Novel Name : Accidental Surrogate

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 464

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Dawn lights the horizon when the door creeks open and Sinclair comes back into the room. My eyes go

immediately to him from my place sitting up in bed where I’ve spent way, way too many hours alone

gazing down at my little baby.

Sinclair pushes the broken door shut and sighs before he raises his eyes to mine. “I’m sorry,” he says,

his voice thick with guilt.

“You’d damn well better be,” I murmur to him, because honestly? I’m pissed.

He moves closer to me now and I can see that he’s absolutely exhausted, but my eyes rove over him,

looking for blood. Because if he killed Calvin, surely there would be – “I didn’t kill anyone,” he murmurs

with a sigh as he sinks onto the bed next to me, burying his head in his hands. “Though I wanted to,

and I would have.” “He didn’t do anything, Dominic,” I say, my voice determined.

“He did, Ella,” Sinclair snaps, glaring at me. “I get that we’re in uncharted territory here with the

possibility of both of us having two fated mates, but honestly? It’s not like there isn’t some precedent. If

a couple are chosen mates and one of them meets their fated mate? There’s a protocol to be followed.”

I pause for a moment, a little shocked. “Really?” I ask, curious. “What is it?” “Well it’s damn well not

keep it a secret from everyone and take her out on a romantic date where you touch her face -” And I

can’t help myself from laughing a little at this, a dark, angry little laugh.

He turns to glare at me but I just shake my head. “Dominic, if the man thinks that he’s my fated mate

and all he does is touch my face – is that honestly a crime worth his death?” “Yes,” he growls,

completely sincere, “when it’s my mate it sure as hell is.” “Did you find him?” I ask, because I have a lot

I want to say to this man, but I need the details first.

“I did not,” he murmurs.

“Did you try?” I ask, pushing him.

“For…about fifteen minutes I did, yes,” he confesses. “And then I came to my senses and realized that

I cannot kill an Atalaxian prince without dire consequences.” “So, you realized that you were

overreacting -” “I was not overreacting “Fifteen minutes in,” I continue, ignoring him, letting my sharp

tone let him know precisely how I feel about this. “And then you just…stayed out all night? And left me

here, all alone, even though you knew I was upset and needed you?” He pauses now and I see his

shoulders slump with guilt. “That’s why I apologized.” “Not because you hunted a Prince.” He snaps his

gaze to me now. “I don’t regret that, Ella,” he says, his voice low with anger again. “He is very lucky I

didn’t find him, and if he’s a smart man he’ll never step foot in my presence again.” My eyes go wide as

I realize that he’s dead serious.

“So what did you do all this time?” I ask, my voice soft.

“I went to Conner and…kind of ripped his door down.” “What!?” “I could smell him on you,” he growls,

and I groan because I knew that was going to happen.

“Was he there?” Sinclair nods. “I…owe him an apology too. I frightened him, but I just… confirmed the

details you told me.” “Did you think I was lying!?” He turns to give me a glare. “I just worried that you

missed something, Ella – I wanted another perspective. All right?” I clench my teeth a little, unhappy,

but I nod. “Then what did you do with the hours you were gone?” “I just…ran,” he says, shaking his

head. “I needed to sort my mind, burn out my energy and my anger. But,” my mate continues, turning to

look at me, “I do regret leaving you here all alone. I honestly don’t know how I could have stayed, Ella –

I’m not…I wasn’t strong enough of a man to find a way to stay at your side when I wanted to tear the

world to shreds.” He drops his gaze again, guilt in every line of him. And my heart wrenches to see it

because – I mean, because I know we’re going to get through this, and I understand that he was

completely overwhelmed by the idea that I might have another mate, that he could potentially lose me

But still. I was so baffled, and so confused, and I needed him to hold me and talk to me last night – and

he wasn’t here.

“You have to find a way to be that stronger man, Dominic,” I say quietly, shaking my head at him. “For

me, for your children,” I shrug, looking down at sleeping Rafe. “Because this isn’t going to be the only

challenge we face, and your only solution can’t be to shift into your wolf and go out to murder the world

when fate crosses you.” He sighs again, and he nods, because he knows that I’m right.

I let him have a moment to sit in it, clenching my teeth against my own instinct to comfort him. When I

can’t bear it any longer, I speak.

“So, are you done?” I ask, my voice quiet.

He turns to me, confused. “Done what?” “Done flipping out? Can we finally have the conversation that

we should have had hours ago? Because I have just been sitting here, wondering, and worried…” And

damn it, even though I tried to be tough, the tears come back to my eyes now and my lower lip starts to


I hear Sinclair’s tongue click as he shifts towards me then, reaching out across the bed and cupping my

cheek in his palm. Instantly, wanting his touch, I press my face into his hand. “Yes,” he says quietly,

moving now to climb fully into the bed with me. “I am sorry, Ella you’re right. You needed me and I left. I

am…very ashamed.” I nod down at the bed, telling him silently to lay down. He does as I say as I sniff

back my tears and we both lay down on our soft mattress, the baby between us.

“It was very difficult for me,” he murmurs, trying to explain. “To hear that another man…could have

some kind of claim on you.” “And how do you think I felt?” I say quietly, staring into his eyes, “the first

time I heard about Lydia? And then when she came back into your life?” He frowns a little. “Lydia –

that’s different – she’s – ” “Your fated mate, Dominic,” I say, shaking my head at him. “So if you don’t

think that I understand the jealousy you felt when you heard that Calvin – ” He growls a little even when

he hears the name, which makes me smirk just a little bit. But I press forward.

“That he even just claimed that he thought I could be his mate?” Sinclair takes a moment to think this

through. “All right,” he murmurs. ” Then you may have some inkling. But Ella – is he?” I open my eyes

wide and shrug. ” Dominic, I have no idea!” Sinclair sighs, closing his eyes for a moment and getting

his thoughts and emotions in order. I wait quietly, studying his beautiful face, and when he opens his

eyes his expression is newly determined.

“All right, trouble,” he says, his voice now a deep purr. “Let’s get some things straight.” He reaches for

me then and I scooch closer so that Rafe is pressed warmly between us. Sinclair slides an arm easily

around me, his palm pressed warmly around my lower back, and I reach out my own hand, my fingers

tracing up and down along his ribs. I nod then, letting him know that I’m ready.

“Even if he is your mate,” Sinclair says, closing his eyes as if he can’t stand to look at me as he says

those words. “Would you leave me for him?” “No,” I say instantly, frowning, a little appalled. And then,

angry, I give Sinclair a little smack on the ribs that makes his eyes fly open. “Why would you even ask

that!?” “I just wanted to have it said,” he growls, giving me a half-hearted glare. “So that we’re on the

same page, all right? It’s not unheard of, for someone to leave their mate when they meet someone

they’re fated to -” “I’m your fated mate, Dominic,” I growl, raising my hand to stroke my fingers over the

stubble on his cheeks, my heart breaking to think that he’d even considered me leaving him as a

possibility. “I love you, and I’m in love with you, and I’m not going anywhere. Okay?” “Okay,” he

murmurs, pressing his eyes shut for a moment and taking a deep breath. “Then the next order of

business is…to figure out if he’s actually your fated mate.” “Well,” I say softly, frowning at him. ” How…

would I know?” Sinclair frowns at me, confused. “Ella …I mean…you would just know.”

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The novel Accidental Surrogate has been updated Chapter 464 with many unexpected details,

removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author Caroline Above

Story is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 464 of the

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Novel Accidental Surrogate Chapter 464

Novel Accidental Surrogate by Caroline Above Story

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