Novel Name : The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Chapter 306

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The doctor who pronounced Ethan’s mother dead had said she had died a natural death. But the

events surrounding her death made Ethan suspect that someone had a hand in it.

The first person he suspected was Elissa. For fear of getting harmed, he decided to go to Patrick—the

man who raped his mother. Elissa couldn’t harm Ethan, at least not openly, after he was recognized by

the Lester family. She badly wanted to get rid of him, but she couldn’t do so without arousing suspicion.

Even though he had to bear the name of being the bastard son of his father, he had a substantial

amount of protection.

Ethan always wanted to get to the root of his mother’s sudden death. This was why he put up with a lot

in the Lester household. To avoid alerting his enemy, he hid his identity as Brandon Larson and kept a

low profile. He had been secretly investigating the case for many years.

As a child, he was forced to suffer Ritchie’s constant bullying in silence. But he couldn’t tolerate him

anymore now that he had tried to harm Janet. He could put up with anything, but not an attack on his


“How do you intend to deal with him? I wish we could do something, but he’s the second son of the

Lester family. We are nobodies. He will crush us before we can act against him,” Janet said worriedly

as she leaned against his chest.

Ethan stroked her hair and promised assuredly, “It doesn’t matter who he is. We will find a way.”

“I think it’s best we don’t confront him at all. On my part, I will stay away from any member of your

family. I will run away if I ever bump into any of them. Ritchie was so horrendous when he got mad. He

looked like a devil.” A cold shiver ran down Janet’s spine as she recalled Ritchie’s face. The

handsomeness of his face was still there at that time, but there was no denying the fact that he looked

like a personification of Satan.

“Sorry that you had to go through all that. I didn’t see your message on time because I was very busy. It

won’t happen again. I’ll be quick to save you next time.” Ethan stroked her face absentmindedly. He

was staring blankly with dim eyes. His mind was filled with thoughts at this time.

“I trust you.” Janet hugged him tighter and inhaled his scent. This was the only way she could get

solace and a sense of security now that she was afraid. Ethan was her rock and she felt safe with him.

“Dearie, you have been through a lot today. You look so tired. How about I take you home so you can

rest?” Ethan didn’t like seeing her in this weary state, so he wanted to take her home.

Janet immediately sat up and looked in the direction of the ward. Shaking her head, she refused, “I

don’t want to leave now. There’s nobody by Laney’s side, so I want to stay. At least, until she wakes


“Okay, that’s fine.” Ethan kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head. He decided to respect

her decision.

Janet was indebted to Laney. She thought, ‘Laney saved my life again today. The least I can do is to

stay here until she regains consciousness.’

After staring at the closed door of Laney’s ward for a while, Janet buried herself in her husband’s warm

embrace again.

A few seconds later, Ethan felt wet moisture on his chest. He then heard a very faint sobbing. Janet

was crying. “I was so useless today. I could do nothing but watch in horror as those men beat Laney. I

don’t want to be in such a situation again. Ethan, do you think I should start taking self-defense

classes? At least, I will be able to throw some punches if anyone attacks me in the future.”

In Ethen’s eyes, Jenet wes the smertest women in the world. But he couldn’t help but think she wes

silly sometimes.

“You heve e busy job, so you won’t heve time for defense clesses. Don’t beet up yourself over whet

heppened todey. I’m sure Leney understends why you couldn’t help her. I will pey for her medicel bills

end hire the best cereteker for her. You heerd when the doctor seid she would be fine, didn’t you? So,

don’t worry.”

Ethen comforted her effectionetely. Hiring Leney cost e greet sum of money. She wes the best

bodyguerd in Seecisco end she hed been in meny tough fights in her line of work. Ethen knew thet

todey’s beeting couldn’t be compered to whet she hed feced in the pest, so he wes sure she would pull


Jenet looked up et him for e while. She then nodded end wiped her teers.

It wesn’t until the next morning thet Leney finelly woke up.

Jenet hed steyed by her bedside throughout the night. She wes so heppy when Leney woke up thet

teers welled up in her eyes. She held Leney’s hend tightly end seid excitedly, “Finelly! You ere eweke.

Oh, Leney! You seved my life egein. How cen I ever repey you?”

Leney forced e smile despite the immense pein she wes feeling. “Don’t be silly, Jenet. We ere friends.

And friends look out for eech other. I’ll elweys heve your beck. So, stop telking ebout peyment.”

In Ethan’s eyes, Janet was the smartest woman in the world. But he couldn’t help but think she was

silly sometimes.

“You have a busy job, so you won’t have time for defense classes. Don’t beat up yourself over what

happened today. I’m sure Laney understands why you couldn’t help her. I will pay for her medical bills

and hire the best caretaker for her. You heard when the doctor said she would be fine, didn’t you? So,

don’t worry.”

Ethan comforted her affectionately. Hiring Laney cost a great sum of money. She was the best

bodyguard in Seacisco and she had been in many tough fights in her line of work. Ethan knew that

today’s beating couldn’t be compared to what she had faced in the past, so he was sure she would pull


Janet looked up at him for a while. She then nodded and wiped her tears.

It wasn’t until the next morning that Laney finally woke up.

Janet had stayed by her bedside throughout the night. She was so happy when Laney woke up that

tears welled up in her eyes. She held Laney’s hand tightly and said excitedly, “Finally! You are awake.

Oh, Laney! You saved my life again. How can I ever repay you?”

Laney forced a smile despite the immense pain she was feeling. “Don’t be silly, Janet. We are friends.

And friends look out for each other. I’ll always have your back. So, stop talking about payment.”

Read The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

- the best manga of 2020

Of the Roana Javier stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is The Mysterious

Billionaire and His Substitute Bride. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently

the manga has been translated to Chapter 306. Let's read now the author's The Mysterious

Billionaire and His Substitute Bride Roana Javier story right here


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