Novel Name : You More Than Anything In The World

You More Than Anything In The World Chapter 87

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In the living room of Clinton Residence, Stephanie pointed at the photos on the table and said angrily,

“Dad, Mom, Oscar, did you see that? Your so-called good daughter-in-law cheated on Oscar with the son

of the owner of Scott Group. This shameless woman doesn’t deserve to be Oscar’s wife.”

Oscar looked at the photos on the table with a grim expression as he slowly clenched his fists.

Olivia also wore a gloomy look on her face, but she did not want to believe that Amelia was that kind of

person. After all, she treated her like her daughter.

“Oscar, what the hell is going on?” she asked while looking at Oscar.

With his eyes fixed on the photos, Oscar said nothing.

“Mom, isn’t it clear what these photos mean? Obviously, this woman has cheated and cuckolded your

son,” Stephanie chimed in, displeased.

Olivia’s face fell.

“Steph, watch your words. She’s your sister-in-law. You can’t be so disrespectful,” Olivia reproved her in

a low voice.

“Mom, the evidence is staring at you in the face, but you still don’t want to believe it. Will you only believe

that your daughter-in-law has cheated when you see the photos of her sleeping with another man?”

protested Stephanie, feeling wronged.

Olivia glanced at Oscar before saying, “Shut up. She’s Oscar’s wife nonetheless. You’re only

embarrassing him by saying so.”

Knowing that no man liked being cuckolded, Stephanie realized that she had said something she should

not, so she gave Oscar an apologetic look and apologized, “I’m sorry, Oscar. I didn’t mean it. I just

wanted all of you to see the true colors of this woman.”

Then, Oscar pointed at the photos. “Where did these come from?”

“They were delivered to me by a courier,” replied Stephanie.

“They are all fake,” stated Oscar.

“Oscar, are you still trying to defend her?” snapped Stephanie as she looked at him in disbelief.

Standing up, Oscar shot her a stern look and asserted, “I said they’re fake, so they are.”

Stephanie also got up and yelled in anger, “Oscar, I got someone to check these photos, and I was told

they’re all authentic, which is why I showed them all to you. How can they be fake? Have you really fallen

in love with that kind of woman, Oscar? Don’t forget that Cassie is pregnant with your child. You

behaving like this will get her nowhere. Oscar, I’ve never expected you to be such a fickle man.”

Oscar’s face clouded over.

“You don’t need to worry about my marital problems, Steph. If you’ve got nothing to do, I’ll enroll you in

an Arts class so that you won’t be screaming all day and become more ladylike.”

Stephanie’s chest heaved with anger, and she let out a sardonic chuckle.

“Oscar, I just don’t want to see you get cheated by that woman, but you’re actually blaming me now for

my good intentions.”

Oscar simply glanced at her in silence.

Meanwhile, Olivia waved her hands and stepped in, “What’s wrong with the two of you? Sit down now.”

Only then did Oscar and Stephanie sit down.

Olivia took a deep breath, feeling calmer than earlier.

“Tell me honestly, Oscar, have you seen these photos before?” Olivia rightly put her finger on it. As a

mother, she understood her son very well to know that he would not have been so calm if he had not

seen these photos.

Oscar nodded.

“Yes, yesterday. Amelia explained to me as well. This is just a misunderstanding.” For some reason,

Oscar covered Amelia.

Perhaps deep down, he did not want his parents to misunderstand Amelia. Despite having said so many

hurtful things the day before, he still could not bear to see something happen to Amelia.

Stephanie’s eyes widened with anger.

“Oscar, these photos are hard evidence. You can’t go soft on her just because of her words.”

Olivia glanced at her and ordered, “Be quiet Steph. Let Oscar speak.”

Stephanie punched the sofa and crossed her arms grumpily.

Then, Olivia said calmly, “Oscar, tell me frankly, what do you think of these photos?”

“Mom, I was just as angry as you all when I saw these photos, but I’ve been married to Amelia for

several years now, so I believe that she’s not such a person.”

Olivia nodded in approval. “Oscar, I’m rather satisfied with the way you handled this matter. You didn’t act

rash, nor did you lose your temper. In my opinion, you’ve become more responsible.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

“Mom, what were you thinking? How can you still be so calm when your son is being cuckolded? Is

Oscar your son, or is Amelia your daughter? Why must you defend her like this?” Stephanie lashed out

while looking at Olivia with saucer eyes.

“You can’t talk to Mom like this, Steph.”

Stephanie rose to her feet and began to weep. “Dad, I didn’t mean to criticize Mom, but she’s so partial

to that woman that she’s lost her principle. That’s why I suspect Amelia is her daughter instead.”

Hearing that, Olivia glanced at her, while Owen fell silent.

“Steph, I didn’t favor Amelia on purpose. It’s just that she’s pregnant now, and we can’t possibly

disregard our grandchild. Even if she’s cheated, we’ll need to resolve it after she gives birth to the child. I

really hope you can calm down.”

“Mom, she’s so promiscuous. We can’t even be sure who the father of the child is,” said Stephanie

disdainfully, curling her lips.

“Steph, how could you say that?” A look of anger flashed across Olivia’s eyes.

“Mom, isn’t it true? That woman is so unfaithful. We don’t even know how many men she’s been with.

Can you guarantee that the baby she’s pregnant with belongs to Oscar?”

Unexpectedly, Olivia replied asserted firmly, “Yes, I can. I treat her as my own daughter. I believe in my

judgment about people.”

Stephanie puffed and blew at her response.

“Mom, you-”

But Olivia looked at Oscar and said, “Oscar, do you plan to divorce Amelia? If you do, I won’t interfere as

it’s a matter between the two of you. I just hope that you can think it through.”

“Mom, I don’t want to divorce her yet,” replied Oscar after a brief silence.

“Okay, as long as you’ve figured out.” Olivia was obviously relieved.

After a brief pause, she added, “Where’s Amelia? Call her to come over. Since you’ve seen the photos, I

think she knew that the person who sent these photos over is apparently ill-intentioned and may have

planned it for a long time. I believe someone’s on to her. Since she’s still a member of our family, we

can’t just let her be bullied.”

Oscar balled his hands into fists. “She’s gone to work. I’ll get her to come over at night.”

Olivia did not push it and simply reminded, “Tell Amelia not to think too much. It’s not good for her now

that she’s pregnant.”

Oscar gave a slight nod.

“I’m tired. I’m going to rest upstairs with your dad. Ask Amelia to come home for dinner,” added Olivia

with a look of fatigue on her face.

“If she’s not busy at work, I’ll get her to come with me for dinner.” Oscar gave a vague answer.

Without saying anything else, Olivia went upstairs with Owen.

After going into their room, Owen’s face clouded over. “Olivia, after Amelia gives birth to the child, I’ll get

her to divorce Oscar. She doesn’t deserve him.”

Sighing, Olivia wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and asked, “Dear, can you not do it for

my sake?”

“I can tolerate it when she kept her nose clean previously. But if this kind of photo gets out, it’ll make both

Oscar and our family look bad.”

“You know very well that I’m very fond of her, but you still say things like this. You’re breaking my heart,”

Olivia said with a sigh.

Turning around, Owen pulled her into his arms and whispered, “Be reasonable, Olivia. This woman is

really unsuitable for Oscar and can’t help him at all judging from her family background, education

qualifications, and capability. She isn’t the best woman to be Oscar’s wife.”

“We don’t need external things like this to be the icing on the cake of our already huge business, do we?”

“But in order for us to venture into foreign markets, Oscar needs to marry a woman with a comparable

family background.”

“Do you treat Oscar as a son or as a machine to expand Clinton Corporations? I’m telling you, even if he

divorces Amelia, I won’t agree to Cassie marrying into our family. It’s either me or her. Your choice,”

warned Olivia with an impenetrable look in her eyes.

Owen sighed helplessly and hugged her tighter.

“Don’t get so worked up, Olivia. I didn’t say that Oscar must marry Cassie, but you have to consider what

he wants too. After photos like these were taken, Amelia can no longer be our daughter-in-law. As for

Cassie, she’s pregnant with Oscar’s child. No matter what, Oscar should take responsibility for it. After

all, the Yards and our family have been friends for many years. We can’t have a falling-out with them.”

Olivia pushed him away as she threatened, “We don’t know yet who’s child Cassie is pregnant with. If

you insist on letting Oscar marry her, I’ll leave.”

Owen had no choice but to compromise.

“I’m just saying, Olivia, don’t be mad. Your heart is weak, and Robert also said that you can’t be too

emotional. I’m sorry that I said the wrong thing.”

Only then did Olivia calm down.

“Dear, I hope you don’t mind me talking back, but Cassie is really not suitable to be our daughter-in-law.”

“Alright, alright, you call the shots. We should let Oscar handle his own relationship problems. If he

insists on marrying her, I hope you can accept it with an open mind. You don’t want your kids to grow

estranged from you, do you?”

Heaving a sigh, Olivia did not say anything else.

Meanwhile, Stephanie went up to Oscar downstairs and asked, “Oscar, what are you thinking? Are you

really going to tolerate such a promiscuous woman?”

“She’s your sister-in-law.”

“After what she’s done, she doesn’t deserve to be one.”

“I have to go back to work. See you.”

Stephanie grabbed Oscar by the arm to stop him as she questioned anxiously, “Oscar, what does Cassie

mean to you now? Previously, you claimed that you love her, and yet you have a change of heart so


Oscar furrowed his brow. “Steph, if you’ve got nothing better to do, you should sign up for some art

classes to mold your character into a better one.”

Stephanie hit the roof. “Don’t try to change the subject, Oscar. You can remain so calm after being

cuckolded. Are you a coward?”

Without taking another glance at her, Oscar walked past her and left.


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