Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 726

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Chapter 726 I’m Coming Over Now

That afternoon, Shirley busied herself in her office for a while before calling Garrick. Beep. Beep.

Beep. After three rings, he finally picked up the phone. “Miss Wilson?”

“Haha. Yes, it’s me, President Brennan.”

She laughed sheepishly as she greeted him and went straight to the point. “I called to see when you’d

be available so I could bring you to our office to look around.”

They were in the middle of planning when Garrick talked about touring the company, but they did not

expect Skyler to suddenly appear and disrupt the discussion. “How about ten days later?”

After saying that, Garrick explained, “There’s a lot going on with the company lately, so I can only do

ten days later.” “Sure. I’ll arrange everything according to your time.”

“Good. It’s settled, then.” “Alright. Please continue on with your work, President Brennan,” Shirley said

humbly before hanging up. Standing in her office, she clutched her phone in her hand and started

pacing around the office while thinking of a plan.

Although Garrick had agreed to come over for a visit, it did not mean their partnership was confirmed in

any way. So, she still had to contact Talila Gibson from Horizon Group just in case.

After giving it some thought, she picked up her phone and called Wade. However, before she could

make the call, she received one from Skyler.

While looking at his number popping up on her phone screen, she answered the call as her fair face

showed frustration.

“Young Master Skyler?” she addressed him in an unfamiliar way and her tone was filled with alienation.

On the other end of the call, Skyler felt bothered when he heard her address him that way. “What?

Don’t I have a name?”

“You’re the young master of the Robins Family. It is not my place to call you by your name.”

She then continued to speak in an unfriendly tone, “Whatever you called to say, just say it. I’m very


There were still company matters she needed to deal with, and since Jayden and Shawn did not give

her much time, she had to use up every spare second she could.

“Are you at the company? I wanna go over there for a visit now,” he asked directly without beating

around the bush.

“I’m… not,” she rejected him without thinking about it.

No matter which situation it was, she did not need his company to invest in hers.

On one hand, she was afraid he might find out that the real boss behind this company was Veronica.

On the other hand, she was even more afraid of owing him a favor.

If Sofia found out about this, she would come to the company and humiliate her again.

The events that happened in front of First Meeting’s entrance were like a nightmare to her and she still

felt chills whenever she thought about it.

“Alright, then. Call me after you get back to the company.” Without asking any more questions, Skyler

hung up.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Shirley set down her phone and decided to call Wade later to ask about

Talila’s current situation.

In the meantime, at the hidden clan…

After a passionate night with Matthew, Veronica was feeling delighted.

The following day, Mateo came over and told her to head downstairs for breakfast, so she obediently

went downstairs.

“Roni, I have something to tell you. We found a great chef today and he’ll be in charge of our breakfast

from today onward,” Mateo told her while they were descending the stairs.

“A chef from the hidden clan?”

Although dishes from the hidden clan were similar to those from Castron, there were still some


The locals here enjoyed their spices a lot while most of the dishes were not shy with them either,

especially local delicacies like scorpions, centipedes, and larvae. Such dishes were always seen on the

dining table.

When Veronica saw those dishes, she almost puked out last night’s dinner. She never thought of

herself as a dramatic person, but those dishes gave her goosebumps.

“No. They recently found a chef and brought him here from Castron. I think he’s from Bloomstead too.”

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Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband by Novelebook

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