Novel Name : We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 Make a Clean Break With Him

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” The woman in front of her apologized repeatedly and hurriedly

handed Alexa a piece of tissue.

Alexa rarely got angry. In addition, the person in front of her was even more nervous than

her. Alexa instantly lost her temper.

“It’s okay.”

Alexa waved her hand and wiped off the stains on the notebook.

The woman standing in front of her carefully looked at the drawing in Alexa’s hand, and a

smile suddenly appeared on her delicate face.

“Hello, are you a designer? Can we have a chat?” the woman asked briskly.


Alexa looked up in surprise and saw her face.

She was about forty years old. Her makeup was exquisite and gorgeous. She was wearing

a delicate, rose-colored long dress, bright and dazzling. She was completely incompatible

with the cramped


Before Alexa understood the situation, the woman handed over a simple and elegant

business card.

She was Kimora Hampton from Elvish Corp.

Good heavens!

Alexa looked up in shock. She had never been so nervous and excited.

Who would have thought that the mysterious top designer, Kimora, was now on the same

bus as


If the media were present, she would hit the hot search.

“Can we talk?” Kimora curled her lips into a smile, showing her generous aura.

“Me?” Alexa pointed at herself in disbelief.

“Of course!” Kimora smiled even broader and reached out to her intimately. “Let’s get


Alexa’s mind was about to be knocked silly as she got off the bus with her confusedly.

The Maserati that was following behind the bus stopped right in front of them.

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Kimora warmly invited her to the car. Alexa was in a trance and felt that everything was

like a dream.

“What’s your name?”

Kimora took out a document and looked at Alexa.

The girl in front of her was fair and thin, and her slender figure revealed a touch of

pathological beauty that others couldn’t help but pity her. In addition, she had extremely

classical facial features, which made her look superior.

Kimora was very happy. It seemed that she had picked up a treasure today.

“My name is Alexa Duran.”


Kimora whispered a few words and nodded thoughtfully.

“Ms. Hampton, is there a problem?”

“No.” The smile on Kimora’s face had an unfathomable meaning. “I just think your name is

very pleasant to hear.”

“Thank you.”

After bringing Alexa to Elvish Corp.’s design department, Kimora made some time to call


“Terrence, what are you doing?”

“Kimora. I haven’t been doing anything bad in front of you recently.” Terrence’s tone was

full of



Kimora had also grown up in a family of intrigue, so how could she not see through

Terrence’s thoughts?

“How do you plan to beg me if you want Alexa to enter Elvish Corp.?”

“Beg you?” Terrence could not help but laugh.

He really did not expect such a coincidence, much less that Kimora would take a fancy to

Alexa at a


Terrence did not intend to let Alexa “pull some strings” at all, not to mention that this was

definitely not something Alexa hoped for.

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“I have no intention of begging you to be generous,” Terrence smiled and said in a doting

tone, “There is no doubt about her strength. If you don’t want her, I will create a brand for

her alone.”

“You brat!”

Kimora also smiled unconsciously. It seemed that Terrence had really grown a lot.

Back in the office, Alexa had already completed the first draft.

She designed a ring with a classic multi-ring design. She used the beauty of geometry to

the extreme and decorated it with diamonds, making it look even more luxurious.


Kimora praised from the bottom of her heart and instantly understood what Terrence


“Is there a name for this work?”

“Monologue,” Alexa said without thinking.

The repetitious road of hardship was her life’s monologue that she couldn’t escape from.

“I will report your work to Publicity Department,” Kimora said confidently. “We will

definitely give you a dazzling stage. You just need to shine.”

Kimora was very good at judging people. When she first saw Alexa’s work, she

immediately understood that this young designer must be famous.

“If there are no problems, let’s sign the contract.”

Kimora immediately arranged the contract, afraid that Alexa would be poached by others.

“Thank you, Ms. Hampton. Can I give you an answer tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Kimora nodded kindly. “It’s getting late. I’ll arrange a car to send you home.”

Otherwise, Terrence would bombard her with calls.

After a relaxed and happy chat, Alexa left Elvish Corp. in a good mood.

She really did not expect to meet Kimora in such a dramatic way, nor did she expect that

Elvish Corp. would offer her a job voluntarily.

After returning to Duckdale Villa, Alexa saw Terrence sitting at the dining table at a


He sat alone at the table and looked a little lonely.

Alexa walked briskly towards the dining table and sat down in front of him with a face full

of joy.

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“What happened? Why are you so happy? You’re beaming with a smile,” Terrence said as if

he knew nothing.

“Am I?”

Alexa immediately blushed and touched her face nervously. Her smile instantly faded.

“Let’s eat.”

Terrence changed the topic and personally served her a bowl of vegetable soup.

“Even taking a bus makes you so happy, right?”

Alexa’s smile was very infectious, and Terrence could not help but be a little happy.

In his lonely heart, something seemed to be gradually coming to life.

“You might not believe me if I say it,” Alexa said in surprise. “I met Kimora, the creative

director of

Elvish on the bus.”

“Really? Didn’t you want to be a designer? Did you introduce yourself to her?” Terrence hid

his emotions in his eyes.

“How did you know? She took a fancy to my work and said she wanted to sign a contract

with me. What do you think?” Alexa sighed.

Alexa subconsciously asked the last question. In the past, when she encountered

important decisions, she would seriously ask her parents and brother for their opinions,

but now the one

sitting in front of her was Terrence.

Her creditor and former boss.

Alexa suddenly regretted that she always had such a bad memory!

She always showed an excessive passion for this cold man!

However, Terrence thought for a while and finally said slowly.

“If you like Elvish, of course, you can go, but don’t have a psychological burden. Even if

there is something, the Hudson Group is your backer.”

Hearing his words, Alexa took a sip of the vegetable soup with an unnatural expression.

“Okay.” Alexa nodded firmly. “I will definitely make a lot of money, and then pay the

money back to

you as soon as possible.”

When Terrence heard that, his eyes instantly sank.

So Alexa didn’t make so much effort to pursue her dream, but to make a clean break with


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