Novel Name : The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Chapter The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapters 652

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Chapter 652 Dislike

Clayton Sloan Wuise

the most in such a netting, but

was alent

The meeting room was wellheated, but a light chill could still be felt.

Gerard Lichiman smiled “Mr Sloan is still abroad and can’t attend the meeting. We’ll

send him a copy of the minutes afterward.”

Nicole fronted but did not say anything. She took a sual and look at the prepand materials.

Eric tried wry hard not to look ather, but his maze stilllanded on her anyway

Nicole was like a gravitational vortex that Eric could not ignore. He would want to let her from time to


When Eric heard her mention Clayton, he could not help but sncer.

“He should be abroad now trying to salvage the project. He deserves it because I dislike the way he’s

hovering around Nicole,

Listening to Orland’s report, Enc’s cold and solemn attitude made others feel more pressured

Gerard looked at those two people who did not communicate with each other and felt apprehensive.

Every meeting was like a psychological war.

Finally, the arduous meeting was adjoumed.

Gerard coughed slightly. This project will still continue at the end of the year. The research for our

psychological testing device has reached the final stage. I was thinking that we should take advantage of

the New Year to launch the new project”

Nicole sild, We haven’t tried it yet, and it hasn’t ben tested, so it’s itote prometna total loss if something

goes wrong when it’s launched to the merlet prematurely.”

Eric did not say anything, which meant that lie avulescelto Nicole’s opinioni.

Gerard woulded his eyetows. But this project is already very mature Aregular polygnup that’s used in the

police station is the most low-level psychological etag equipment What we are researching nog hindreds

of times more advanced than the polygraph!”

Nicole’s voice was dull “What’s the rush, Mr Liman? Why can’t we wait until after the New Year?!!

Why did he want to create more work for everyone at this time?

Gerard stroked his furchead and did not know whether to laugh or ty.

“Ms. Stanton, you sure are bold. Ererything can be left aside until after the New Year and until you’ve had

dinner, right? You”

Eric interrupted Gered in an icy volo. “Gerard, watch your words. Who do you think you’re lecturing?”

Gerard shut up in an instant

Looking at Nicole’s indifferent face, Gerani’s complexion change stichtly. He sudidenly regretted

speaking out of EUIL

Nicole was not someone he could snark at,

Gerard pursed his lipd. “I’m sorry. I uncontroucly got too carried way cause I was just talking with some

frezkaru Tenently atgut some of the conventions and Habits of us Meliarinois, In Melianin, the New Year

is indeed an important holiday. but globally, it’s just a regular day. The fact that our researdhi bore results

carlier than


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