Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 443

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Chapter 443 Introduce Veronica a Partner

While sitting on another couch himself, Matthew had his legs crossed as his intertwined fingers were

placed on his abdomen. “Indeed, it is none of my business. I am just curious who would fancy a fierce

woman like you.”

He couldn’t help feeling somewhat guilty at those words he uttered. He had spoken without thinking it

through and by the time he did, he started to panic. Will we still have the chance to be together after I

tell her the truth a year later if I were to piss her off?

“You are the one who is blind!” At that point, the duo had begun to diss each other. “Stay out of my

business, Matthew Kings.” “I would love to, but what choice do I have when I am your godbrother? I will

be gatekeeping when you find your next man.”

That’s a pretty good reason, right? He quietly praised himself for being clever after he said that. This

was perhaps the only excuse he had to be able to justifiably get rid of the men around her. “You…”

Veronica stuttered, at a loss for words.

Just as the two of them stared at each other with a confrontational look on their faces, her eyes

suddenly had a glint as a plan came to her. “Alright, then. Since you are my brother, I will need your

help with that when I look for someone in the future.”

“Don’t sweat it.” Despite his short reply, he was cheering on the inside. “Hmph!”

She only huffed without saying anything, and silence soon befell the lounge again. It took some time for

the physical examination to be completed. After Elizabeth was done with it, she also came to the

lounge to sit and rest.

Seeing Veronica playing on her phone, Elizabeth asked, “Veronica, have you been looking for a new

partner after you broke up with Matthew?”

She had noticed how quiet and rigid Veronica and Matthew were as soon as she walked in. Seeing

how they weren’t willing to talk to each other, she had no choice but to use a trick like this to ease the


“Uh… What? A partner?” Veronica was stunned by how unexpectedly gossipy Elizabeth was. With a

bashful smile on her face, she quickly told the older woman an excuse she thought of. “Haha!

Grandma, Matthew and I have only broken up a little more than three months ago, so I am still on the

lookout for someone. I will definitely bring him over to introduce you when I have decided on one.”

Because if she didn’t, she was scared that Elizabeth would do the same thing she did before by

shoving a bunch of photos of candidates at Veronica and making her choose one.

And just as she expected…

“Oh, I know what a dull man Matthew is. He doesn’t even like to talk. Women don’t like men like him,”

Elizabeth added while she tugged on Veronica’s hand with a gentle smile on her face. “But I do have

someone decent that I want to introduce to you.”

“Grandma, you don’t have to—”

Veronica had turned to Elizabeth and was about to reject her when she, from the angle she was looking

from, noticed the change in Matthew’s expression as he sat there.

And so, she quickly agreed instead. “Alright. I am still young anyway. It is not a bad thing to get to know

more people.”

“Haha!That is wonderful. I can always trust you to be the open-minded one.” While speaking, Elizabeth

took her phone out and flipped through her contacts before she dialed one of the numbers.

After she put the call on loudspeaker, the phone made a few beeping sounds before the person

accepted the call.

“Grandma Elizabeth?” The gentle and somewhat familiar voice of a man rang out instantly.

“Hello? Miguel, dear, what has been keeping you busy recently?” Elizabeth asked.

Veronica’s face immediately froze in shock.

She was curious about who Elizabeth had in mind to introduce her to, but she never would have

thought that it would be Miguel, who happened to be Matthew’s best friend!

As the few of them had a great relationship and Miguel was a year older than Matthew, he naturally

was the ‘big brother’ of the group.

However, Veronica could tell that even though Miguel was one year older than Matthew, he was far

inferior in temperament and power when compared to Matthew.


As Veronica gave it a thought, her clear eyes glinted and a smile gradually appeared on her red lips.

“Nothing much. I am not busy at all,” Miguel replied before asking again, “Is there something you need

me for, Grandma Elizabeth?”

The woman seldom called him but whenever she did, she had something important to tell him.

“Oh, it is just that you don’t have a partner now, yes? I want to introduce you to a fine young lady, and I

wanted to check whether you are free for a meetup.”

“Haha! Thank you for worrying about me, Grandma Elizabeth. Don’t worry, I will definitely make time if

it is for someone you are introducing.”

After Miguel readily agreed, he asked out of curiosity, “Who is this lady, Grandma?”

“It is…” Elizabeth took a peek at Veronica as she tried to be secretive about it. “You will know when you

see her.”

“Is that so? Alrighty! But how are we going to meet?”

“Why don’t you come over to the Kings Residence tonight? I will be waiting for you there.”

“Okay, Grandma. I will be there tonight.”

“Good, good. See you…”

Elizabeth immediately hung up the phone after bidding him farewell.

As she put her phone away, she tilted her head to look at Matthew. “Matthew, what do you think of

Veronica and Miguel?”

Matthew’s face was already maroon from his anger, but he would never dare vent at his previous


“Nothing much.” He shook his head. “She is boisterous, and he is overly calm.”

“Isn’t that so? Their personalities complement each other, then. Only couples who make up for what the

other half is short on can have a long-lasting married life.”

Matthew almost dropped his phone he was holding when he heard Elizabeth talking about everlasting


“I will leave you responsible for Miguel and Veronica’s meeting tonight. Let me tell you this beforehand,

though—if Miguel doesn’t come or he directly rejects Veronica, I will be coming for you!” Elizabeth

unhesitantly threatened him.

Despite not saying a word, Veronica was secretly happy about the fact that Matthew was being lectured

by Elizabeth now.

After a while of sitting in the lounge, the test results finally came out, and it showed that everything was


The three of them then headed back to the Kings Residence.

After arriving, Elizabeth said to Matthew, “I have been bored these days. Come here and play a game

of chess with me.”

Knowing that his grandmother was deliberately holding onto him to prevent him from giving Miguel a

call, he blurted out, “Why don’t you have a game with Veronica, Grandma? You and her are evenly



Elizabeth furiously hit the table upon hearing that. “What? Are you not listening to your grandmother

anymore? You don’t even want to play chess with me now, huh?”

Okay, then!

Unable to refuse, Matthew could only bite the bullet and walked over to play chess with Elizabeth.

As time went by, Elizabeth began to notice how she was not Matthew’s match at all with how he was

winning game after game. How am I supposed to keep delaying if this goes on?

Left with no choice, she could only wave at Veronica, who was playing a mobile game, over. “Veronica,

come here and take a look. Be my military advisor.”

“Oh, okay.” Veronica then stood up and went over to Elizabeth.

She then moved a chair and sat beside Elizabeth, her eyes looking at the pieces on the chessboard as

a thoughtful frown donned her face.

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