Novel Name : Accidental Surrogate

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 432

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Arrival of Old Friends Ella Cora comes early the day that the festivities begin – if they can be called


Because while the atmosphere is supposed to be festive, I know that simmering beneath it is a great

deal of political tension that my mate is hoping goes just precisely right.

I throw my arms around my sister the moment I open the door to my bedroom, letting her in. “Thank

you thank you thank you!” I cry out, the words all mushing together as one.

“Whoa!” Cora says, catching me and laughing, giving me a hug in return. ” It’s fine, Ella – honestly,

where else would I be on a day like this?” “I don’t know, sleeping?” I say, looking at her with wide eyes.

“Its 4 am!” “True,” she says, giving a little shrug and grinning at me. But then she slips a hand to her

belly. “Not like I wasn’t up anyway, though.” “What?” I gasp, tugging her into the room. Cora is about

two full months pregnant now, which isn’t much according to a human pregnancy, but if this is a wolf

pregnancy? Then she’s probably just getting into her second trimester.

But…is this her second trimester? With a hybrid baby… She laughs at me, watching me try to do the

math in my head as I stare down at her belly, which is juuuust barely starting to swell.

Which is so, so cute “Yeah,” she says, giving a little shrug. “The morning sickness is starting to hit hard.

I got away with it in my first trimester but,” she sighs. “It mostly hits at night for me too. So, I was

already up.” “Poor sister,” I murmur, looking up into her face and meaning every word of it. I reach for

her then, wanting to put a hand on her cheek, but she laughs and pushes it away, which makes me

laugh as well. Cora isn’t one for coddling or pity.

“What can I get you?” I ask, the smile returning to my face. “I’ve heard ginger tea does good things?”

“Distraction,” she says, nodding firmly. “That will be the best.” “Well distraction I’ve got,” I say, grabbing

her hand and leading her towards my gigantic closet.

She gasps a little when she steps inside because even though it’s 4 am? It’s already chaos – clothes

and supplies everywhere. Even a little cart with coffee, tea, and breakfast snacks.

“Oh, hey, Cora,” Sinclair says, turning and grinning at her as he stands at the mirror, tying his tie for the

fourth time. He wants to get it absolutely, perfectly correct. “Thanks for coming early. We’ve got a long

day. Did Roger come too?” “No,” she sighs, sitting down in the poufy arm chair next to Rafe’s littleplay

pen, smiling down at him and patting his head to say hello. “He is lazy, and wanted more sleep. He

says he’ll be here at the more reasonable hour of seven.” “That’s too late,” Sinclair murmurs, shaking

his head and reaching for his phone.

“I need him here by six…” “Good luck,” Cora murmurs, accepting the little cup of tea that I hand her.

“It’ll be fine,” I say with a sigh. “Boys are lucky – they have so much less to do on mornings like this.

Just throw on a suit! Run a hand through your hair!

Gorgeous, ready to go!” “Oh, come on, Ella,” Cora laughs, sipping at her tea, grinning when she

detects that I’ve given her something with ginger in it anyway. “Like it’s so hard for you to get

gorgeous.” “She has a point!” Sinclair calls out, tossing his phone back onto a side table after he

finishes texting Roger and turning back to his tie.

“Oh, you both flatter,” I murmur, giving them both a pleased little glare and flapping my hands at them.

“But we’ve got appointments, Cora – hair, nails, the works. It’s going to be a lot.” “I’m kind of looking

forward to it,” she says, giving me a smile. “I haven’t been pampered like this in a long time. Plus, the

outfits you’ve picked out for me for this weekend…” she whistles, impressed. “They’re stunning.” “Well,

you’re the bride,” I say, turning and giving her a grin. “You’re supposed to steal the show.” “On Sunday,”

she says, rolling her eyes, “I’m supposed to steal the show. But tonight? And then the coronation

tomorrow? That’s supposed to be all you, Ella.” “Or him!” I say, pointing to the man who is going to be

you know crowned King.

“All eyes will be on you, my Queen,” Sinclair says, coming my side and tugging me close, pressing a

kiss to my cheek. I smile when I note that his tie is indeed perfect. “Or,” Sinclair continues, considering

and turning to the baby. “On Rafe.” “He is very cute,” I say, likewise turning my eyes to the baby, who

burbles in the playpen, swatting at some toys hanging above him.

Cora laughs at us, taking a sip of her tea. “Guys, he’s very cute, but…you’re looking at him with

parents’ eyes. I’m sure people will be much more focused on the two of you.” “Not when they see his

outfits,” I say, bursting into a smile. And I dash over to the little dresser where we keep Rafe’s things,

but before I can pull anything out another knock comes at the door to the room.

“Your first appointment,” Sinclair murmurs, moving away from me to answer the door. “Ready?” “As

we’ll ever be!” I sigh, turning to give Cora a wink. “Let’s get started.” “Gabriel!” I laugh, throwing my

arms around the King of Vanara as soon as he mounts the four short steps up to the dais on which

Sinclair and I stand, greeting each of the delegations as they arrive.

He laughs, catching me in his arms and giving me a warm, lingering hug.

“Ella,” he murmurs, his voice low and pleased. “It is such a joy to see you we were all so worried when

you left. It is a joy to see you again, healthy and happy.” “And the baby!” I say, laughing and pulling

away, reaching to take Rafe from Cora’s arms in a hurry so my son can meet the King who was so kind

to me during such a large part of my pregnancy. Cora smiles, handing him over willingly, Roger at her

side likewise looking eagerly at the Vanaran delegation, which holds so many familiar faces. Henry

declined to attend this part of the ceremony, citing long hours and boredom, though he’ll be at the

dinner tonight.

“Oh my goodness,” Gabriel says, laughing and taking Rafe from my hands and cradling him in his

arms, staring down at him with true joy. Then he laughs, lifting his head to Sinclair at my side, his eyes

crinkling with pleasure at the edges. “Well,” he says, reaching for my mate and giving him a warm hug

around the shoulders. “No need to guess who this child’s father is. He’s the image of you, Dom.” “Ah,

he’s got some of his mother in there,” Sinclair says, returning his old friend’s warm hug.

“Lies,” I sigh, reaching to take the baby back and snuggling him close to me.

“He’s all Dominic, and it’s taking its toll on my poor arms,” I murmur, hefting Rafe up. Everyone laughs

at my joke, because they can see it’s plainly true Rafe is a big baby for his nearly- four-month age; he’s

already wearing six-month clothes, sometimes eight.

But he’s also adorable, so I forgive him.

Rafe’s tired, I know, but he’s being so good. And frankly, I want him here by my side through all of this.

Not everyone in this room is our friend, and I can’t bear the thought of leaving him alone even with any

of the nannies who we’ve hired even though I’ve gotten very close with several of them. I started out as

a nanny, after all they’re some of the people in my new life who I’ve grown closest to.

Gabriel and Sinclair move slightly to the side, exchanging more warm greetings and giving me a

chance to greet several of our old friends, including James, Isabel, and sweet Sadie, who have been

separated for at least a month while James went back to Vanara to serve as our ambassador while

Isabel and Sadie stayed here so that Isabel could work with me on the camps. We’ve made incredible

progress, which has been a delight to me, but we’ve also got quite a bit of work still to do.

I grin when I see Thomas as well, the King’s rather discreet boyfriend, towards the back of the

delegation. I give him a happy wave, which he returns with a little bow, and I make a mental note to get

to know him much more on this trip than I did the last one.

Our time with the Vanarans goes far too fast but there’s a literal line of people waiting to come and

greet us, so we only have about three minutes with each to greet them and make plans and promises

to meet up again soon.

Still, I breaks my heart to only be able to spend moments with the people who mean so much to me I

find myself a little overwhelmed when they begin to move away, waving and calling their goodbyes.

I’m still waving, Rafe clutched to my side, when I feel Cora step up next to me. I can feel her tension


“What is it?” I ask, the smile falling from my face as I look over at my sweet sister. She looks amazing,

dressed in a lavender gown with a little cape draped formally over her shoulders. I’m wearing

something similar, but all in white, which makes my rose-gold hair shine out like a beacon.

But Cora, even though she’s beautiful, is clearly worried. Serious, she raises her chin at the delegation

that’s coming next and I turn towards them, surprised to see each of the members dressed in serious

black clothing, standing in four straight lines of five people each. They look more like a military

formation than a delegation of ambassadors.

And I note suddenly that they’re…all men.

“Are you ready for this?” Cora asks, quiet. I shift Rafe to my other side and reach out to grab her hand.

“I guess we have to be.” Then, Cora and I take a deep breath, moving forward to greet the Atalaxians.

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The novel Accidental Surrogate has been updated Chapter 432 with many unexpected details,

removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author Caroline Above

Story is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 432 of the

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Novel Accidental Surrogate Chapter 432

Novel Accidental Surrogate by Caroline Above Story


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