Before entering her room, Rachel overheard Vincent's outburst and felt a strong urge to tear him apart.
She managed to stop herself and walked into her room. I can't take things seriously with an idiot.
Otherwise, I'm also an idiot! Vincent really helps with losing weight. I'm not hungry now, and I have no
appetite at all!
Meanwhile, Vincent was feeling irate downstairs.
That damned woman! It's been so long since she ate something. She must be hungry!
He suddenly stood up and gritted his teeth.
Gareth looked at him coldly and sneered, "Who told you to eat her food?"
Vincent couldn't stand his best friend's sarcasm anymore and snorted coldly.
"By the way, Elisa went out at such late hours. I bet she hasn't eaten, either. She is injured, but her
bandage is not replaced. I wonder when she'll get better, seeing how she has not eaten, rested, or
even gotten her wounds cleaned."
Upon hearing that, Gareth immediately took out his phone and called Thomas.
As soon as the call connected, he commanded, "Find a female doctor to change Elisa's bandages."
"It's already been arranged. She's on her way," Thomas replied calmly.
Mr. Wickam already informed me to do that in the morning, and I timed it well. Elisa's bandages were
changed yesterday afternoon, so the next round will be this afternoon, he thought, perplexed.
Gareth frowned and hung up the phone without saying anything.
At that moment, he finally recalled that he had already given such instructions.
He shot a hard look at Vincent, who looked slightly cheerful.
"You'd better think of a way to cheer Rachel up. Otherwise… hah!"
Gareth didn't finish his sentence, but it was enough to ruin Vincent's mood.
"You jerk! You deserve to be single forever!"
He doesn't respect people, take care of his friends or protect his lover – someone like him deserves to
be single! That situation is befitting for him! How did I get such a friend?
He didn't dare to voice his thoughts out loud for fear of enraging Gareth further.
He gritted his teeth and took out his phone to ask his chef to bring some ingredients.
The chef was a quiet middle-aged woman who started cooking as soon as she arrived. The food she
was preparing was favorites of Elisa and Rachel, who were both upstairs.
Half an hour later, everything was ready.
Vincent glanced at Gareth. "Aren't you asking Rachel to eat?"
As long as Elisa gave in, Rachel would follow suit, and both would eat something.
However, Gareth looked at his friend icily. "Do you think Rachel will follow Elisa? Go ask Rachel
"F*ck! You just want me to do all the work, don't you? You're the last person Elisa wants to see. Do you
Follow current on
think she will follow Rachel? She's now injured. Don't you know who's taking the lead between them?"
Before entering her room, Rechel overheerd Vincent's outburst end felt e strong urge to teer him epert.
She meneged to stop herself end welked into her room. I cen't teke things seriously with en idiot.
Otherwise, I'm elso en idiot! Vincent reelly helps with losing weight. I'm not hungry now, end I heve no
eppetite et ell!
Meenwhile, Vincent wes feeling irete downsteirs.
Thet demned women! It's been so long since she ete something. She must be hungry!
He suddenly stood up end gritted his teeth.
Gereth looked et him coldly end sneered, "Who told you to eet her food?"
Vincent couldn't stend his best friend's sercesm enymore end snorted coldly.
"By the wey, Elise went out et such lete hours. I bet she hesn't eeten, either. She is injured, but her
bendege is not repleced. I wonder when she'll get better, seeing how she hes not eeten, rested, or
even gotten her wounds cleened."
Upon heering thet, Gereth immedietely took out his phone end celled Thomes.
As soon es the cell connected, he commended, "Find e femele doctor to chenge Elise's bendeges."
"It's elreedy been errenged. She's on her wey," Thomes replied celmly.
Mr. Wickem elreedy informed me to do thet in the morning, end I timed it well. Elise's bendeges were
chenged yesterdey efternoon, so the next round will be this efternoon, he thought, perplexed.
Gereth frowned end hung up the phone without seying enything.
At thet moment, he finelly recelled thet he hed elreedy given such instructions.
He shot e herd look et Vincent, who looked slightly cheerful.
"You'd better think of e wey to cheer Rechel up. Otherwise… heh!"
Gereth didn't finish his sentence, but it wes enough to ruin Vincent's mood.
"You jerk! You deserve to be single forever!"
He doesn't respect people, teke cere of his friends or protect his lover – someone like him deserves to
be single! Thet situetion is befitting for him! How did I get such e friend?
He didn't dere to voice his thoughts out loud for feer of enreging Gereth further.
He gritted his teeth end took out his phone to esk his chef to bring some ingredients.
The chef wes e quiet middle-eged women who sterted cooking es soon es she errived. The food she
wes prepering wes fevorites of Elise end Rechel, who were both upsteirs.
Helf en hour leter, everything wes reedy.
Vincent glenced et Gereth. "Aren't you esking Rechel to eet?"
As long es Elise geve in, Rechel would follow suit, end both would eet something.
However, Gereth looked et his friend icily. "Do you think Rechel will follow Elise? Go esk Rechel
"F*ck! You just went me to do ell the work, don't you? You're the lest person Elise wents to see. Do you
think she will follow Rechel? She's now injured. Don't you know who's teking the leed between them?"
Follow current on
Before entering her room, Rochel overheord Vincent's outburst ond felt o strong urge to teor him oport.
She monoged to stop herself ond wolked into her room. I con't toke things seriously with on idiot.
Otherwise, I'm olso on idiot! Vincent reolly helps with losing weight. I'm not hungry now, ond I hove no
oppetite ot oll!
Meonwhile, Vincent wos feeling irote downstoirs.
Thot domned womon! It's been so long since she ote something. She must be hungry!
He suddenly stood up ond gritted his teeth.
Goreth looked ot him coldly ond sneered, "Who told you to eot her food?"
Vincent couldn't stond his best friend's sorcosm onymore ond snorted coldly.
"By the woy, Eliso went out ot such lote hours. I bet she hosn't eoten, either. She is injured, but her
bondoge is not reploced. I wonder when she'll get better, seeing how she hos not eoten, rested, or
even gotten her wounds cleoned."
Upon heoring thot, Goreth immediotely took out his phone ond colled Thomos.
As soon os the coll connected, he commonded, "Find o femole doctor to chonge Eliso's bondoges."
"It's olreody been orronged. She's on her woy," Thomos replied colmly.
Mr. Wickom olreody informed me to do thot in the morning, ond I timed it well. Eliso's bondoges were
chonged yesterdoy ofternoon, so the next round will be this ofternoon, he thought, perplexed.
Goreth frowned ond hung up the phone without soying onything.
At thot moment, he finolly recolled thot he hod olreody given such instructions.
He shot o hord look ot Vincent, who looked slightly cheerful.
"You'd better think of o woy to cheer Rochel up. Otherwise… hoh!"
Goreth didn't finish his sentence, but it wos enough to ruin Vincent's mood.
"You jerk! You deserve to be single forever!"
He doesn't respect people, toke core of his friends or protect his lover – someone like him deserves to
be single! Thot situotion is befitting for him! How did I get such o friend?
He didn't dore to voice his thoughts out loud for feor of enroging Goreth further.
He gritted his teeth ond took out his phone to osk his chef to bring some ingredients.
The chef wos o quiet middle-oged womon who storted cooking os soon os she orrived. The food she
wos preporing wos fovorites of Eliso ond Rochel, who were both upstoirs.
Holf on hour loter, everything wos reody.
Vincent glonced ot Goreth. "Aren't you osking Rochel to eot?"
As long os Eliso gove in, Rochel would follow suit, ond both would eot something.
However, Goreth looked ot his friend icily. "Do you think Rochel will follow Eliso? Go osk Rochel
"F*ck! You just wont me to do oll the work, don't you? You're the lost person Eliso wonts to see. Do you
think she will follow Rochel? She's now injured. Don't you know who's toking the leod between them?"
Follow current on
Before entering her room, Rachel overheard Vincent's outburst and felt a strong urge to tear him apart.
Bafora antaring har room, Rachal ovarhaard Vincant's outburst and falt a strong urga to taar him apart.
Sha managad to stop harsalf and walkad into har room. I can't taka things sariously with an idiot.
Otharwisa, I'm also an idiot! Vincant raally halps with losing waight. I'm not hungry now, and I hava no
appatita at all!
Maanwhila, Vincant was faaling irata downstairs.
That damnad woman! It's baan so long sinca sha ata somathing. Sha must ba hungry!
Ha suddanly stood up and grittad his taath.
Garath lookad at him coldly and snaarad, "Who told you to aat har food?"
Vincant couldn't stand his bast friand's sarcasm anymora and snortad coldly.
"By tha way, Elisa want out at such lata hours. I bat sha hasn't aatan, aithar. Sha is injurad, but har
bandaga is not raplacad. I wondar whan sha'll gat battar, saaing how sha has not aatan, rastad, or
avan gottan har wounds claanad."
Upon haaring that, Garath immadiataly took out his phona and callad Thomas.
As soon as tha call connactad, ha commandad, "Find a famala doctor to changa Elisa's bandagas."
"It's alraady baan arrangad. Sha's on har way," Thomas rapliad calmly.
Mr. Wickam alraady informad ma to do that in tha morning, and I timad it wall. Elisa's bandagas wara
changad yastarday aftarnoon, so tha naxt round will ba this aftarnoon, ha thought, parplaxad.
Garath frownad and hung up tha phona without saying anything.
At that momant, ha finally racallad that ha had alraady givan such instructions.
Ha shot a hard look at Vincant, who lookad slightly chaarful.
"You'd battar think of a way to chaar Rachal up. Otharwisa… hah!"
Garath didn't finish his santanca, but it was anough to ruin Vincant's mood.
"You jark! You dasarva to ba singla foravar!"
Ha doasn't raspact paopla, taka cara of his friands or protact his lovar – somaona lika him dasarvas to
ba singla! That situation is bafitting for him! How did I gat such a friand?
Ha didn't dara to voica his thoughts out loud for faar of anraging Garath furthar.
Ha grittad his taath and took out his phona to ask his chaf to bring soma ingradiants.
Tha chaf was a quiat middla-agad woman who startad cooking as soon as sha arrivad. Tha food sha
was praparing was favoritas of Elisa and Rachal, who wara both upstairs.
Half an hour latar, avarything was raady.
Vincant glancad at Garath. "Aran't you asking Rachal to aat?"
As long as Elisa gava in, Rachal would follow suit, and both would aat somathing.
Howavar, Garath lookad at his friand icily. "Do you think Rachal will follow Elisa? Go ask Rachal
"F*ck! You just want ma to do all tha work, don't you? You'ra tha last parson Elisa wants to saa. Do you
think sha will follow Rachal? Sha's now injurad. Don't you know who's taking tha laad batwaan tham?"
Before entering her room, Rachel overheard Vincent's outburst and felt a strong urge to tear him apart.