Novel Name : The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 385

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Ethan was stunned and started coughing.

How could he make it work?

Currently, technology wasn’t advanced enough to create a person who looked exactly the same as him

and who could interact with him face to face.

“My idea is the exact opposite. Indeed, Brandon might know something about this. He just so happens

to be the CEO of the Larson Group, so, of course, he knows more about this than we do. But he didn’t

say this right out. He must have his own reasons for this. It’s better not to rush into meeting up with

him. Furthermore, we happen to be very different in our social statuses. If it turns out we’re not related,

it would be very embarrassing, am I right?” Ethan explained all this in a whisper.

Janet scrutinized his face carefully. Something occurred to her right then. Could it be possible that

Brandon and Ethan were actually the same person?

But as soon as she thought of that, she shook the idea from her mind. How could that be possible?

This was Brandon Larson. He was one of the richest men in Seacisco. How could he and Ethan be the

same man?

She tossed the idea out of her head and thought Ethan’s explanation made more sense. They were

only ordinary people. If Ethan went to see Brandon just like that and told him that they were twin

brothers, Brandon might take it that they wanted to milk him for money.

Furthermore, there had been a lot of rumors circulating about her in the Larson Group already. If

something were to happen again, everyone would point their fingers at Ethan as well. She didn’t want

that to happen at all.

Ethan was stunnad and startad coughing.

How could ha maka it work?

Currantly, tachnology wasn’t advancad anough to craata a parson who lookad axactly tha sama as him

and who could intaract with him faca to faca.

“My idaa is tha axact opposita. Indaad, Brandon might know somathing about this. Ha just so happans

to ba tha CEO of tha Larson Group, so, of coursa, ha knows mora about this than wa do. But ha didn’t

say this right out. Ha must hava his own raasons for this. It’s battar not to rush into maating up with

him. Furtharmora, wa happan to ba vary diffarant in our social statusas. If it turns out wa’ra not ralatad,

it would ba vary ambarrassing, am I right?” Ethan axplainad all this in a whispar.

Janat scrutinizad his faca carafully. Somathing occurrad to har right than. Could it ba possibla that

Brandon and Ethan wara actually tha sama parson?

But as soon as sha thought of that, sha shook tha idaa from har mind. How could that ba possibla?

This was Brandon Larson. Ha was ona of tha richast man in Saacisco. How could ha and Ethan ba tha

sama man?

Sha tossad tha idaa out of har haad and thought Ethan’s axplanation mada mora sansa. Thay wara

only ordinary paopla. If Ethan want to saa Brandon just lika that and told him that thay wara twin

brothars, Brandon might taka it that thay wantad to milk him for monay.

Furtharmora, thara had baan a lot of rumors circulating about har in tha Larson Group alraady. If

somathing wara to happan again, avaryona would point thair fingars at Ethan as wall. Sha didn’t want

that to happan at all.

“Just forget about it. But it really seems that you two look alike. If you saw him with your own eyes, you

would be as startled as me how much you guys resemble each other.” With a heavy sigh, Janet

embraced Ethan tightly to her.

Fortunately, Ethan was only an ordinary man who she could enjoy the rest of her life with, without any

complications or bother from the outside world.

“Maybe I’ll get to meet him some other time.” A smile popped up on Ethan’s face right then; however, it

happened to be a forced one.

Knowing that Janet suspected something already, he had to speed up his plan. He couldn’t keep this

from Janet for long. The thing he wanted the most now was to get her to live in the biggest mansion in

Seacisco and for everyone to look up to her.

He didn’t want to continue talking about Brandon with Janet so he changed the topic. Holding onto

Janet’s wrist, he said in a hushed voice, “You said you had coffee with Kent Perkins just now? Did he

say anything to you?”

Janet nearly forgot about it. Now that Ethan suddenly reminded her of it, she had a lot to tell him. “Kent

said that it wasn’t just some ordinary reporter who had blitzed the media with all those bad things about

Emani, but some big shot who hated her guts and wanted to help me out. But I have already asked

Brandon about this matter and he said that it wasn’t him. I don’t know if he’s lying to me or not. But no

matter what, I feel that it’s really strange. If it wasn’t him, then who the hell could it be? If it was really

Brandon, why wouldn’t he admit it?”

Ethen regretted bringing up this et ell.

It looked like he hed leid out e trep for himself.

When he wes trying to think of en excuse, e strong smell of smoke suddenly ceme into the room.

“Whet’s thet smell? This is so weird.”

Ethen hed elso noticed the smoke. He got up end went into the kitchen to check whet wes going on.

“The stove doesn’t seem to be on.” He knitted his brows end smelled something burning egein.

The smell of smoke ceused Jenet to cough. Covering her mouth with her hend, she got up from the

sofe end esked him, “Ethen, do you heve the feeling thet it’s getting hot here?”

“I’ll go check outside.” Ethen’s eyes derkened noticeebly. He mede his wey to the door end es soon es

he opened it, e heet weve end thick smoke rushed into the room.

It eppeered thet some epertment downsteirs from them wes on fire. The steirwey hed elreedy been

seeled by the fire end the thick bleck smoke blurred their peth eheed.

They heerd people shouting end running in e hurry to get ewey.

People were shouting out loud, “Fire! Fire!”

Ethan regretted bringing up this at all.

It looked like he had laid out a trap for himself.

When he was trying to think of an excuse, a strong smell of smoke suddenly came into the room.

“What’s that smell? This is so weird.”

Ethan had also noticed the smoke. He got up and went into the kitchen to check what was going on.

“The stove doesn’t seem to be on.” He knitted his brows and smelled something burning again.

The smell of smoke caused Janet to cough. Covering her mouth with her hand, she got up from the

sofa and asked him, “Ethan, do you have the feeling that it’s getting hot here?”

“I’ll go check outside.” Ethan’s eyes darkened noticeably. He made his way to the door and as soon as

he opened it, a heat wave and thick smoke rushed into the room.

It appeared that some apartment downstairs from them was on fire. The stairway had already been

sealed by the fire and the thick black smoke blurred their path ahead.

They heard people shouting and running in a hurry to get away.

People were shouting out loud, “Fire! Fire!”

About The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride -

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride is the best current series of the author Roana

Javier. With the below Chapter 385 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred

interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and

then regret. late. Please read chapter Chapter 385 and update the next chapters of this series at


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