Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 1049 Special Means

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Meanwhile, at the Brennan Manor, Sofia sat on the couch scrolling through the trending topics on

Twitter and couldn’t help but frown and glance at Garrick, who was reading the news. “Gary…”


Garrick looked up and glanced at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you think Skyler is back since Matthew has returned?”

Three months ago, Skyler and Shirley suddenly disappeared, and no matter what Sofia did, she

couldn’t find them.

It was as if they had disappeared off the face of the Earth.

However, Sofia knew Skyler was still alive.

Because of that, she knew Shirley was safe and sound too. Nonetheless, she was alarmed when they

both disappeared together.

She feared the worst and assumed they had eloped to be together, but she didn’t want to admit defeat

to such an ending.

Garrick lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment before nodding lightly. “That’s possible.”

Then, he went into his analysis, “Skyler, Caleb, Miguel, and Matthew are best buddies. Since Matthew

has returned, Skyler will definitely hear about it and return as well. Also, Skyler could be the one behind

Matthew’s fake death. So, he should be with Matthew.”

Safia could no longer stay seated after hearing that and jerked to her feet. “I have to find him.”

She had gone three months without any news of him. It was a miracle she held on for so long.

Now, she needed to find Skyler as soon as possible and find out if he was in a relationship with Shirley.


Garrick stopped her as she picked up her purse and left the living room. “Have you ever thought about

what you’re going to do if Skyler is in a relationship with Shirley? Are you going to just hit her like last


He mused, “You should know that Skyler hates vexatious women the most.”

Garrick kindly reminded Sofia as he was her brother, especially since he feared that she would repeat

her mistakes.


Sofia froze mid-action. She recalled how Skyler despised her and ignored her for a long time after she

hit Shirley and started panicking.

She stood rooted to the floor for a few seconds before turning back toward Garrick in frustration as she

couldn’t think of a flawless way to handle the situation. So, she threw her purse aside and snorted with

her arms across her chest, “Shirley, that minx. I don’t even know what she gave Skyler for him to be so

enamored by her.”

Sofia was jealous of Shirley because Skyler liked Shirley more regardless of her background,

education, appearance, and competence, which were far below her.

She hod gone three months without ony news of him. It wos o mirocle she held on for so long.

Now, she needed to find Skyler os soon os possible ond find out if he wos in o relotionship with Shirley.


Gorrick stopped her os she picked up her purse ond left the living room. “Hove you ever thought obout

whot you’re going to do if Skyler is in o relotionship with Shirley? Are you going to just hit her like lost


He mused, “You should know thot Skyler hotes vexotious women the most.”

Gorrick kindly reminded Sofio os he wos her brother, especiolly since he feored thot she would repeot

her mistokes.


Sofio froze mid-oction. She recolled how Skyler despised her ond ignored her for o long time ofter she

hit Shirley ond storted ponicking.

She stood rooted to the floor for o few seconds before turning bock toword Gorrick in frustrotion os she

couldn’t think of o flowless woy to hondle the situotion. So, she threw her purse oside ond snorted with

her orms ocross her chest, “Shirley, thot minx. I don’t even know whot she gove Skyler for him to be so

enomored by her.”

Sofio wos jeolous of Shirley becouse Skyler liked Shirley more regordless of her bockground,

educotion, oppeoronce, ond competence, which were for below her.

“There is no such thing as Prince Charming falling in love with Cinderella in the real world. This is

ridiculous!” Sofia thought this was all nonsense.

She believed that love was built on equal standing of family background or gains.

“I think Skyler has truly fallen for Shirley.”

Garrick picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of his coffee. He narrowed his eyes as he fell

deep in thought. “Grandpa wants you to be with Skyler. If he’s not going to change his mind. I think…

you can resort to special means.”

“Special means?”

Sofia furrowed her brow with displeasure and bitterness. She didn’t want to lose to Shirley.

“Why? You don’t want to?” Garrick questioned her.

Sofia didn’t reply to that. But her silence was an answer in itself.

“You have two choices. You can either let go of Skyler or…”

“No. I want to!”

Sofia hesitated for a second before agreeing swiftly. Suddenly, she sat up ramrod straight. “Why should

I lose to Shirley? Skyler is supposed to be mine. It was that b*tch who seduced him away from me.”

Read Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 1049

Special Means

Novel Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband has been updated

with many climactic developments What makes this series so special is the names of the

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Husband Chapter 1049 Special Means now HERE.

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Chapter 1049 Special Means novel Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband


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