Novel Name : Accidental Surrogate

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 479

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“He’s amazing,” Roger says, beaming as he raises his head look at me in wonder. “I didn’t – damn it,

Cora, I didn’t know I could love someone this much -” “What about me!?” “Someone besides you,”

Roger says, rolling his eyes. “You’re my mate, Cora, obviously that’s different.” “Damn well better be,” I

murmur, bending over the baby and stroking the skin of his perfect, tiny face with the tip of my finger.

Roger leans close, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” he says, his voice so quiet I barely hear him. “You’re amazing Cora. I’m so grateful for

you, and for him, and everything you did to bring him into this world.” I smile as I raise my eyes to my

mate’s and then I kiss him for real, passing all of those sentiments back down the bond. Because this

little baby – he really is both of ours, equal parts of both of us, the perfect embodiment of everything we

mean to each other.

And quite suddenly, he’s our entire world.

“So, what do you think,” I say a moment later when I break the kiss, looking back down at the baby.

“Does the name still fit?” “Yeah, I think the name still fits,” Roger says, his lips turning up in a smile as

he looks the baby over. “I think it’s perfect.” “All right,” I say, beaming down at our kid. “Then welcome,

to the world, little J-” But then, the door opens, and I see Ella peeking in.

“I gave you a full five minutes,” she squeaks. “But I don’t think I can bear it any longer-” I laugh,

reaching out a hand towards her. “Come in!” When the door opens, I see Sinclair and Henry peering

curiously behind her, both eager to set their eyes on the baby. Only Rafe isn’t excited, but he has an

excuse because he’s curled sleeping in Sinclair’s arms. My smile widens as the my family starts to

troop in.

“Wow,” Sinclair murmurs, bending over to peer at the little baby in his brother’s arms. “He’s beautiful,

Cora. Congratulations.” “Roger!” I say, laughing and giving him a little shove. “Let them hold the baby!”

“I would,” Roger says, looking over at his family with a big smile. “But I’m afraid to move. I don’t want to

drop him.” I laugh, reaching to take the baby from Roger and then turning to place him in Ella’s waiting

arms, which are practically vibrating with their eagerness to hold her new nephew.

“Oh!” Ella squeaks, one hand going to her mouth as she looks down at our perfect little baby boy. “Oh,

he’s so perfect! And so little! And so cute – oh I didn’t think he’d be cute like this ” “Excuse me,” Roger

says, sitting back against the pillows and crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn’t think my baby

would be cute!?” Ella laughs, shaking her head and not bothering to look at my mate. “No, not like that,

Roger, don’t be ridiculous – I just – I expected him to be dark, like Rafe – like you and Dominic -” she

grins, studying her nephew. “But his hair is lighter,” she murmurs, running her fingertips over his soft

fuzz of hair, “like Cora’s. It’s beautiful.” I beam as I watch my sister fall in love with her nephew, as I

watch Sinclair look over her shoulder at him with pride.

“What did you -” Ella says, lifting her head in sudden surprise and looking between Roger and I. “What

did you call him? Do we finally get to know?” “Well,” I say, sitting up straight now, feeling quite formal all

of a sudden. ” Ella, Dominic, Henry – Roger and I are very pleased to introduce you to your nephew

and grandson…Jesse. Jesse Sinclair.” Ella gives another sudden squeak as her hand again goes to

her mouth. “Oh my god,” she murmurs, pressing her eyes shut against her sudden tears, ” it’s so

perfect – oh, I can’t handle it, Dominic, you have to take him -” Sinclair moves fast now, passing the

sleeping Rafe to a laughing Henry and then reaching for Jesse, taking my tiny baby into the crook of

his gigantic arm and beaming down at the newest member of the Sinclair tribe as Ella wipes at her

tears with the back of her hand.

“What a little tiger,” Sinclair murmurs, grinning at Jesse and running a broad palm over the baby’s


“May I?” Henry asks, eager to meet his grandson. And Sinclair smiles, waiting patiently as Ella darts

over to lift Rafe out of Henry’s arms so that Jesse can take the place of honor.

“Well well, little grandson,” Henry says, smiling softly at the little baby who fusses in his arms once

Sinclair passes him over. “Don’t worry, I’ll send you back to your mother soon I know she’s the one you

want. I just want to get a good look at you. Do you know who I am? Grandpa?” Henry smiles and

lowers his face to kiss the baby’s head. ” I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you, little Jesse,” he

murmurs. “We’re all very glad you’re here.” The next few minutes pass in a haze of happiness with

everyone marveling at the newest, freshest member of our family, each of us wondering a little absently

about his future, about how much we’re going to love him. Somehow, inevitably, he ends up back in my

arms and though I’m glad his family all got a chance to say hello, I admit that there’s a great deal of

relief to have him back with me.

“Right here, where you belong, little baby,” I murmur, staring down into my son’s face as he starts to

drift off to sleep, frowning a little and making me laugh.

“Here with your family that loves you.” The doctors and nurses come in a little after that and the room is

busy, though I admit I don’t catch much of it, too distracted by the sight of my sleeping baby and my

own exhaustion. Roger gets up from the bed to go and fill out the birth certificate paperwork and do

some other things – I don’t know what – while I stay in the bed, just spending some quiet time with the

baby. Eventually, though, I feel a familiar hand on my shoulder.

“Congratulations, Cora,” Hank says when I look up, and my face bursts into a grin. “He’s really

beautiful.” “Thanks, Hank,” I say, smiling at him and covering his hand with mine. But then I blink, quite

suddenly, to see a familiar face behind him. “Oh, Sarah!” I say, smiling at her too. “Did you come to see

the baby?” “Actually,” she says, biting her lip – and then, to my surprise, wrapping her arm around

Hank’s. “I came with him. He said it would be all right – is it all right?” “Of course, it’s all right,” I say,

laughing a little and looking between them. “I just – I didn’t know – ” “Wait, what!?” Ella says, gasping

and coming to my side. “What’s all this!?” Hank, I grin to see, blushes and waves his hand, dismissing

it. “It’s not important right now we don’t want to take away from the baby – ” “Hank!” Ella says, laughing

and smacking him on the shoulder, “why didn’t you tell us!? Sarah!” she exclaims, stepping forward to

wrap her arms around our friend. “I’m so happy for you two!” “Thanks,” Sarah says, laughing and

blushing as well. “But really – I don’t want to distract -” Ella hugs her again as Hank turns back to me,

smiling his quiet smile and slipping his hands into his pockets.

“I’m glad I was here,” Hank says, though equally glad my presence was unnecessary. Your doctor said

that everything went beautifully.” “It did,” I say, grinning at him. ” Thank you for coming, Hank,” I say,

meaning it genuinely.

“Anything for you, Cora,” he replies, giving me a quiet smile. “And for this family.

I’ll miss you all when I’m gone.” “What?” I ask, my eyes going suddenly wide. “Where…where are you


Update of Accidental Surrogate

Announcement Accidental Surrogate has updated Chapter 479 with many amazing and unexpected

details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the author

Caroline Above Story in Chapter 479 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 479

Accidental Surrogate series here. Search keys: Accidental Surrogate Chapter 479

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