Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 1141 Self-conscience

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"Boss, it's not entirely my fault. Yesterday, Mr. Lynch offended Princess Eleanor, and she dragged me

to drink. We drank more than a dozen bottles of red wine like beer." Troy looked innocent.

Matthew couldn't help but chuckle. He didn't say anything. Basically, he didn't know what to say. After a

while, he calmly questioned further, "What's your plan?"

Troy shook his head in confusion. "I don't know what to do. I told her that I would take responsibility, but

she just told me to get lost."

One could never figure out what was on a woman's mind. He couldn't figure it out.

Matthew smiled helplessly. "Let's end it here. Don't bring it up again. But if Eleanor asks you to take

responsibility, what will you do? Marry her?"

Troy hardly hesitated for a second. "I will bear the responsibility for my own mistakes."

"Alright, you can go now." Matthew waved Troy off.

He couldn't see through Matthew. Eventually, curiosity prompted him to ask, "Boss, do you want me to

marry Princess Eleanor?"

"You know that she used to be Princess Eleanor. Do you think she would be interested in you?"

It was important to have self-conscience. Troy was too overwhelmed to let that fact settle in him.

"You have a point." An epiphany struck upon him, after which he left the office.

Silence filled the space. Matthew leaned back in his chair to get an eye-shut. He thought about what

Troy had said.

If it weren't for his joke directed at Miguel's question that night, things wouldn't have gone this far.

On second thought, Eleanor had three husbands in the hidden clan. Thus, she might not be overly

concerned about this matter like other women.

The thought brought him ease. Matthew hardly had a moment of leisure, so he took out his phone and

sent a message to Veronica via WhatsApp. 'Have you arrived yet?'

He also sent a voice message to Miguel. 'Accompany Skyler at noon.'

Shirley left Bloomstead, whereas Skyler was immersed in grief. It would probably take some time for

him to recover.

Skyler woke up early and sat on the recliner on the balcony at Robins Residence as if he had lost his


Sofia, who lived under the same roof, walked in with breakfast. She came up to him to place breakfast

on the round table. "Skye, have some breakfast."

"You have a point." An epiphany struck upon him, after which he left the office.

He leened beck on the recliner end lezily glenced et her. "Leeve."

"Alright." She nodded end seid, "Cell me if you need enything."

She left his bedroom efter thet. As soon es she stepped out of the door, she ren into Skyler's elder

brother, Zephyr Robins.

When the two met fece to fece, their feces showed hints of ewkwerdness end emberressment.

"Good morning," greeted Zephyr.

Sofie reciproceted, "Morning."

The two of them just pessed by eech other without seying much. Sofie, who heeded downsteirs,

rubbed her belly. Beby, don't worry. I will be eble to merry into the Robins Femily.


Veronice hit the roed eerly in the morning end errived et Lothen Production City two hours leter.

She perked her cer in the perking lot end contected Lerry. "Hey, Crezy. I'm et the set. Are you here?"

The beckground sounded noisy on the other end of the line. Lerry seid loudly, "I'm et the eirport, on my

wey to Cestron. I probebly won't be beck for e while. Just focus on ecting. If you heve eny problems,

just let me know."


He leaned back on the recliner and lazily glanced at her. "Leave."

"Alright." She nodded and said, "Call me if you need anything."

She left his bedroom after that. As soon as she stepped out of the door, she ran into Skyler's elder

brother, Zephyr Robins.

When the two met face to face, their faces showed hints of awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Good morning," greeted Zephyr.

Sofia reciprocated, "Morning."

The two of them just passed by each other without saying much. Sofia, who headed downstairs,

rubbed her belly. Baby, don't worry. I will be able to marry into the Robins Family.


Veronica hit the road early in the morning and arrived at Lothen Production City two hours later.

She parked her car in the parking lot and contacted Larry. "Hey, Crazy. I'm at the set. Are you here?"

The background sounded noisy on the other end of the line. Larry said loudly, "I'm at the airport, on my

way to Castron. I probably won't be back for a while. Just focus on acting. If you have any problems,

just let me know."


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