Novel Name : Accidental Surrogate

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 448

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Reception Ella Cora and Roger’s reception goes late into the night, which is just fine by me because for

the first time this week? Sinclair and I haven’t been the focus of the attention, and we just get to party.

I mean, that’s not completely true. We’re still the King and the Queen of our nation and we can’t ignore

our duties entirely. But it’s much, much easier when Cora and Roger are the ones who work their way

around the room, greeting all of their guests and thanking them for their attendance.

I smile as I sip at my soda during a break in the dancing, watching as Roger holds Cora close to his

side as they chat to some people I don’t know old friends of Cora’s from med school, I think.

“He hasn’t kept his hands off her all night,” Sinclair says, laughing a little. I grin up at him. “Look who’s

talking,” I say, glancing down at his own arm wrapped firmly around me.

“What can I say,” he murmurs, grinning down at me. “You’re very touchable.” Rafe, resting sleepily

against my chest, gives a little squeak that makes us laugh.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Sinclair says, lowering his head to kiss Rafe’s soft hair.

“You’re very cute too, I haven’t forgotten.” Rafe grumbles a little but relaxes, his eyes drifting closed

against me.

“I don’t think he’s going to make it much longer,” I say with a sigh, considering my little baby. “Do you

think the party will miss me too much if I bow out early?” “The party will miss its most beautiful guest,

surely,” Sinclair says, and I roll my eyes a little at his flattery, “but I’m sure everyone will forgive. And

Cora will be jealous.” “Nah,” I say, eyeing my sister across the room. She hasn’t stopped smiling since

we walked down the aisle. “She’s having a good time – like I knew she would.

Cora always thinks she doesn’t want a fuss until she gets it, and then she’s pleased.” “She’s lucky to

have you,” Sinclair says. We relax for a moment, me considering my escape, but then I feel Sinclair go

stiff beside me.

“What is it?” I ask, peering up at him.

“Nothing new,” he murmurs, his eyes on the far side of the room. “Just… Atalaxians.” “Oh,” I say, my

heart falling a bit. I saw Calvin for a moment earlier in the day when he came to say hello and to

congratulate Cora, but he’s the only Atalaxian that I can even begin to say I like. The others?

Well, they’re here, as all of the delegations from foreign nations were invited to the ceremony and the

reception in full. But earlier, when I saw that my uncle actually had the gall to show up? I was

completely shocked.

“Is he still there?” I ask, trying to stand on my tiptoes to see, but I’m too short.

“He is indeed,” Sinclair murmurs, clearly as unhappy about it as I am. Xander hasn’t tried to talk to us

tonight hasn’t even attempted to give his congratulations – which is fine by me. Still, I think both of us

will be much happier when he’s gone.

Sinclair frowns a little, keeping his eyes focused on the group of foreigners across the room, and I feel

a little worry twisting inside me. I glance at my mate, wondering if it’s coming from him, or if I’m intuiting

it myself.

But suddenly, a great deal of shouting breaks out from that corner of the room and my stomach drops.

Sinclair is instantly in motion, grabbing my hand and striding across the room. I hurry my pace to keep

up with his long strides, almost running, and Rafe wakes up against me with an upset little squeal. I

send calm thoughts down the bond to him to let him know that all is well, and he quiets, but I think he

can still sense my agitation because he’s awake now and fussing against me.

“What is this,” Sinclair demands, his voice loud as he steps into the middle of a large group of people.

My mate keeps his hand around mine though I stand a little back from him, letting him take charge.

But I immediately see the problem, and I am not at all surprised that my uncle is at the center of it.

My eyes dart around at the people several Atalaxian men, looking chic if rigid in their tuxedos, bristle as

they frown at a human woman with her twin daughters pressed tight against her side. The woman looks

worriedly around at all of the foreign men.

“I – I’m sorry,” she says, her voice clearly upset and confused. “We – the girls were hoping to have

more of the candy,” she says, looking up at Sinclair and trying to explain, clearly thinking herself in

trouble. She gestures towards the little individually wrapped bars of peppermint bark – Cora’s favorite -

that we left at each guest’s seat as part of their party favors.

“I noticed that…this table hadn’t eaten theirs,” she continues, her voice tight, “and the girls, they just

asked…” “How dare you,” my uncle growls, looking down at the woman and her children with clear

disdain, “even speak to me, let alone beg of me a favor My mouth drops open completely in my shock

at this horrible man. Seriously?

He views human women as so far below him that he flips out when they speak to him?

“Enough,” Sinclair cuts in, his voice a hot knife through the tension. The Atalaxians, who originally lined

themselves behind Xander, note that my mate is clearly supporting our guest and then fall back a step,

hesitating in the face of the opposition.

“I made it clear,” Sinclair says, focusing his eyes now on my uncle, ” that your ridiculous politics have

no place in my court. I have no control over how you treat people in your new home in Atalaxia, but

here? You will respect my guests, no matter their gender or their shifter status.” He takes a step

forward, squeezing my hand once before dropping it to truly loom over my uncle. “Now.

Is there any final confusion on that point?” I quickly step to the woman, who I unfortunately don’t know,

and slip an arm around her shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, shaking my head, hopefully letting her

know with the earnestness on my face that this was a complete mistake.

“Please,” I say, turning her away and smiling down at her daughters. “You did nothing wrong come with

me, we’ll get you as much chocolate as you can carry -” But before we can fully turn away, a snarl rips

from my uncle, making us all turn and freeze as he hunches before Sinclair, clearly on the edge of

transforming into his wolf.

“I will not be cowed,” Xander growls, ” by some over-eager pup who lets women and humans run his

house my line is the true power in this nation “Be careful, Xander,” Sinclair says, allowing his own

ferocity rise to the surface as he steps closer to this smaller, older man this wolf he could end in a

second, were it his choice. ” I’ve taken out stronger men than you. And I won’t let you again question

my choices, or my mate.” Xander snarls up at Sinclair, clearly wanting a fight, but the wolf in him knows

that he’s already been beat. Despite himself, the old man takes a step back, his shoulders hunching

instinctually under the force of Sinclair’s stare.

“This is my kingdom now,” Sinclair says, his voice soft and deadly. “And you and your kind? By which I

mean prejudiced old bigots? You are the ones who are not welcome.” He takes a moment, then to

stare hatefully into Xander’s eyes before lifting his gaze to the rest of the Atalaxian delegation, letting

them know that the message counts for them as well if they take Xander’s side.

Only Calvin has the grace to hang his head in shame. The rest, I can tell, are still making up their

minds as to their next move.

About Accidental Surrogate -

Accidental Surrogate is the best current series of the author Caroline Above Story. With the below

Chapter 448 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all

the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please

read chapter Chapter 448 and update the next chapters of this series at


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