Novel Name : Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress Chapter 468 “A Woman with a Dark Enough Heart and a Thick Enough Face

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Chapter 468 “A Woman with a Dark Enough Heart and a Thick Enough Face (p1)“

Ling Yue’s planned this from the start. She wanted to make the man lose his guard before trying a sneak attack, and sure enough, it worked!

“Wu Chong, you lost, let’s see how you will keep mocking me after this.” Gleeful in her voice, the girl starts jumping up and down like a playful child.

Although the man’s evading jump was lightning fast during the final moment when the attack came smashing down, it was still too late. There’s a scratch near the shoulder area, a tear at best. Even so, a hit was a hit, they never said anything about having to cause an injury.

“Was that the Soul Reaping Chain that you just used?” Wu Chong wasn’t surprised at all over the girl’s sudden sneak attack, he’s quite aware of her usual tactics. What did catch him off guard though was the fact that the girl could use a technique that originally came from him. What’s more, she even improvised and split the chain into nine parts like how she did with the needles she used to use often.

“You didn’t expect it right? I refined Zhan Gang’s Soul Reaping Chain and made it my own,” she proudly cocks her head high like the man and starts gloating, “A bet is a bet, you promised me a martial technique if I win. Now hurry and hand it over.” Spreading forward her hands, Ling Yue awaits in anticipation for the expected item.

“What do you want to learn then?” Wu Chong was starting to regret bandaging up the girl into a dumpling now – he really wants to see the sort of face she would make right now.

“The one you used last time, that very powerful swordsmanship at the Tai Yi School.” She didn’t even need to think and blurted this out.

“You mean my Emperor Class Technique: Nine Heaven’s?” Breaking out into a laugh, Wu Chong readily shot the idea down, “Even if there are ten of you it will still be impossible for you to learn it.”

One of his favorite part about Ye Ling Yue was her dark hearted nature and the fact that she could be extraordinarily thick-skinned to the point of being shameless.

Take the first encounter they had for example: she would dare steal his Red Yang Ginseng. To be clear, those who steal from the Ghost Emperor only has one outcome in their fate, and that was death!

“Even if I can’t learn it I can still sell it. The money alone would mean I never have to work again.” Grinning right up to her eyes, Ling Yue’s aura was sparkling with greed.

“It’s the same if you become my woman so why not consider that instead?”

“Pehhh, who is going to be your woman. If a man can be relied upon then even a pig can climb the tree.” Jerking to attention, Ling Yue’s ear was suspiciously red in light of what she’s saying.

Apparently the three days of intimate interaction did have an effect of changing her negative view of this man to a certain degree. Not like she’s willing to admit that though.

“You ungrateful thing,” he shoots her an eyeful, “I heard you used your personal things to exchange for a Nine Phoenix Change martial tablet. I will teach you that instead.”

Within the underground cities, nothing could escape Wu Chong’s awareness, only things he didn’t want to know.

“Wu Chong, don’t get stingy with me. You are the Ghost Emperor, how can you teach me something that I used my own money to buy? I’m sure the Underground Palace would have plenty more to choose from!” Exploding like a skittish cat, Ling Yue won’t have it.

Making an extremely dangerous snort, the man refutes her demand, “Stupid woman, you dare compare a martial art that I have personally tweaked with the garbage in the exchange office. Are you learning or not?”


Ling Yue’s face immediately went from gloom to all sunny after hearing it.

Chapter 468 “A Woman with a Dark Enough Heart and a Thick Enough Face (p2)“

Although her duration in practicing hasn’t been all that long, but she did know enough that only those who have truly mastered their skills could tweak an existing technique or even create a new one.

“I want to learn~” Blinking her big yearning eyes, the look she was giving the former causes Wu Chong to go all weak and powerless.

Ling Yue was definitely happy there, no doubt about it. However, the strange part was that the man didn’t immediately begin teaching her after the promise, rather she was taken to a vast expanse of ice ended only by the rocky cliff up ahead

The sight was gorgeous in of itself. Clouds as far as the eye can see with the rising sun in the background, it’s almost too surreal that it’s hard to believe such a sight existed in this world.

“Wu Chong, what are you doing? Didn’t you promise me a new martial technique?” As nice as the atmosphere was, she’s in no mood to watch some sort of sunrise.

Sighing at the lack of culture in this woman, Wu Chong shoots her an eyeful, “Do you know what lies ahead of this sea of cloud shielding this Deity Fall Village?”

“……” Makes a confused look.

“It is the Immortal Jade Garden.”

“……” Makes a clueless face.

“One of the three great schools, the Immortal Jade Garden!”

If Wu Chong could shoot knives right now with his eyes then Ling Yue would’ve been punctured a thousand folds already, that’s how annoyed he was currently.

“Don’t tell me, you don’t even know the names of the three great schools out there do you?”

“……” Flushing with embarrassment.

“The Immortal Jade Garden is one of the three great schools that’s solely dedicated to nurturing the talented within the female gender. If you want to fully modify the Nine Phoenix Change technique then you must enter their forbidden ground.” Unable to hold back his irritation at the cluelessness of the lass, Wu Chong readily sends a knock down from above.

What exactly does this woman even hold inside that head of hers?

“Wait! The forbidden ground of one of the three schools? Wu Chong, if you want to die then go ahead, don’t drag me in with you. I’m still young, I still have a great future ahead of me!” Jolting to attention, Ling Yue repeatedly shakes her head in refusal.

“Try and leave, I dare you, I will throw you directly into that sea of cloud. Don’t forget why I am here and who it’s for.” Not going to let the lass whose showing the look of wanting to flee, Wu Chong pre-emptively snatches her dainty body up into a binding hold.

To his shock, the man was very much surprised to find the girl’s skin to be exceptionally nice to the touch. As such, he went ahead to change the posture to indulge in his delight, which instantly warranted a glare from the girl herself.

This guy, for three days he’s been clinging onto me already, did he become addicted to it?

But just when she wanted to struggle out of the bind, Wu Chong suddenly stopped her with a shushing gesture. Then without indication, he pulled two pills out and stuffed one of it into her mouth, forcing her to consume it.

Ling Yue would normally be quite disgusted by another’s concoction, but she wasn’t this time. The reasoning? It’s because she only needed a glance to recognize the pills as the very same ones she gifted to the lord of the Life Taking Hall.

“Quiet.” That said, Wu Chong then quickly placed a barrier around themselves, shielding their existence and noise from the outside.

It was the right choice because mere seconds later the clouds were rumbling like an earthquake. Here, on this day, Ling Yue got her first glimpse of the three schools and their enormous foundation: first there’s the magnificent palace that’s exuding a rainbow light across the sea of clouds, then it was the numerous flocks of spirit beasts roaming about, followed by the several maidens currently riding their bird mounts coming out to their location.

Are those the disciples of Immortal Jade Garden?

Truly a paradise, not even Ling Yue could deny this fact. From the environment to the people within her view, everything was perfect, from a female perspective anyways.

Already invisible through the effects of the pills, the pair quietly waited until they are alone again before making a move for that sea of clouds.

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