Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 435

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Chapter 435 Lucky Enough to Meet an Oscar-winning actor

As such, this was the chance of giving the other party a hit that they did not expect when Roni was in

trouble. The man, who was driving the car, snorted in laughter, “Matthew. Oh, Matthew. Since when

would you agree to such a bad deal?”

He shook his head and felt that such a silent way of sacrificing was a form of happiness, but he found it

silly. Unfortunately, Veronica was clueless about everything that he did.

Meanwhile, Veronica prepared a maternity bag and some necessities for a hospital stay before she

headed back to the hospital. She entered the ward and saw Ivana and Yvonne, who were still


That night, the two of them kept Yvonne company in the hospital. Both of them were inexperienced, so

they were troubled the entire night by the baby that had just been delivered.

Resigned, Veronica ended up contacting the nanny that they had pre-arranged late at night to get her

to come over and take care of the baby.

The next day, Yvonne finally regained consciousness and she lay in bed weakly while glancing at her

baby sound asleep next to her. There was a smile on her frail face. “This little one here gave me such a

hard time.”

“That’s true. I wouldn’t dare to give birth after seeing the ordeal you went through.” Veronica chuckled

and asked, “You came up with several names earlier on. Have you decided which one to use?”

“Uhm…” Yvonne frowned as she considered the situation. “I reckon Ian sounds good.” “That’s a great

name. Is there any special meaning behind his name?”

“Special meaning?” Yvonne shook her head. “There’s no special meaning. Ian sounds like the name of

a powerful man. My son’s going to become an influential man in the future.”

At that point, Veronica was rendered speechless. She could not help bursting into laughter and gave

Yvonne a thumbs-up. “You’re awesome.” Veronica was happy for Yvonne upon noticing that her best

friend was so magnanimous.

“Oh my gosh. The little one looked so ugly when I just delivered him.” It was a natural delivery, so

Yvonne was able to move around freely as she did not experience as much pain after the delivery

compared to a C-section.

Seated on the lounge chair beside the mother and son, Veronica watched their interaction silently as

she felt a sudden warm, fuzzy feeling well up within her. “You’ve given birth, so when do you plan on

informing your parents?”

Although Veronica did not agree with Yvonne’s way of proceeding without any discussion with her

parents, she could not interfere knowing that this was Yvonne’s life after all.

“I’ll let them know about this one month later.” Yvonne did not bother to hide anything from Veronica.

Lying on her side, the mother tickled the sound asleep little guy with her fingers. Although he looked

quite wrinkled and ugly upon birth, she still found him adorable.

“By the way, I might need to go and meet a friend tomorrow, so I won’t have time to come over and

keep you company,” told Veronica.

Yesterday morning, Larry had called to inform her that he was back. In fact, it was not much of a return

as he was only here to film an international sci-fi movie. The production team was here to shoot in

Bloomstead, so she was able to pop over and visit him. Coincidentally, Yvonne went into labor at

around the same time.

“It’s fine even if you don’t come over. I’ve got the nanny and Ivana here, so I’ll be fine. Besides, I went

through a natural birth and not a C-section, so don’t worry about me.” Yvonne was quite nonchalant

about everything. It was evident from the way that she spoke to Veronica without looking at her as she

focused intently at her baby.

At 5.00AM, Veronica was exhausted and took a nap on the little folding bed by the side. The next

morning, she left and went home. Subsequently, she applied for some time off from Sean and went to

visit Larry at work.

Larry’s production team was shooting at Rocky Bay and it took one hour by car for her to get there.

As soon as she arrived on the set, it was already10.00AM and the weather was scorching hot. She was

dressed in a white chiffon jumpsuit and she had a pair of black sunglasses and a sunhat on. She then

walked into the set in high heels.

As this was the shooting site, there were plenty of fans who knew that Larry was filming in this spot, so

they clamored outside with large signboards in their hands.

Looking at the group of fans grouped together outside, Veronica sincerely felt happy for Larry.

However, she could not quite comprehend the actions of his fans.

Under such scorching weather, it would be much more comfortable to stay at home and play video

games while enjoying some ice cream. Why did they choose to suffer under the hot sun?

“Hey. Hey. Hey. Who are you? This area is off-bounds.”

Veronica approached the set and was stopped by one of the staff.

“Hi, I’m Larry’s…”

She was just about to explain when someone headed in her direction from afar and spoke to the staff,

“Mr. Drew, she’s my friend. Let her in, please.”

“Aaahhhhhhh! Oh my gosh. It’s the man of my dreams!”

“Larry? Larry, I love you!”

“That’s my man! Darling!”

“Larry! Larry! You’re definitely going to soar to popularity.”

“Wow! This woman’s so pretty. Who’s she?”

“Larry’s a well-behaved actor, so he wouldn’t enter into a relationship, right?”

Veronica was coincidentally standing next to the fans, yet she already heard the female fans’ words

before even entering the set.

She turned her head to take a look at them and was shocked to see the looks directed by the female

fans. They looked like they were about to devour her.

The staff waved at Veronica and she immediately made her way inside toward Larry’s direction.

Since this was a sci-fi movie, Larry was still in a white space suit. It was rather hard to breathe in the

white suit and his face was flushed red as the sweat trickled down his forehead.

“It’s been about six months since we last met.” As soon as Veronica approached, Larry voiced out.

The last time they had met up with each other was after Christmas, so it was exactly six months now.

“That’s right. It’s so hard to meet up with you.” Veronica moved forward and gave him a friendly hug.

However, as she hugged him, she suddenly realized that there were multiple gazes directed from all

over and she was suddenly the center of attention. She could not help squirming from the attention.

“So… Did you enjoy the birthday present I sent you before?” He held her in his arms and whispered

into her ears with a smile.

“You idiot!” As soon as he mentioned that matter from before, she could not contain her anger at all.

Still, she was mindful of the watchful eyes of the crowd as she hurriedly shoved him aside and tried to

kick him out of anger. “Did you know that you nearly killed me with that?”

Her feet had not even landed on him yet and he had already leaped aside to avoid her kick. With a

giggle, he said, “You’re safe and sound right now. Don’t tell me that your boyfriend found out?”

The word ‘boyfriend’ was a stab at her heart and she could not help revealing a bitter smile on her red

lips as she changed the topic. “I’ve come all the way to visit you at work, so show me around the place.

I want to see for my own eyes how things are generally like when you’re on set.”

“Hey, Larry. Who’s this lady here? Is she your girlfriend? She’s pretty.” At that moment, a well-built man

with natural blond hair and blue eyes headed toward them and conversed with Larry in French.

“This is my friend and she’s a fierce lady.”

“She’s such a pretty thing, so how can she be fierce? But, it’s alright. She’s stunning though, would you

introduce her to me? I love American women,” the foreigner spoke up.

Veronica had met this man before and he was a very famous actor from Europe, Stephen Armstrong.

As soon as Larry heard that, he elbowed the man sharply on his chest. “She speaks fluent French, so

you should go ahead and ask her.”

“Oh mon Dieu.” Larry’s words were startling to Stephen. He had one hand on his waist while the other

was placed on Larry’s shoulders. The blond man shook his head and chuckled, “Hello, pretty lady. How

I should address you?”

Stephen spoke in broken English and his words were jumbled up.

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Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband by Novelebook

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