Novel Name : One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise One Night Surprise Chapter 297

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One Night Surprise Chapter 297Chapter 297 Why Don’t You Report Him?

Courtney looked calm as she stood up from the chair unhurriedly and straightened her clothes. As she

looked at James, she lifted her chin slightly, showing a little arrogance. “If you don’t believe me, you

can follow me and Mr. Vinsmoke to the Sakura Group’s warehouse for the inspection. Once you see it

for yourself, you’ll believe it. By that time, I’m afraid that the factories you rented for a high price will all

go to waste.”

The warehouse of the Sakura Group was located in the southern suburbs but James obviously did not

believe her, so he actually followed her from behind.

At the scene, Bill was now personally instructing the workers to move the shipment. “This goes here

and that goes over there. We need to separate the women’s clothes from the men’s clothes so that it’ll

be easier for them to pick up the goods later on. Don’t mix it up.”

A few designers under Bill’s command—whom he was close with—also came here to help personally.

After inspecting the shipment, Mr. Vinsmoke handed the list over to his secretary, who stood beside

him. In front of Courtney, he smiled. “There aren’t any problems. Give this to the finance department

and ask them to transfer the rest of the payment to Citron quickly.”

Courtney gave him a faint smile as she shook his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Vinsmoke. I hope we will have

a chance to work together in future.”

“President Hunter, you are a very trustworthy person, so there’ll definitely be a lot of opportunities for us

to collaborate.” Mr. Vinsmoke stopped smiling and he glanced at James from the corner of his eye

before changing the subject. “President Hunter, I still have matters to attend to in my company so I

can’t stay much longer. Next time, let’s have dinner together as a celebration.”

“I’m flattered, Mr. Vinsmoke.”Meanwhile, James was speechless. After Mr. Vinsmoke left, he was still standing at the entrance of the

warehouse as though he was glued to the spot. With a dark expression, he questioned her, “How did

you do it? Which factory did you find to produce the rest of the shipment?”

“What? Should I tell you so that you’ll rent the place later on?” Courtney crossed her arms as she

stared at James, trying to provoke him with her smile. “However, it seems useless for you to rent it now,

so why don’t you save the money?”

James clenched his fists so hard that the sound of bones cracking could be heard. As he held back his

rage, he growled, “Courtney, it’s only a matter of time before the Hunter Group is acquired by Sunhill

Enterprise, so why are you feeling so happy just because of a lucky escape?”

“I’ve never thought of escaping. You are welcome to bring it on, President Duncan.”

At the moment, James’ eyes were filled with hatred as he looked at her carefree expression. Clenching

his fists, he strode out of the warehouse. Britney was right. This woman really has much more to her

than meets the eye. It won’t be easy to deal with her, let alone with Alexander coming up with the plans

for her. I was too careless this time.

After he left, Courtney turned around and called out to Bill. “Alright. You should stop working. Don’t we

have enough staff for that? Tonight, take the whole team out for dinner. Everyone has worked

especially hard during this period.”

Bill clapped his hands but then, his expression turned dark as he looked toward James’ direction.

“Since we have found evidence of him causing the fire on purpose, who don’t we report him?”

Following his gaze, Courtney looked and saw that James had already gone into his car before leaving.

Slowly, the car became a black dot that disappeared into the skyline.

“Alexander said that we’ll even the score in the end. No need to worry.”The fire broke out in the warehouse at a coincidental time. Even though many sources confirmed that it

was caused by aging eclectic circuits and the hot weather, Courtney didn’t believe it at all—her instinct

told her that it had something to do with James.

Oliver had found a few classmates in school that specialized in network data, and they found the hotel

address of the person in charge of the warehouse who escaped, so they captured him right away. Not

only did they obtain the video and audio evidence, they also confiscated the cash that James gave to

him as evidence.

Just as the two of them were talking, a large truck suddenly stopped in front of the transporter. The

driver, whose hat was pulled down, popped his head out from the window. With a cigarette in his

mouth, he asked in a displeased tone, “What are you doing? Who opened the warehouse door?”

The workers responsible for moving the products simply replied, “How do we know who opened the

warehouse door? We only know that we need to move these inside.”

That drew Courtney and Bill’s attention. And so, Bill went over to ask him a few questions. Just like

that, the two of them, one in the truck and other on the ground, talked for a long while before the driver

decided to drive the truck away.

“What’s wrong?” Courtney asked.

“He came to the wrong warehouse,” Bill explained. “He came here to deliver some shipment, but he

remembered the location of the warehouse incorrectly. The place he is going is a few rows away from

us. It’s not here.”

“Oh.” Courtney nodded understandably.

However, it was difficult for the driver to back the truck and his driving skills didn’t seem to be good.

With a bang, Courtney could see the back of that truck collide with her own transporter.“Goodness; what kind of driving skills does he have?” Her company’s driver was standing off to one

side and as soon as he heard the commotion, his face immediately darkened as he turned around,

wanting to go argue with the other driver.

Courtney was afraid that this might cause a ruckus so she tried to block him while Bill brought two men

with him to take a look.

novelbinThe accident wasn’t that serious. The truck driver wasn’t that good at backing the truck, so it rammed

against the surface of the transporter. Luckily, the transporter was much bigger than the truck and it

only caused a dent on the outer shell, so it wasn’t a big deal. However, the truck was in a worse

situation as it seemed to have been overloaded with cargo. With just a shake, a cardboard box fell off

the truck and hit the concrete floor.

Before the driver could come down, Courtney and Bill went over to help but just as they were about to

touch the box, someone shouted, “Hey! Who told you to touch my stuff?”

Both Courtney and Bill, who were about to squat down, were startled and paused in the act. The driver

rushed over and quickly carried the box up before giving Courtney a vicious glare. Soon after, he drove

the truck away without even giving an apology.

It was only after a few beats that Courtney came back to her senses and said resignedly, “There are so

many strange people these days.” However, beside her, Bill remained motionless, so she asked

curiously, “Bill, what are you looking at?”

“What do you think this is?”

Following his gaze, Courtney saw a pile of white powder on the concrete floor. At first, she was startled

but when she connected the situation with the driver’s nervousness just now, her eyes suddenly

focused.At night in the living room of Courtney’s apartment, Alexander and Courtney sat side by side on the

two-seater while Oliver and Bill sat on a sofa each, which were on two ends of the coffee table. On said

table, there was a piece of A4 paper with white powder on it. However, the powder wasn’t clean as it

was mixed with some gray particles.

After staring at the paper for a while, Oliver said, “I’ll take this back for my classmate to examine in the

laboratory so we can identify it. We don’t know what it is just by looking at it but from your description,

it’s probably that.”

Courtney furrowed her brows. Even though it was a long time since she first discovered the powder,

she was still in disbelief. “If it really is, how much of it has to do with the Sakura Group? Bill and I asked

their staff and they said that the warehouses are not rented out, so they are only used by the Sakura


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