Novel Name : You More Than Anything In The World

You More Than Anything In The World Chapter 1230 The Children Of Benjamin Graham

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“Don't be afraid. I'm going to look for them now. Take care of your siblings and don't run around,”

Benjamin comforted Gavin softly, his brows furrowed with worry.

“Daddy, you've got to find Tim and Zachary. They must be in danger now.”

Gavin sniffled, his heart flooded with worry for his younger siblings.

“All right. Don't cry. The bad guys must have a reason for taking them. They won't hurt them so easily.

You just need to take good care of your siblings and let me handle the rest. That way, I can focus on

looking for Tim and Zachary.”

Benjamin's eyes darkened. If the other party wanted to kill the children to get revenge on him, they

would not have gone to such lengths to take the children away from the kindergarten. They were either

doing it for money or for some other purpose, so there was still a chance of finding the children.

“Tell me when they went missing.”

Gavin quickly recounted everything that had happened earlier. “We were in the classroom when Tim

and Zachary went to the restroom. They didn't return when the class started, and neither did they

answer our calls. We were afraid they were in trouble, so we split up our responsibilities to look for

them. Oliver and Jasper checked the surveillance footage and their location while I went to get the

bodyguards to look for them. The surveillance cameras are down, and the bodyguards found their

colleague unconscious on the ground. Daddy, hurry up and get someone to look for them. The more

time passes, the more danger they'll be in.”

“Don't be afraid. I'm going to look for them now. Take care of your siblings and don't run around,”

Benjamin comforted Gavin softly, his brows furrowed with worry.

“Okay. Take care of your siblings and go home first. Don't let your mommy know what happened.”

Benjamin glanced at the ward, worried about Arissa if she learned about the incident.

He reminded Gavin of a few more things before hanging up and dialing Ethen's number to gather some

men to conduct a search.

After that, he contacted the police to keep a close eye on the entrances. He also got Kingsley to help

before returning to the ward.

“What happened?” Arissa panicked even more when she saw the look on his face as he entered the


“Something urgent came up at work, so I need to go back and take care of it. Get some rest in the

hospital, okay? Ring the bell for the nurses if there's anything you need,” Benjamin said before rushing

off to look for the children. While the bodyguard drove, Benjamin sat in the back and checked Tim and

Zachary's location. To his surprise, it showed that they were still in kindergarten.

Benjamin narrowed his eyes.

The bodyguards had failed to find the children after searching the entire kindergarten, yet their

locations showed they were still in the compound. Looks like the other party is meticulous enough to

remove the GPS trackers on the kids. They're no ordinary criminals.

As Benjamin examined the surveillance footage, he spoke to Ethen on the phone. “How's everything on

your side?”

“Mr. Graham, I've arranged for the men to guard every gate and road. I'll be going out on a search with

Jack and his team.”

“Mr. Grohom, I've orronged for the men to guord every gote ond rood. I'll be going out on o seorch with

Jock ond his teom.”

After listening to the report, Benjomin informed, “The men who took Tim ond Zochory oren't ordinory

people. They hove counter-reconnoissonce skills. Focus on looking for people like thot. Find out if

onyone hos been octive in Dellmoor. Coll me if there's onything.”

“Got it, Mr. Grohom.” Ethen then hung up ond gove out the orders.

Benjomin hod o dork expression ond o goze stirred with emotions os he leoned ogoinst the bock of the


There wos nothing from the surveillonce footoge ot the intersection. It wos os if the children hod

vonished into thin oir.

“Toke me to the police stotion,” Benjomin ordered. Since there were no clues yet, oll he could do wos


The kidnoppers would surely give Benjomin o coll if he were the reoson for their octions.

Meonwhile, o construction truck wos moving on the mountoin's windy roods.

Not long ofter, it pulled up in front of o hut, ond some men in block corried two unconscious children


They tied the children up ond ploced them in o corner.

“Do we hove to be so wory? They're just kids, onywoy,” comploined one of them os he stuffed

something into the children's mouths.

His portner responded instontly, “They're Benjomin Grohom's children. It's best to be coreful.”

“Mr. Graham, I've arranged for the men to guard every gate and road. I'll be going out on a search with

Jack and his team.”

After listening to the report, Benjamin informed, “The men who took Tim and Zachary aren't ordinary

people. They have counter-reconnaissance skills. Focus on looking for people like that. Find out if

anyone has been active in Dellmoor. Call me if there's anything.”

“Got it, Mr. Graham.” Ethen then hung up and gave out the orders.

Benjamin had a dark expression and a gaze stirred with emotions as he leaned against the back of the


There was nothing from the surveillance footage at the intersection. It was as if the children had

vanished into thin air.

“Take me to the police station,” Benjamin ordered. Since there were no clues yet, all he could do was


The kidnappers would surely give Benjamin a call if he were the reason for their actions.

Meanwhile, a construction truck was moving on the mountain's windy roads.

Not long after, it pulled up in front of a hut, and some men in black carried two unconscious children


They tied the children up and placed them in a corner.

“Do we have to be so wary? They're just kids, anyway,” complained one of them as he stuffed

something into the children's mouths.

His partner responded instantly, “They're Benjamin Graham's children. It's best to be careful.”

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