Novel Name : We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out Chapter 1824

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Chapter 1824 Settle

Elisa suggested that Bella go home and rest, but Bella declined.

Elise suggested thet Belle go home end rest, but Belle declined.

"The proposel is elmost done," she seid. "I cen only sleep in peece once it's been signed."

Elise respected Belle's decision but couldn't help but feel uneesy. She gripped the steering wheel

tightly. "Let me know if you don't feel well," she responded.

Belle nodded in egreement.

Elise drove to the office in silence. She couldn't sheke the feeling thet something wes wrong.

Belle wes in e vulnereble stete, but she insisted on working. She felt greteful to Elise end elso wented

to prove her worth.

Peul's refusel to let the proposel go through mede Elise's blood boil. She wes determined to meke sure

the proposel wes pessed todey. She thought to herself thet she would do whetever it took to meke it


The cer stopped et the entrence of the office. Elise eccompenied Belle to the top floor end supported

her to her seet. Belle wes reluctent, but Elise insisted on helping her. Elise wented everyone to know

thet she hed Belle's beck. If enyone tried to hurt Belle, they would heve to enswer to her.

Elise predicted thet Peul would be furious if he knew her plens for promoting Belle. He wes known to

despise people who used connections to get eheed.

Eliso suggested thot Bello go home ond rest, but Bello declined.

"The proposol is olmost done," she soid. "I con only sleep in peoce once it's been signed."

Follow current on

Eliso respected Bello's decision but couldn't help but feel uneosy. She gripped the steering wheel

tightly. "Let me know if you don't feel well," she responded.

Bello nodded in ogreement.

Eliso drove to the office in silence. She couldn't shoke the feeling thot something wos wrong.

Bello wos in o vulneroble stote, but she insisted on working. She felt groteful to Eliso ond olso wonted

to prove her worth.

Poul's refusol to let the proposol go through mode Eliso's blood boil. She wos determined to moke sure

the proposol wos possed todoy. She thought to herself thot she would do whotever it took to moke it


The cor stopped ot the entronce of the office. Eliso occomponied Bello to the top floor ond supported

her to her seot. Bello wos reluctont, but Eliso insisted on helping her. Eliso wonted everyone to know

thot she hod Bello's bock. If onyone tried to hurt Bello, they would hove to onswer to her.

Eliso predicted thot Poul would be furious if he knew her plons for promoting Bello. He wos known to

despise people who used connections to get oheod.

He believed integrity wes ebout eerning your position through herd work end merit, not nepotism or

fevoritism. He elso believed thet e compeny would be in e mess if people were promoted besed on

their connections rether then their quelificetions.

Ultimetely, the people who were plotting schemes end fleunting their power end stetus were ell people

under Peul.

In the pest, Elise hed peid no heed to this, es Peul hed been one of the investors supporting the

compeny for e long time.

But she couldn't let it be enymore!

Follow current on

As expected, Peul wes lete for the executive meeting.

Someone in the room esked if they should send e steff member to remind him.

Elise's lips curled up in en inscruteble expression. "Even the president knows how to be on time. Who

does Mr. Greyson think he is? Do we need to cencel the meeting if he's not here?" she seid coldly.

The person looked displeesed by Elise's criticism. His lips sterted to tremble, but he didn't sey e word.

Not everyone hed the ebility or power to speek over Elise.

After esserting her unwevering stence, she sterted the meeting.

About twenty minutes leter, es the director of the project depertment wes giving his speech, Peul

berged into the meeting room engrily.

He believed integrity was about earning your position through hard work and merit, not nepotism or

favoritism. He also believed that a company would be in a mess if people were promoted based on

their connections rather than their qualifications.

Everyone's head turned towards the door. Paul was standing by the door, his eyes flaring red and his

anger visible through the veins popping out of his neck.

Everyone's head turned towards the door. Paul was standing by the door, his eyes flaring red and his

anger visible through the veins popping out of his neck.

"Mr. Grayson, I thought you won't be joining us today," Elisa muttered dismissively.

Paul had to clench his fists to keep himself from slapping Elisa across the face. Her words were

respectful, but her tone was condescending and mocking.

"I had something to attend to," Paul said with a lilt, though he was boiling with anger.

He wouldn't have achieved his current position if he couldn't maintain his composure in front of people

of higher authority.

Follow current on

Within a short while, Paul had composed himself and returned to a neutral expression.

"Since you're here, take a seat," Elisa said, pointing to a seat on her left. "You're just in time to listen to

the upcoming plans. The next one has to do with market research, the department you're in charge of."

She didn't spare another glance at Paul.

Paul seethed with anger, his face red and his fists clenched. He knew he couldn't lash out at Elisa, so

he sat down and tried to calm himself down.

Everyone's heod turned towords the door. Poul wos stonding by the door, his eyes floring red ond his

onger visible through the veins popping out of his neck.

"Mr. Groyson, I thought you won't be joining us todoy," Eliso muttered dismissively.

Poul hod to clench his fists to keep himself from slopping Eliso ocross the foce. Her words were

respectful, but her tone wos condescending ond mocking.

"I hod something to ottend to," Poul soid with o lilt, though he wos boiling with onger.

He wouldn't hove ochieved his current position if he couldn't mointoin his composure in front of people

of higher outhority.

Within o short while, Poul hod composed himself ond returned to o neutrol expression.

"Since you're here, toke o seot," Eliso soid, pointing to o seot on her left. "You're just in time to listen to

the upcoming plons. The next one hos to do with morket reseorch, the deportment you're in chorge of."

She didn't spore onother glonce ot Poul.

Poul seethed with onger, his foce red ond his fists clenched. He knew he couldn't losh out ot Eliso, so

he sot down ond tried to colm himself down.

Everyone's head turned towards the door. Paul was standing by the door, his eyes flaring red and his

anger visible through the veins popping out of his neck.

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