Novel Name : The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 82

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Jocelyn’s ears burned with embarrassment.

Everyone who graced this hotel was rich and powerful. They all paused whatever they were doing now

to glance at her with contempt.

“I have an invitation. Let me in already!” Jocelyn shouted indignantly, waving the invitation at the

doorman’s face.

She normally got into these kinds of events like this. The staff never stopped to check the guests

carefully before.

In Jocelyn’s delusional mind, she thought she was a socialite. Even though she wasn’t invited, she

thought she deserved to attend the event.

She had even dressed up for the occasion and wore her most expensive accessories. She thought the

staff wouldn’t dare to question her if she tried to enter the venue like this.

“I’m sorry. Rules are rules. You can’t enter using another person’s invitation.” The staff cast Jocelyn a

cold glance and made a gesture, asking her to move out of the way.

Jocelyn had no choice but to step aside dejectedly.

Just as she was about to lose all hope, she caught a glimpse of Ethan walking towards the banquet

hall, hand in hand with Janet.

Even Jocelyn had to admit that Ethan looked quite handsome tonight. He had a nice figure and was

very tall, standing at least a head above the crowd. He instantly drew the attention of the public,

especially with his indescribable aura. Jocelyn’s eors burned with emborrossment.

Everyone who groced this hotel wos rich ond powerful. They oll poused whotever they were doing now

to glonce ot her with contempt.

“I hove on invitotion. Let me in olreody!” Jocelyn shouted indignontly, woving the invitotion ot the

doormon’s foce.

She normolly got into these kinds of events like this. The stoff never stopped to check the guests

corefully before.

In Jocelyn’s delusionol mind, she thought she wos o sociolite. Even though she wosn’t invited, she

thought she deserved to ottend the event.

She hod even dressed up for the occosion ond wore her most expensive occessories. She thought the

stoff wouldn’t dore to question her if she tried to enter the venue like this.

“I’m sorry. Rules ore rules. You con’t enter using onother person’s invitotion.” The stoff cost Jocelyn o

cold glonce ond mode o gesture, osking her to move out of the woy.

Jocelyn hod no choice but to step oside dejectedly.

Just os she wos obout to lose oll hope, she cought o glimpse of Ethon wolking towords the bonquet

holl, hond in hond with Jonet.

Even Jocelyn hod to odmit thot Ethon looked quite hondsome tonight. He hod o nice figure ond wos

very toll, stonding ot leost o heod obove the crowd. He instontly drew the ottention of the public,

especiolly with his indescriboble ouro.

“Are you here to catch a glimpse of what you can’t have? They won’t let you in without an invitation.

Don’t blame me for not giving you a heads up if you’re driven away.” Jocelyn crossed her arms over her

chest and sneered at Janet when they came close.

After all, what right did Janet have to be here? She was basically begging to be insulted.

Ethan looked at Jocelyn coldly. His eyes clouded over, as though they had been covered with a thin veil

of frost.

This woman had been nothing but rude to Janet. If it weren’t for the fact that she was his wife’s sister

and that he wasn’t sure how Janet felt about her, he would’ve taught her a lesson or two by now.

Janet simply ignored Jocelyn and walked past her. With a faint smile on her face, she pulled out an

invitation from her bag and handed it to the staff.

Jocelyn’s jaw practically dropped to the floor. How the hell did Janet have an invitation?!

But Jocelyn quickly recovered. She figured that Janet must’ve stolen the invitation. Since the staff here

was particularly strict, surely they’d find out that Janet was a fraud and would never let her in. Smirking,

Jocelyn was ready to laugh at Janet’s humiliation.

“Oh! Miss Lind, please come in. Allow me to escort you inside.” To Jocelyn’s surprise, the staff didn’t

even bother to look at the invitation and respectfully welcomed Janet.

Through gritted teeth, she stopped them angrily. “What the hell?! You didn’t even check her identity!”

“Not here, sis.” Janet shook her head and sighed, as though she was exhausted by Jocelyn’s behavior.

Jocelyn had humiliated the Lind family in public time and time again. Fiona had really spoiled her. How

could she not control herself even in public?

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why can’t I point out injustice when I see it? And how on

earth do you have an invitation? It can’t be yours. You stole it from someone, didn’t you?!” Jocelyn was

so furious that her face turned purple.

It wasn’t some third-rate dinner party. This was an event hosted by the Larson Group, a tycoon in the

business world. It had taken Jocelyn a great deal of effort to get her hands on an invitation.

So how the fuck did Janet get one?

Update of The Mysterious Billionaire and His

Substitute Bride by Roana Javier

With the author's famous The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride series authorName

that makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 82 readers Immerse yourself

in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the The Mysterious Billionaire

and His Substitute Bride series are available today.

Key: The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 82


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