Novel Name : Accidental Surrogate

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 484: A Small Gathering

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It takes us longer than I know Sinclair would prefer to get out of Roger and Cora’s house that morning,

mostly because Cora spent so much time freaking out, hugging me, and scolding me for not telling her

immediately. But in the end they let us go, Cora wiping her eyes and Roger giving us a big smile, baby

Jesse asleep in his arms.

I hold Sinclair’s hand the whole ride home, squeezing it, so happy and excited. We’re just so blessed

right now, and I’m doing everything I can to bask in that glow. My mate, my baby boy, my baby girl on

the way?

What more could I ask for?

When we get back into the palace, Sinclair walks me back to our suite of rooms, though I can tell his

mind is already on other things.

“You can go,” I say, balancing my little meatball Rafe against my elbow while I give Sinclair a little

shove on the shoulder. “You don’t have to walk me back into the rooms – I’m already inside our house!”

“Indulge me, Ella,” he says, giving me a little glancing smile as he pushes open our door and holds it

open for me. “I can feel my instincts kicking in already – I’m not going to want to leave your side for the

next six months.”

“Oh sure,” I say, rolling my eyes at him and carrying the baby over to his changing station. “Like

overprotective pregnancy Alpha is so different from overprotective new dad Alpha.”

“It is different,” he says, smirking at me as he leans against the wall, watching me make quick work of

Rafe’s dirty diaper, our little baby happily babbling as I do. “Or at least, it feels different to me.”

“Well, whatever keeps you eagerly at my side,” I say, smiling at him with a wink.

“What about you?” he asks, raising his chin towards me. “Are you feeling any different yet? I feel

almost bad, honestly – you barely got finished breastfeeding. You didn’t even get to do any of the fun

non-pregnant things, like shots of tequila. Or a whole lot of sushi.”

“That’s okay,” I say with a sigh, snapping Rafe’s onesie shut and lifting him back up into my arms,

where he squeals and reaches for me, grabbing fistfuls of my hair. “I’ll just take a raincheck on those,” I

say, stepping close to my mate and letting him wrap me in my arms. “After this next one is born and

ready for solid foods, you owe me two children’s worth of debauchery.”

“Done,” he says, smirking and cupping my face in his hands, planting a little kiss on my mouth. “Except,

knowing you, you’ll probably be planning baby 3.”

“We’ll see,” I say, giving a happy little sigh. “But do you know? There is one thing that I’m particularly

excited about.”

“What is it?” he asks, genuinely curious.

I break into a broad smile and turn towards the bed, striding to it as Rafe gives an excited little giggle.

“The re- establishment of the nest!” I say, throwing one hand in the air. Sinclair bursts into laughter as I

start tugging at the blankets, arranging them into a comfortable circle that looks incredibly cozy.

Honestly, I want to climb in right now.

“This is going to be the second version of the nest,” Sinclair comments, and I can tell by his happy tone

that he’s pleased. “Next 2.0. Are you planning innovations? Improvements?”

“Well, it’s a Queen’s nest now,” I say, sinking happily down onto my bed, taking Rafe with me. “And it

has to accommodate a Prince as well as a growing Princess,” I say, grinning at my son. “So yeah, I’m

going to need some funds,” I continue with a sigh, looking seriously up at my mate. “Like, five to ten

thousand dollars?”

“For pillows?” he protests, laughing.

“Oh no,” I say, grinning. “That’s just the blanket budget, and the snacks. The pillows are going to be


He shakes his head at me, still laughing, but comes over and again takes my face in his hands.

“Whatever you want,” he says, smiling.

“Exactly what I like to hear. Do you have to go?” I ask, a little mournful. I mean, I just made this nest,

and it does look so cozy…

“Yes,” he murmurs, leaning down to press another kiss to my mouth. “But I’ll be back to help you

christen the nest later.” He sighs and steps away, handing me a tablet off the bedside table. “Order

whatever you want, but please, Ella, try not to bankrupt us.”

“No promises!” I sing, leaning back against the pillows and settling Rafe in next to me as Sinclair

laughs and heads for the door. “Come on, baby,” I sigh as I start to click through the tablet, Rafe

starting to crawl around in the blankets next to me. “Let’s start by ordering you and Sissy some

matching outfits…we’ll get some for baby Jesse too…”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

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Two Weeks Later

“Cora!” I call into our little closet. “Is he ready!? Let’s go!”

“It’s my party, Ella!” Cora calls back, though I can hear her laughter.

“I knowww,” I whine, a tuxedoed Rafe sitting calmly on my hip. He also looking curiously towards the

closet where Cora and getting Jesse dressed in his own little tuxedo. Jesse’s two weeks old now, and

just the cutest baby in the world – Rafe excepted, of course – and I can’t wait to see how he looks in

the matching tuxedo I got him.

“You know it’s ridiculous, Ella,” Cora says, coming out of the closet finally with her happy little boy, who

is all smiles pretty much all the time. I squeal when I see him, just barely able to hold his little bald head

up. “He’s just going to barf all over it, plus he’s only going to wear it for an hour! He has to be naked

when you present him to mom.”

“It will be the most elegant barf!” I laugh, hurrying close and tickling Jesse’s fancy little belly. “And I

don’t care if he wears it for an hour or a minute, it was too cute to resist.” I laugh, completely undone by

the sight of Cora’s and Jesse, all dressed up. Rafe babbles happily and reaches forward, trying to

touch Jesse, which he always does. I grin when I see it, as I always do these little boys, they really do

have a bond already. Rafe gets so excited whenever Jesse comes into a room.

Jesse, even though I don’t think he really understands what’s going on, smiles when he hears Rafe and

gives a happy laugh.

“Your guests are gathered,” Roger calls from the door to the living room, raising an eyebrow in our

direction. ” Are you going to come out here, or just hide in here with the kids all night?”

“We’re coming,” Cora calls, rolling her eyes at him and pretending to be exasperated even though I

know she’s not. “Sorry you had to entertain guests for like, ten seconds alone, Roger.”

“It was absolute torture,” he says, crossing the room to us, a half-drunk glass of champagne in his

hand. “Why do you think I came in here? I missed my buddies.”

Rafe gurgles and waves to Roger, which makes me burst into a happy, proud smile. He hasn’t said any

words yet, but he’s getting there.

“Ohhh, you’re looking very dapper,” Roger says, bending down to peer at his son. “The Goddess will be

very impressed, I’m sure.”

“How could she not be,” Cora says, smoothing down the very little bit of hair that Jesse has on his

head. “He’s very perfect.”

“Yes, he is,” I say, laughing a little as Roger slips an arm around Cora’s waist and we together head for

the door. ” And very excited for his baptism, I know.”

“We all are,” Cora says, grinning at me. And in this moment I know she’s remembering Rafe’s baptism,

and her own experiences there.

But this time? It’s my turn. Because I’m the godmother, and I’m the one who gets treated to a little

insight into baby Jesse’s future world.

And I absolutely can’t wait to see what’s in store for him.

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Reading Novel Accidental Surrogate Chapter 484: A Small Gathering

Chapter 484: A Small Gathering novel Accidental Surrogate

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