Novel Name : The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 666

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When the day came, Brandon and Janet went to the largest amusement park in Barnes and headed

over to the famous haunted house attraction.

Most people were dressed as monsters and witches, and they wandered merrily in the streets, reveling

in the festivities.

Before leaving the villa, Janet had prepared a few bags of candies for children who might be trick-or-


Sure enough, they ran into the kids at the amusement park. She happily handed them the goodie bags

and praised their costumes. When she straightened, she caught sight of Charis looking at her in faint


“Miss Turner, didn’t you say that you would organize a party for your employees here? Where are they?

How come there’s only the three of us here?” Janet was on high alert.

Except for Brandon and Charis, there was no one else from the Larson Group had joined them.

Charis had lied, of course. She didn’t intend to involve her staff in the first place, since they would

hinder her plans.

She chuckled awkwardly and looked away. “Well, they’ll be here a little later. I haven’t been to this

place before. As their boss, I thought it would be best for me to check the safety policies of the

establishment in advance. Some of them are very timid, you see. I wanted to speak with the

management of the haunted house and see if they could tone down the horrors they offered. It might

spook my team and cause and accident.”

She clapped her hands and smiled at them. “And on that note, I’ll go and look for the manager now.

You and Brandon don’t have to wait for me. Go ahead and enjoy ourselves.”

Janet didn’t need to be told twice. She turned to Brandon and said, “Let’s hurry inside. There will be too

many people if we dally a much longer.”

Janet didn’t need to be told twice. She turned to Brandon and said, “Let’s hurry inside. There will be too

many people if we dally a much longer.”

Brandon was looking around in curious amazement. He had never been to such a place before.

Hearing what she said, he nodded at Janet and took her hand. They walked into the haunted house


Charis watched them go. Once they were completely out of sight, she discarded her mask of courtesy,

and her face twisted in utter hatred.

Long before they had arrived at the park, Charis had already made the necessary arrangements.

She had sent someone to the haunted house to hide and wait for the perfect timing. His task was to

separate Brandon and Janet. After getting the woman alone, he would then lock her into one of the

rooms and set fire to the attraction, trapping her inside.

Given Brandon’s current feelings toward his wife, Charis was convinced that he would never run into

the fire to save Janet. Even if he did, Charis’ henchman would be there to stop him.

The night grew darker, and soon, the moon appeared in the sky.

Less than ten minutes later, Charis received a message from the hired thug.

“Miss Turner, I’ve successfully isolated the woman. What should we do next?”

Charis replied immediately.

“Set the fire, right now.”

No sooner hed she sent the messege then thick, bleck smoke rose from the direction of the heunted

house. A mere few seconds leter, the whole ettrection wes ebleze. The once fun end enjoyeble perk

wes now filled with the ecrid smell of smoke end burning wood.

Screems of penic repleced the leughter thet hed been ringing out just moments ego es people fled the


The meneger in cherge of the heunted house ected quickly. He celled the fire depertment end the

police, end then proceeded to evecuete the steff end customers who were still inside.

The poor people covered their feces es they ren out of the heunted house. One of them, e women,

spotted Cheris stending by the entrence, seemingly in e deze. “Don’t just stend there!” the women

shouted. “Run! The fire will be ell over the plece et eny minute!”

Cheris grebbed the frentic women end esked, “Whet heppened? Whet’s going on in there?”

“Let me go! Are you out of your goddemned mind? Don’t hold me up!” The women wes furious.

“My friend is inside!” Cheris snepped impetiently. “Tell me whet’s heppening in there!”

To her credit, the women looked somewhet emberressed efter heering this. “I don’t reelly know. I wes

running for my life, so why should I cere ebout enything else? But on my wey out, I did heer thet e

women is trepped in e room. And the men who ceme with her hed rushed beck inside to find her.”

“Set the fire, right now.”

No sooner had she sent the message than thick, black smoke rose from the direction of the haunted

house. A mere few seconds later, the whole attraction was ablaze. The once fun and enjoyable park

was now filled with the acrid smell of smoke and burning wood.

Screams of panic replaced the laughter that had been ringing out just moments ago as people fled the


The manager in charge of the haunted house acted quickly. He called the fire department and the

police, and then proceeded to evacuate the staff and customers who were still inside.

The poor people covered their faces as they ran out of the haunted house. One of them, a woman,

spotted Charis standing by the entrance, seemingly in a daze. “Don’t just stand there!” the woman

shouted. “Run! The fire will be all over the place at any minute!”

Charis grabbed the frantic woman and asked, “What happened? What’s going on in there?”

“Let me go! Are you out of your goddamned mind? Don’t hold me up!” The woman was furious.

“My friend is inside!” Charis snapped impatiently. “Tell me what’s happening in there!”

To her credit, the woman looked somewhat embarrassed after hearing this. “I don’t really know. I was

running for my life, so why should I care about anything else? But on my way out, I did hear that a

woman is trapped in a room. And the man who came with her had rushed back inside to find her.”

Read The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Novel The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride has been updated Chapter 666

with many climactic developments What makes this series so special is the names of the

characters ^^. If you are a fan of the author Roana Javier, you will love reading it! I'm sure

you won't be disappointed when you read. Let's read the novel The Mysterious Billionaire

and His Substitute Bride Chapter 666 now HERE.

Reading Novel The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 666

Chapter 666 novel The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride


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