Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 576

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Chapter 576 Both Became a Trending Topic

The date was September 5th, and exactly one week had passed since that date. As it was Monday, it

was the day Caleb should transfer the money, but there were many things to be done in the station, so

he didn’t have the time to make the transfer yet.

Therefore, he took out his phone, added ‘the Devil’ to his WhatsApp account, and made a few

screenshots of the chat history before setting his phone aside on the desk.

Soon, Abby returned and stopped in front of him. ‘I’m fine and have to return for classes now. So get

back to your work, and don’t worry about me.’

“Okay, go ahead.” Caleb acknowledged with a nod. “It’s great that you’re fine now. Unfortunately, I have

to return to the station.”

He rose to his feet, walked around her, and left for work.

Every week, he would give her 700 for living expenses, which was more than enough based on the

expenditure of Bloomstead High.

In addition, he had her teachers’ contacts and her class’ group chat. If there were a need to pay for

material fees and other expenses, it would pop up in the group chat, and he would transfer it directly to

the teacher.

He knew her family’s situation, so he was worried that giving her too much money would make her lose

herself. That was why this was the amount he gave after calculation—700 a week, and if she saved on

her expenses, she could save 300 per week.

So, just where did that 3,000 come from?

That afternoon, a police car appeared at Bloomstead High, and the bully next to Abby was taken away.

The following day, the news of what happened to the bully spread in Bloonstead and even made it to

the school forum.

On that same day, everyone learned that the school bully had transferred to another school.

As for Abby, who was focused on her studies, she wasn’t aware of this situation at all. Still, the odd

thing was, after that day, Caleb would come and visit her more often.

In the meantime, after Veronica and Matthew received their marriage certificate, they quickly returned

to the hospital and the ward to rest.

As she lay on the bed, she was bored to tears, so she started kicking up a fuss, “I’m so bored, and I

want to go home.”

“No, you’re pregnant, so you have to rest.”

“I can lay in bed at home, too,” Veronica whined in a spoiled manner, gazing at him with puppy eyes.

Matthew knew her well, so he was aware that she could become utterly bored to death from laying in

bed. Therefore, he also expected that bed rest would drive her crazy, but he was also worried that the

medical equipment at home wasn’t adequate to handle her situation.

After some contemplation, he said, “It’s not entirely impossible to rest at home, but you’ll have to return

to the manor with me.”

The manor he meant was an incredibly luxurious and extensive private estate that was as huge as a


“Huh?” She sulked and immediately shook her head. “But I want to return to Twilight Condominium.”

Although Twilight Condominium wasn’t huge, both of them had been living there since they met, and

she had a deep affection for that place as it was very cozy and seemed more like home to her.

“Then, just lay here without any complaints.”

If she stayed at the manor, he could arrange for a doctor to be on call and purchase medical equipment

in a short period of time in case of emergency. Regrettably, the Twilight Condominium was too small,

making such arrangements impossible.

“Hmph, that’s boring,” she said and harrumphed haughtily. Since she didn’t get her way, she decided to

turn away from him and start ignoring him.

Just then, her phone on the table started ringing. Despite being told not to strain herself, her hand

snapped out to grab her phone as she lay on her side. Then, she noticed the caller ID on the screen

and saw that it was a call from Monica.

“Hi, Monica.”

“Roni, you’re so mean. You already received your marriage certificate with Matthew, but you didn’t even

tell us about it. Do you still take me as your friend?” Monica complained in disgruntlement on the


“Huh, what? When did you find out about this?”

A surprised Veronica couldn’t figure out how Monica knew about her marriage to Matthew.

“Of course, it’s from the Internet. This is already on the trending news, and our company is abuzz with

the latest gossip. So, it’s only natural for me to learn about this.”

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Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband by Novelebook

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