Novel Name : Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress Chapter 520 “Feng Shen’s Illness”

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Seeing how easily Ye Ling Yue was able to blow her two low level Dan golems to smithereens, Consort Luo didn’t know what else to do. She’s frightened yet also intensely enraged. “You bitch, that is my son’s Black Yuan Cannon!”

Watching the ever-encroaching figure of the girl, her hands subconsciously wanted to reach for something. Yet, that was not meant to be.

Before those fingers could finish the act, Ye Ling Yue’s Soul Reaping Chain have already come flying over to bind the moving hand firmly in place.

“Speaking of which, you have reminded of one thing that’s been bugging me. How did you know about me causing your son Xia Hou Hong’s death?” The girl pricks her brow and asks.

Strictly on a technical term, all Ling Yue did was to watch idly by as the boy fell to his own demise. Of the ones present that day, there’s only her closest friends and family. If she had to call someone out, the closest candidate for the leak would be the He Lao brothers and that’s obviously not happening.

“Kill me if you like you little bitch. I won’t reveal the secrets of the Dan Palace even if you torture me.” Consort Luo was determined to meet her maker now that things have come this far. No matter what happens today, she has failed and any leaking in information about Chen Hong Ru would warrant the punishment by the man himself.

“Ho~ being tough eh. Fine, I will see how long you will last.” Not hurrying at all, Ling Yue only need to flick her fingers a bit to hit one of the woman’s acupoints.

This was not just some random move by the girl, it’s her second skill of the Ghost Sect’s Thirteen Needle technique: Ghost Tongue. Once a victim has been hit, they would lose control and begin speaking the truth whenever a question was asked. Of course, that’s only under the condition the user of said skill could overwhelm their victim; otherwise, the consequences would be dire.

According to Consort Luo’s unwilling explanation, she was originally one of Chen Hong Ru’s female disciple from way back. In fact, she’s technically Xue Pian Ran’s senior sister.

The lord of the Dan Palace was a very ambitious person. When it became known that Luo Wan Wan has become pregnant after their deed, Chen Hong Ru immediately began to scheme and sent the still inexperienced woman away. Then through various means and support from the man himself, the pregnant Luo Wan Wan was able to fool everyone and eventually become the all influential Consort Luo of Da Xia.

“What did you do to me you little bitch.” Crying out in agony, the woman yells with all her might.

“From the looks of it there’s nothing left to ask. Now tell me Luo Wan Wan, how do I get out of this chamber?” A flash of frosty glint emulates out of Ling Yue’s iris when she spoke.

Although Consort Luo revealed a lot of things here today, she’s nevertheless likely only one of the many women who willingly threw themselves at the powerful man over the years. Ultimately there weren’t much information that’s truly considered valuable. Now that made the woman expendable and a hindrance for Ling Yue.

“I-I still have two jade tablets on my body…. One will lead you to the third cave tunnel when used and the other back to the fourth tunnel that you came from.” Just like everything else involved with this trap, the jade tablet was also given by Xue Pian Ran.

Sure enough, Ling Yue found what she needed after rummaging through the captive’s body. Just that instead of a number on the third jade tablet, it’s plain with nothing written on the surface while the second had the number four on it.

“Please, have mercy on me.” Consort Luo pleads after seeing how the girl’s about to activate the key out of the place.

“Even if I let you go, do you think Xue Pian Ran and Chen Hong Ru would let you live?” Giving a shrug, the girl was just about ready to let her chains finish off the woman for good.

“No wait, I can tell you…. tell you the secret regarding the Phoenix Lord’s illness. The truth is, it’s possible to cure the boy of that cold condition!”

Luo Wan Wan was betting on the girl’s love for the boy. She’s a fair maiden once upon a time too, and a foolish and delicate one at that as well years ago. Otherwise, why would she throw herself into another man’s arm whom she didn’t love at all? Of course, it’s out of love for the one whom she truly cares for, even if the man himself never cared for herself.

“What is Feng Shen’s illness all about? If you answer it well then I can consider sparing your life.” Ling Yue’s voice sounded impassive, but in truth, her heart’s racing hard at the knowledge.

“I overheard the Master saying the Phoenix Lord’s illness is not so simple and is even related to the king.” In order to save her own life now that she’s already spilled the beans, Consort Luo didn’t hold anything back and said everything in her head.

It just goes to show how easy betrayal was among these types of people. One moment they’re willing to die for another, the next they’re perfect ready to throw the other into the fire.

“The king? Hasn’t the person always been very doting of Feng Shen?” The whole situation became stranger and weirder the more Ling Yue listened in.

“Doting is correct. In fact, the king cares for the Phoenix Lord more than anyone, more so than any other royal prince or princess.” When speaking up to the last part, Consort Luo made sure to emphasize on the “more” part like it held some special meaning.

“I don’t need to hear anything else unrelated, I only want to know about the matters related to Feng Shen’s illness.” Growing impatient now, she snaps the foe back to attention.

Ling Yue has no interest in the internal affairs of North Qing. All she cares about was her man’s wellbeing, that’s why she doesn’t want to waste anymore time on this strange play of words by the woman.

“I only know Master had a way to cure the Phoenix Lord’s condition for good back then. However, when the last moment came to remove the cause, it was the king who stepped in to stop the procedure. This whole story is something no one else knows about, and I too only happened to listen in on them by mistake. So please, have mercy and spare my life.” That pretty much rounds up everything Consort Luo has to say.

“Sparing you is fine, but I don’t have any intention of bringing you with me.” Looking at the desperation in the woman’s face, Ling Yue figured they were done at this stage and activated the jade tablet.

“NO! You can’t leave me alone in here!” The woman pounced at the notion of being left behind. Sadly, by the time she got to the girl’s spot, nothing was there anymore.

Now, silence was all that could be heard in this dark chamber.

Ling Yue on the other hand returned to the fourth cave tunnel with mixed and complicated emotions.

“Ling Yue, thank goodness you are back!” Overjoyed by the sight, Lan Caier cries out without a second thought and rushed her sister for a hug.

Of the three remaining here in the fourth cave tunnel was Lan Caier, Little Crow and Little Squeak so it’s only normal they be ecstatic for the girl’s return. Not to mention it’s a great relief she’s unharmed.

“What happened to Feng Shen and Dao Nu, how come I don’t see them around?”

“They… they went into the third cave tunnel already.”

Not that’s a shocker for Ling Yue. She absolutely never expected the two to enter the next tunnel by themselves. Furthermore, there’s the extra question of Feng Shen being able to break the seal around the jade tablet. The questions just won’t stop coming and it’s greatly bothering her at this point.

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