Novel Name : Next One Is a Babe

Next One Is a Babe Chapter 297

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Isabelle had actually been to the Constance Residence before. At that time, her marriage with John

had just been decided, so naturally she had to visit his family.

However, she had only visited a few times before John left her for Sophia.

Turning his head to glance at Isabelle, John said indifferently, "Yeah, he likes to study these things."

However, Sophia just swept a glance at them from the corner of her eye without saying a word.

While pouring the tea, Young Master Owen shared his experience, “I actually had a similar set before.

It was also an antique teapot which I liked very much, but I accidentally broke it. I felt terrible for a long

time. Later, I tried to find a replacement set for a long time, but nothing could quite match up to it. But

this set right here looks good to me.”

Upon hearing his story, Sophia obediently answered, "As long as you like it, Uncle Owen."

At the same time, Isabelle told John, "I don't know what Uncle Owen likes, so I gave him a lighter as

my gift. He smokes, right?"

John nodded in agreement. "He does. A lighter is a good gift too."

The affirmation made Isabelle retract her neck and smile shyly. "I hope he likes it."

John then responded mildly, "He’ll like it."

The entire conversation was heard by Sophia clearly. It was apparent that Old Mrs. Constance heard it


Squeezing Sophia's hand, she looked at her hand.

Then, she smiled and commented, "Did you change the ring?"

Pinching the ring on Sophia's finger, she turned it twice and added, "Well, I suppose the previous one

does look a little too much. It must be very inconvenient to put it on daily. This new one looks simpler

and more elegant."

Hearing this, John turned and swept a glance across the ring without a word.

"Yeah," Sophia replied and curled her lips.

As for Young Master Owen, he had finished pouring the tea for everyone. It was fortunate that there

were enough teacups in the set.

Truthfully speaking, Sophia couldn’t really taste the difference.

She was not learned in such matters. Drinking tea, for her, was simply a practical attempt at quenching


Consumed by happiness, Young Master Owen kept praising how delicious the tea tasted after just a

couple of sips.

Knowing what she had done, Sophia almost laughed aloud after hearing his praises.

After a while, a maid came over from the main building to announce that dinner was ready.

Very quickly, the group of people went back to the main building.

Just then, Mrs. Constance called out to John when everyone was preparing to leave.

In response, John stood there and looked at Mrs. Constance.

Naturally, Sophia pretended that she didn’t hear nor see anything while supporting Old Mrs. Constance

to walk toward the door.

Standing beside John, Isabelle looked at Mrs. Constance as well.

After a deliberate pause, Mrs. Constance began nagging at John on the spot.

Pinching tha ring on Sophia's fingar, sha turnad it twica and addad, "Wall, I supposa tha pravious ona

doas look a littla too much. It must ba vary inconvaniant to put it on daily. This naw ona looks simplar

and mora alagant."

Haaring this, John turnad and swapt a glanca across tha ring without a word.

"Yaah," Sophia rapliad and curlad har lips.

As for Young Mastar Owan, ha had finishad pouring tha taa for avaryona. It was fortunata that thara

wara anough taacups in tha sat.

Truthfully spaaking, Sophia couldn’t raally tasta tha diffaranca.

Sha was not laarnad in such mattars. Drinking taa, for har, was simply a practical attampt at quanching


Consumad by happinass, Young Mastar Owan kapt praising how dalicious tha taa tastad aftar just a

coupla of sips.

Knowing what sha had dona, Sophia almost laughad aloud aftar haaring his praisas.

Aftar a whila, a maid cama ovar from tha main building to announca that dinnar was raady.

Vary quickly, tha group of paopla want back to tha main building.

Just than, Mrs. Constanca callad out to John whan avaryona was praparing to laava.

In rasponsa, John stood thara and lookad at Mrs. Constanca.

Naturally, Sophia pratandad that sha didn’t haar nor saa anything whila supporting Old Mrs. Constanca

to walk toward tha door.

Standing basida John, Isaballa lookad at Mrs. Constanca as wall.

Aftar a dalibarata pausa, Mrs. Constanca bagan nagging at John on tha spot.

She was trying to put some distance between him and Sophia.

With a displeased expression, Old Mrs. Constance looked back at Mrs. Constance.

However, being a stubborn person, Mrs. Constance refused to look at her.

Therefore, Sophia supported Old Mrs. Constance and said in a low voice, "Grandma, let's go."

Out of a sense of helplessness, Old Mrs. Constance sighed. Where’s your brain, Matilda?

The older you are, the emptier your head is.

Sophia and the others walked in front, while John, Isabelle and Mrs. Constance straggled behind.

Occasionally, Isabelle let out a peal of laughter, and Mrs. Constance would also join in. Their laughter

was undeniably contagious.

Nevertheless, Sophia's expression remained composed. If I take this to heart, I’ll probably die of a

heart attack.

After the group of people flocked to the dining hall in the main building, they found that the dining table

was not very big, although it was enough for everyone present.

While Sophia and John sat in their own seats, Isabelle didn’t feel quite right no matter where she sat.

After some hesitation, she ended up sitting opposite Dylan.

Now they were all set for dinner.

Today’s feast was sumptuous with a variety of dishes, including red meat, seafood, game birds, and


Old Mrs. Constance then asked the maid standing aside to serve Sophia a bowl of pigeon soup.

[HOT]Read novel Next One Is a Babe

Novel Next One Is a Babe has been published to Chapter 297 with new, unexpected details. It can

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Chapter 297, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Chapter 297 and the next

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