Novel Name : Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress Chapter 449 “Her strength”

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Chapter 449 “Her strength”

If not for Cheng Gang’s older brother being a Reaper Emissary here, this shorty would never dare to be so arrogant and outrageous. Though killing an opponent during one of these fights in these public areas aren’t against the rules, there are however exceptions and that was using poison and hidden weapons.

“Little Finger Second Move: Shattering the Heavens.” With a whisk of her sleeve, all of the poisonous sands were gone from view.

Its obvious Ling Yue has been greatly angered by the sudden sneak attack because before anyone could realize what she had done, the sands had already been sent right back at Cheng Gang’s face like a showering hail. But that’s not all though. To vent some of her steam, she also rained down at the bastard with another series of shots from her fingers, blasting the fool until he’s crumbled to the floor.

“Ah!” The shorty exclaims, trying to cover his face with his fingers due to reflex. However……

There’s no fingers left, they were rolling on the floor due to being sliced off from that second assault!

Partly because of Cheng Gang’s background, most of the people here in the Novice area had stopped competing once the fight between them both had broken out earlier. As a result, the entire crowd had saw the entire thing unfold and knew exactly who was at fault.

They expected the typical scene of a veteran bullying a newcomer, but who would’ve guessed this Red Thirteen would stomp the show and swing the entire thing in a completely different direction.

Now, for his own folly, the features still remaining on this shorty was his fingerless palms and a face almost fully corroded due to his own poisons. There’s not even a nose left on that face so it’s actually very difficult to distinguish him from a real human being right now!

“Big Brother!” Wu Yue (tall) who had been watching the show from the sidelines until now had immediately ran over with his trembling self.

“You’ve lost,” that’s all she had to say to these two.

Even so, that’s all it took to remove the blood from the shorty’s complexion because he knew exactly what Ling Yue wanted. “Wu Yue, give him everything.”

Under the frightening stare from the girl, the latter could only scramble to hand over their belongings, which in the end only got them another hollering yell: “Hurry and scram before I change my mind!”

Undeniably, Ling Yue was quite pleased with her harvest tonight. In particular were Cheng Cang’s storage bag, there’s over fifty Illumination pills inside as well as an eighth level martial tablet. And as a bonus, she even found some hidden weapons coated in poison in there. Thankfully the shorty didn’t have time to use these earlier, otherwise it be such a waste!

But everything in this world comes at a cost, this was no different because it didn’t take long for her to notice the entire audience were looking straight at her front and back. Their eyes giving off the look of seeing a monster….

“Aigh, and here I was thinking I could keep a low profile while I gain a fortune….” Rubbing her nose at being found out about her true strength, Ling Yue knew this was the end of her business in the Novice area.

Picking up everything that belongs to her, including the various scraps on the floor that’s worth something, she quickly left the place for newer grounds.

Meanwhile at the same time in another corner of this Underground City #9, Cheng Gang was currently crying his hearts out before an alchemist dressed entirely in black.

This person was the shorty’s eldest brother and his source of arrogance, Zhan Gang.

“Big Brother, you must take revenge for me this time. That person not only relied on his superior strength to bully me, he also turned me into this terrible state!”

Under normal circumstances this Reaper Emissary would definitely scoff it off as lies made up by his younger brother here to get him to do something, but this time it was different. Already deformed on the face and nearly crippled on his hands due to losing all of his fingers, there’s no way this big brother of the group would take kindly to this sort of treatment.

“That person sure got some nerve, hurting even my younger brother. Who is he and what sort of background does he have?”

“The man is called Red Thirteen. He has no fame in these parts so I don’t know where he crawled out from either. But he definitely only just arrived here recently and has been staying at the Novice area the entire time.” Just the thought of a nobody putting him in this state would cause his hand to sting with immense pain.

The bleeding may have been stopped already but it’s impossible to reattach the fingers in his current conditions. The veins have been thoroughly ruined by his own poison, meaning Cheng Gang was practically half crippled there without the use of his hand.

“Novice area?” Confusion hits the Reaper Emissary.

Though Zhan Gang (big brother) knows his two brothers here aren’t exceptionally talented, but to lose to a newcomer in the Novice area was a bit too much wasn’t it?

“Yes he’s a newcomer, but that Red Thirteen isn’t only a martialist at the Dan realm, he’s also an alchemist from what I can tell.” Recalling back to his fight with Ling Yue earlier, the shorty can clearly feel the fluctuation of the spirit force coming from that last attack.

It’s not uncommon to find martialists and alchemists roaming the world, but to find one practicing both arts at the same time? Now that’s not always easy to come by.

Sure enough, the questions confusing this Reaper Emissary was now answered with that last bit.

Zhan Gang (big brother) was a reincarnation master himself so he knows full well the strength required to defeat his brother so thoroughly. If it was merely a Dan realm master then there’s no way he would believe it. However, now that the foe was also an alchemist of unknown level then everything certainly makes sense, meaning he will have a good idea on what needs to be done to deal with Ling Yue.

“But even so, Big Brother, he’s definitely not a match for you. I can guarantee you that much.” Just imagining the fate awaiting the one responsible would bring a twisted sense of pleasure for this disfigured shorty.

There’s good reasons for Cheng Gang’s one-sided belief that things will work out. Among the thousands of fighters here in this Underground City #9, his older brother Zhang Gang here was among the top ten strongest people here, that’s why he’s so confident.

“Shame though, that Red Thirteen isn’t willing to come to the intermediate public area. If he does then he would be directly within my scope of authority.”

Dealing with someone without heavy background wasn’t an issue for this Reaper Emissary, but for the sake of safety and insurance, Zhan Gang would still prefer to make a move while under his watchful eye even if he’s not the one directly taking action.

“Big brother, now that’s not an issue at all. I’ve inquired already. That lad didn’t come alone, he also came with others. Among his accomplices are two females currently hanging around in the intermediate area.” What the fat shorty meant by that was to deal with Lan Caier and A’bone first. Then when the time comes, they can just force Ling Yue to come over using some kind of excuse or forceful means.

“Very well, let’s do that then. During the next couple of days you can go rest and recover from your wounds. I will handle the matters with that Red Thirteen personally.” With that said, Zhan Gang then disappears from sight like he was never here to begin with.

Then again, they didn’t really need to go that far in order to lure the girl over. In truth, Ling Yue already made up her mind after leaving the place tonight. She will be joining her friends in the intermediate area in the coming days due to the incident with Cheng Gang tonight because there’s simply not enough profit to be made at the Novice area anymore.

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