Novel Name : Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress Chapter 455 “Outbreak of Conflict”

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Chapter 455 “Outbreak of Conflict”

With the matters of the high level public area behind her, Ling Yue figured she should return to the intermediate public area after seeing how early it was in the night, thus leaving the old monster by himself once again.

According to Lan Caier and A’bone’s explanation so far, there are no shortages of strong opponents in that level. Though the girls did lose a couple of rounds during their times there, they did win more in the end and also gained a vast amount of experience that they couldn’t get otherwise.

This was especially true for Lan Caier who lacked actual combat. Though she’s from a military family due to her father’s background as a general, but that also meant she’s constantly kept in a safe haven and unable to experience the harshness of true combat in the battlefield.

As soon as Ling Yue entered the long anticipated place, she could already feel the difference. To her astonishment, she quickly discovered that though these visitors are nowhere close to being as powerful as the people in the high level area, they are still not to be taken lightly either.

Then just when she wanted to seek out her friends to get a better of grasp of the situation for tonight, that’s when two familiar figures showed up in her view – it was Lan Caier and A’bone. Just that their expressions weren’t look so dandy like they usually are. Furthermore, it appears they are surrounded by several thugs trying to hit them up like those would in a dark alleyway.

“Hey little girls, you broke our brother’s leg the other day. Since you two are so beautiful we can ignore that fault if the both of you spend the night with us. How about it huh?” One of the squatting men with the limp leg was obviously the injured fighter among the group, meaning these people are here to make trouble.

“Get out of the way. If you irritate your grandmas here then watch us break your third legs instead this time!” Lan Caier roars, showing they are not to be trifled with.

She’s the descendant of a military family. To be humiliated by such thugs are something she will not tolerate.

“The little lady’s mouth is certainly sassy enough, but I like it. Everyone, grab her first for me so I can show her what it means to be a proper woman.” The leading martialist sneered, signaling his buddies to step forward into a circling formation.

Towards this unrestrained attitude and contempt for the authorities, Ling Yue only had a frown for it. She’s not blind, she can see a crowd of onlookers had already gathered here with one crucial factor missing: the Reaper Emissaries’ are nowhere to be found.

Of course, Lan Caier wasn’t going to take the taunting lightly. She’s a hot tempered girl to begin with, plus the encouragement of getting violent in this place, it’s only natural she would become a tyrant in her own right.

Then there’s A’bone also. The girl may not be as sassy in her temperament as her partner, but she’s definitely wild in nature. Issuing out a howling roar, this girl was actually the one to throw the first punch, thus causing one of the thugs to flying out across the air with blood spurting out of his nose.

It seems the time they spent here weren’t wasted at all. Not only is their momentum much stronger, they’re also much fiercer than ever!

Naturally Ling Yue couldn’t ask for more if her friends can easily overpower the foe, but just when she’s about to issue out a sigh of relief at the situation, that’s when the smile on the girl’s face stiffened up.

She can see it, one of the sneakier looking bastards among the thugs had just tossed out a set of hidden weapons from his sleeve at her friends. And based on her experience with the usage of poison, that greenish hue on the objects are definite signs of a deadly toxin, likely the flesh rotting type!

If Lan Caier and A’bone were to face their opponents in a one on one combat then they would undoubtedly be capable of detecting this fatal attack from their back. Sadly, their minds are preoccupied by the numerous thugs in front of their eyes like annoying flies that won’t move aside.

Anger, frustration, both emotions surged within Ling Yue’s heart and manifests into a surging torrent of power, which instantly transforms into a Blink Shield around her friends.

Note: Blink Shield is the defensive skill she learned back at Glass City from the president of the alchemist association.


The barrier swayed somewhat at the impact, nevertheless nothing notable could be found on the structural rigidity of the barrier.

The girls may be preoccupied at first but that doesn’t mean they are deaf. Looking over to the source after hearing that metallic clank, that’s when they saw the greenish daggers stuck into the hair raising rotting soil below their feet.

First there were shock, then there were an unbridled pang of fear sweating out of their bodies. They know, if so much as a scratch from those daggers touched their skin then they are doomed. Fortunately they didn’t need to worry anymore because in the next second Ling Yue had already rushed into the fray and began tossing these pompous fools apart.

“Someone is making trouble!” It was then a group of Reapers began descending from the sky after a series of outcries from the crowd.

“Reaper, Reaper, save us quick! These people are openly using hidden weapons at us, something strictly prohibited in the city.” The one leading the thugs were the one crying out for the help and even managed to crawl up to one of the Reaper’s leg to make a case.

“Nonsense, it is clearly you people who are deliberately provoking us and even tried to attack us from behind with those hidden daggers.” Lan Caier became enraged at the deceitful lies with A’bone staying vigilant at the situation.

“I can testify, I saw it was the man who took out the hidden weapons back there. That’s why I intervened.” Sharp witted as ever, Ling Yue was starting to notice something off about all this.

There were not a single Reaper in sight during the fight, but now that she’s apprehended most of the instigators they would appear in the nick of time? Isn’t that too coincidental?

“They are clearly accomplices. Your lordship, if you don’t believe me then you can search their bodies. I guarantee you will find plenty of hidden weapons on them.” Raising a finger to point at Ling Yue specifically, the leading thug was all cheeky and sinister in his face.

It’s true there are certainly some hidden weapons on her body; however, they are all taken from that short fatty Chang Gang the other night. For the other party to know right away this fact, it’s obvious they are colluding together on this.

Sure enough, she immediately took notice to Chang Gang and his gang among the crowd enjoying the show using her keen senses. The hostility was too obvious and too blatant.

“The three of you, are you willing to be searched?” The leading Reaper asks using a strangely creepy tone like he’s thinking something dirty.

“I’m not willing, we never even used any hidden weapons so why must we endure such a search?” Lan Caier and A’bone are both getting nervous now.

That’s right, how can they allow so many men to touch their body and in front of so many eyes too!

“Bring the three of them back to the dungeons to await their trials then.” With that order, the rest of the Reapers began moving in with their chains and cuffs in hand.

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