessness a few days ago.’

At first, she was startled, but after much thought, she seemed to realize something. For a moment, the

mist hovering above her head for the past few days was now slowly disintegrating. The corners of her

eyes were raised upward while a strange warmth spread across her heart.

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