Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 341

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Chapter 341 Matthew Begins to RetaliateSaying that, Veronica took the initiative to cover his lips with

hers again, and her small hands even slipped through his shirt restlessly, her cool fingertips touching

his skin. In an instant, it was as though her touch was an electric current running through his body,

causing a chill to run down his spine. Influenced by her actions, he began to respond to her kiss, but he

didn’t do anything else until the end. She was growing anxious. Her small hand gradually traveled

down, but when she touched his belt, he grasped her hand and warned, “Roni, stop fooling

around.”“Please, I want to,” she whined on purpose.“According to the contract, I’m not supposed to

‘sleep with you’ within three months.”Naturally, this meant that he wasn’t allowed to have any kind of

sexual relationship with her; he remembered it clearly. “If I break the contract and you refuse to marry

me, what will I do?”Veronica jolted in surprise and stopped kissing him. Had he been so concerned

about this matter this entire time?“Uh… Why would I? That wouldn’t happen.” She shook her head with

a sincere expression.Even though her eyes were practically glittering with sincerity, Matthew could still

sense that something was off. “Roni, tell me, did something happen?”Although Matthew didn’t know

Veronica very well, judging from her behavior in the past two days, there was definitely something

wrong, but he wasn’t sure what the problem was.“What’s wrong with you? I want it, but you wouldn’t

give it to me. Hmph!” She pretended to be annoyed and turned her back to him.Faced by her

assertiveness, Matthew was suffering as if he was in a burning fire, but he did not dare to break the

agreement. It took him so much effort to come to an agreement with her to abide by the contract and

secretly get married three months later, but if they broke their agreement because of a momentary

impulse, nobody would lend an ear to him for his loss.“Silly girl, stop fussing. You have a weak body, so

you need to rest well.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her

head, breathing in the scent of her hair as he comforted her, “Take a rest for now. I’ll call you when

lunch is ready.”Veronica closed her eyes to ignore Matthew, while he only stayed by her side like that

without saying anything else.“I’m going to Castron tomorrow. Wanna come with me?”At first, he

planned to go to Castron a few days ago, but because of the photo incident, the trip was delayed and

he didn’t make it in the end. Now that things had settled down and he was done teaching his family a

lesson, he naturally had to go to Castron to deal with those troublesome matters.“Are you leaving

tomorrow?” Veronica turned around to face him. “It’s going to be Christmas in less than a month. If you

leave now, you’ll only be back after Christmas, right?”“Yeah.” Matthew nodded, his dark eyes filled with

longing as he raised his hands to gently caress her soft cheeks. “I might not be able to visit your

parents this year. When I come back, I’ll pay them a visit immediately.”“It’s all right.” She smiled. “Take

care of yourself when you’re there and remember to call me.”“What are you talking about? If I don’t call

you, who else would I call?” The two looked at each other and smiled. That day, Matthew accompanied

Veronica for a walk around the villa and taught her to play golf. Then, he went to sleep with her in his

arms later that night. However, because of their pent-up desires, Matthew could only get up and take a

shower, and then went directly to the next room to rest in order not to cross the line. He felt helpless. It

was his first time finding out that his self-control was this bad.The next day, when Matthew had to rush

to the airport for his early flight, Veronica didn’t see him off and deliberately pretended to be asleep

instead. For some reason, she didn’t want to watch him leave. Perhaps she had suddenly become

accustomed to his presence, and after they had gotten into a romantic relationship, it became difficult

for her to leave him. Matthew entered her bedroom and kissed her, gently rubbing her lips with his

thumb before he turned around and left.As soon as the bedroom door slowly closed, Veronica opened

her eyes and stared at the ceiling blankly, feeling extremely depressed. After lying in bed for another

hour, she finally got up to wash up and saw that the maid had already prepared breakfast. Once she

finished her meal in the dining hall, the driver drove her back to the city center.As soon as she got out

of the car and went home, she turned on her phone, but it had shut down as the battery was dead. She

went to charge her phone before turning it on again, only to see many notifications for missed calls as

well as text messages from many people.One of the most important messages was the one from

Xavier. ‘I’ve fixed my phone and called you, but why won’t the call get through?’He fixed his phone?

When she saw this message, Veronica suddenly turned pale. How powerful was his phone to be able

to be repaired after being soaked in such hot water for so long? She had deleted the photos when she

submerged the phone into the pool of water and also cleared his photo album while she was at

it.However, was it possible that Xavier could still use his phone to recover the photos after this?

Veronica didn’t dare to consider that possibility. She raised her hand to her forehead. She had been too

confident to think that as long as she soaked his phone in cold and hot water for a long time, it would

definitely break and those photos would also disappear. In the end, she was careless.She got up and

went to the living room where she took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and began to drink.

With a glass in her hand and a pillow in her arms, she leaned on the sofa and drank silently, wondering

what she should do with Xavier.Ring, ring— Just then, her phone rang. At first, she thought that it was

a call from Matthew, but after picking up her phone, she realized that it was Yvonne.“Yvonne?” Taking a

small sip of red wine, Veronica answered the phone.“My goodness, my call finally got through. Where

are you now? I went to your apartment to find you yesterday, but you didn’t answer no matter how

many times I knocked on the door. Don’t tell me you’re so depressed that you went off to hit on other

guys?” Yvonne ran her mouth and didn’t think too much about anything. She could only be described

as being so simple and naive that she seemed a little foolish.“What, can’t I hit on other guys?” Veronica

didn’t refute Yvonne’s words.“Hmph, I just knew it. I told Conny that you must’ve gone out to play

yesterday, but he said it’s impossible.”“Why didn’t Uncle Conrad believe you?” Conrad knew that

Veronica was not at home but he didn’t believe that she was going out to relax, so that must’ve meant

that he doubted her relationship with Matthew.“He said that you’re not that kind of person.”“Right? I

guess Uncle Conrad doesn’t have a good eye for personality.”“Shut up. Why do you sound like you’re

implying something about me?”“It isn’t about you unless you say it is,” Veronica teased, feigning

nonchalance.“Right, I called you to ask you this. I heard from Conny that Matthew canceled all the

business collaborations with Crawford Corporation. What happened?” Yvonne asked.“When did this

happen?”“Yesterday.”Yesterday, Veronica was still lying unconscious at home, oblivious to everything

that was happening in the outside world. If it hadn’t been for Yvonne’s call, she might not have known

that Matthew had started to take revenge on Xavier until now.“There’s no use even if you tell me. I can’t

help Xavier anyway.”“Matthew is being too cruel. Xavier is such a nice person, so why does he target

him all the time?” On the other end of the phone, Yvonne sighed fiercely.Hearing that, Veronica didn’t

know if she should cry or laugh, but she felt that Yvonne was pitiful and miserable at the same time.

Chapter 341 Matthew Begins to Retaliate

Saying that, Veronica took the initiative to cover his lips with hers again, and her small hands even

slipped through his shirt restlessly, her cool fingertips touching his skin. In an instant, it was as though

her touch was an electric current running through his body, causing a chill to run down his spine.

Influenced by her actions, he began to respond to her kiss, but he didn’t do anything else until the end.

She was growing anxious. Her small hand gradually traveled down, but when she touched his belt, he

grasped her hand and warned, “Roni, stop fooling around.”

“Please, I want to,” she whined on purpose.

“According to the contract, I’m not supposed to ‘sleep with you’ within three months.”

Naturally, this meant that he wasn’t allowed to have any kind of sexual relationship with her; he

remembered it clearly. “If I break the contract and you refuse to marry me, what will I do?”

Veronica jolted in surprise and stopped kissing him. Had he been so concerned about this matter this

entire time?

“Uh… Why would I? That wouldn’t happen.” She shook her head with a sincere expression.

Even though her eyes were practically glittering with sincerity, Matthew could still sense that something

was off. “Roni, tell me, did something happen?”

Although Matthew didn’t know Veronica very well, judging from her behavior in the past two days, there

was definitely something wrong, but he wasn’t sure what the problem was.

“What’s wrong with you? I want it, but you wouldn’t give it to me. Hmph!” She pretended to be annoyed

and turned her back to him.

Faced by her assertiveness, Matthew was suffering as if he was in a burning fire, but he did not dare to

break the agreement. It took him so much effort to come to an agreement with her to abide by the

contract and secretly get married three months later, but if they broke their agreement because of a

momentary impulse, nobody would lend an ear to him for his loss.

“Silly girl, stop fussing. You have a weak body, so you need to rest well.” He wrapped his arms around

her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair as he comforted

her, “Take a rest for now. I’ll call you when lunch is ready.”

Veronica closed her eyes to ignore Matthew, while he only stayed by her side like that without saying

anything else.

“I’m going to Castron tomorrow. Wanna come with me?”

At first, he planned to go to Castron a few days ago, but because of the photo incident, the trip was

delayed and he didn’t make it in the end. Now that things had settled down and he was done teaching

his family a lesson, he naturally had to go to Castron to deal with those troublesome matters.

“Are you leaving tomorrow?” Veronica turned around to face him. “It’s going to be Christmas in less

than a month. If you leave now, you’ll only be back after Christmas, right?”

“Yeah.” Matthew nodded, his dark eyes filled with longing as he raised his hands to gently caress her

soft cheeks. “I might not be able to visit your parents this year. When I come back, I’ll pay them a visit


“It’s all right.” She smiled. “Take care of yourself when you’re there and remember to call me.”

“What are you talking about? If I don’t call you, who else would I call?”

The two looked at each other and smiled. That day, Matthew accompanied Veronica for a walk around

the villa and taught her to play golf. Then, he went to sleep with her in his arms later that night.

However, because of their pent-up desires, Matthew could only get up and take a shower, and then

went directly to the next room to rest in order not to cross the line. He felt helpless. It was his first time

finding out that his self-control was this bad.

The next day, when Matthew had to rush to the airport for his early flight, Veronica didn’t see him off

and deliberately pretended to be asleep instead. For some reason, she didn’t want to watch him leave.

Perhaps she had suddenly become accustomed to his presence, and after they had gotten into a

romantic relationship, it became difficult for her to leave him. Matthew entered her bedroom and kissed

her, gently rubbing her lips with his thumb before he turned around and left.

As soon as the bedroom door slowly closed, Veronica opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling

blankly, feeling extremely depressed. After lying in bed for another hour, she finally got up to wash up

and saw that the maid had already prepared breakfast. Once she finished her meal in the dining hall,

the driver drove her back to the city center.

As soon as she got out of the car and went home, she turned on her phone, but it had shut down as the

battery was dead. She went to charge her phone before turning it on again, only to see many

notifications for missed calls as well as text messages from many people.

One of the most important messages was the one from Xavier. ‘I’ve fixed my phone and called you, but

why won’t the call get through?’

He fixed his phone? When she saw this message, Veronica suddenly turned pale. How powerful was

his phone to be able to be repaired after being soaked in such hot water for so long? She had deleted

the photos when she submerged the phone into the pool of water and also cleared his photo album

while she was at it.

However, was it possible that Xavier could still use his phone to recover the photos after this? Veronica

didn’t dare to consider that possibility. She raised her hand to her forehead. She had been too

confident to think that as long as she soaked his phone in cold and hot water for a long time, it would

definitely break and those photos would also disappear. In the end, she was careless.

She got up and went to the living room where she took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and

began to drink. With a glass in her hand and a pillow in her arms, she leaned on the sofa and drank

silently, wondering what she should do with Xavier.

Ring, ring— Just then, her phone rang. At first, she thought that it was a call from Matthew, but after

picking up her phone, she realized that it was Yvonne.

“Yvonne?” Taking a small sip of red wine, Veronica answered the phone.

“My goodness, my call finally got through. Where are you now? I went to your apartment to find you

yesterday, but you didn’t answer no matter how many times I knocked on the door. Don’t tell me you’re

so depressed that you went off to hit on other guys?” Yvonne ran her mouth and didn’t think too much

about anything. She could only be described as being so simple and naive that she seemed a little


“What, can’t I hit on other guys?” Veronica didn’t refute Yvonne’s words.

“Hmph, I just knew it. I told Conny that you must’ve gone out to play yesterday, but he said it’s


“Why didn’t Uncle Conrad believe you?” Conrad knew that Veronica was not at home but he didn’t

believe that she was going out to relax, so that must’ve meant that he doubted her relationship with


“He said that you’re not that kind of person.”

“Right? I guess Uncle Conrad doesn’t have a good eye for personality.”

“Shut up. Why do you sound like you’re implying something about me?”

“It isn’t about you unless you say it is,” Veronica teased, feigning nonchalance.

“Right, I called you to ask you this. I heard from Conny that Matthew canceled all the business

collaborations with Crawford Corporation. What happened?” Yvonne asked.

“When did this happen?”


Yesterday, Veronica was still lying unconscious at home, oblivious to everything that was happening in

the outside world. If it hadn’t been for Yvonne’s call, she might not have known that Matthew had

started to take revenge on Xavier until now.

“There’s no use even if you tell me. I can’t help Xavier anyway.”

“Matthew is being too cruel. Xavier is such a nice person, so why does he target him all the time?” On

the other end of the phone, Yvonne sighed fiercely.

Hearing that, Veronica didn’t know if she should cry or laugh, but she felt that Yvonne was pitiful and

miserable at the same time.

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