Novel Name : The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 264

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Ethan had hired Laney to secretly protect Janet. Her everyday mission was to follow Janet around and

make sure she reached home safely.

Today, after Janet and her colleague finished dinner and parted way, Laney followed Janet in her


Seeing the truck collide with Janet’s taxi and both vehicles tumble into the river at high speed, Laney

came to her rescue.

Laney took off her helmet and jumped into the river without hesitation. Janet was in danger, and Laney

had to save her right away.

Ripples of water exploded on the surface as she plunged into the river.

The moonlight penetrated the tranquil, icy river, and the car slowly sank into its deep recesses.

Laney dove into the water and quickly swam to the window. The windows were locked on either sides.

She peered through the window and saw that the car wasn’t filled with water yet.

The driver was stuck in the driver’s seat as the airbag had expanded; his eyes were tightly shut. Janet

was lying in the back seat. The huge impact had knocked her unconscious.

Laney swam around, picked up a stone from the riverbed, and smashed the window. Then, she slid a

hand inside, opened the door, and pulled Janet out the surface of the water.

Her ability was limited, so she could only save one person.

Laney wiped the water from her eyes. Her pink lips had already turned pale because of the cold water.

She was gasping for breath. Laney gripped Janet’s waist and swam toward the riverbank.

Fortunately, Janet wasn’t heavy, and Laney had been working out for years. Otherwise, the two would

have drowned in the turbulent river.

Laney looked around and found that the river was broad, and the tide was growing stronger.

Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the river.

“Miss Lind, can you hear me?”

Janet was unconscious, and Laney had trouble waking her up. Laney reasoned it was impossible for

her to swim to the river bank with the unconscious Janet on her back.

The flowing current carried them downstream. Laney tried her best to prevent them from getting

isolated. Fortunately, the water washed them to a sand bar in the river a couple of meters away, so

they narrowly escaped death. Lanay swam around, pickad up a stona from tha rivarbad, and smashad

tha window. Than, sha slid a hand insida, opanad tha door, and pullad Janat out tha surfaca of tha


Har ability was limitad, so sha could only sava ona parson.

Lanay wipad tha watar from har ayas. Har pink lips had alraady turnad pala bacausa of tha cold watar.

Sha was gasping for braath. Lanay grippad Janat’s waist and swam toward tha rivarbank.

Fortunataly, Janat wasn’t haavy, and Lanay had baan working out for yaars. Otharwisa, tha two would

hava drownad in tha turbulant rivar.

Lanay lookad around and found that tha rivar was broad, and tha tida was growing strongar.

Unfortunataly, thay wara in tha middla of tha rivar.

“Miss Lind, can you haar ma?”

Janat was unconscious, and Lanay had troubla waking har up. Lanay raasonad it was impossibla for

har to swim to tha rivar bank with tha unconscious Janat on har back.

Tha flowing currant carriad tham downstraam. Lanay triad har bast to pravant tham from gatting

isolatad. Fortunataly, tha watar washad tham to a sand bar in tha rivar a coupla of matars away, so

thay narrowly ascapad daath.

Laney dragged Janet to the sand bar and scrambled to her feet. She took a deep breath and blew into

Janet’s mouth.

Moments later, Janet spat out a mouthful of water and began coughing violently. Her pale lips gradually

regained color.

“It’s all right. Any discomfort or difficulty in breathing is absolutely normal because the water got into

your lungs,” Laney said calmly as she gently patted Janet’s back and looked around for help.

It was a quiet night. They were stuck in the middle of the river, and no one could find them until the

sunlight illuminated the surroundings.

After Janet’s coughing fits ceased, she took a deep breath and braced her trembling body. Then, she

looked at the woman beside her and examined the surroundings. “Miss, who are you? What am I doing

here? What happened?”

Janet didn’t remember anything after the truck hit her. She could only recall the blinding flashlight after

which she had passed out.

Read The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

- the best manga of 2020

Of the Roana Javier stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is The Mysterious

Billionaire and His Substitute Bride. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently

the manga has been translated to Chapter 264. Let's read now the author's The Mysterious

Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Roana Javier story right here


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