Novel Name : Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 476

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Chapter 476 Conrad’s Spectacular Acting Skills

“Are you crazy, Yvonne? You’re not even in contact with that b*stard anymore. So, what does he have

to do with you even if he’s dead?” Yvonne was talking to herself aloud.

She eventually placed her phone down and closed her eyes as she had her facial mask on. But after

that little facial session, she still felt anxious. So, she couldn’t help but call the number again. Beep


The phone rang a few times before the other party answered. Yvonne immediately asked, “Hello, was it

you who called me just now?”

“Oh, it was my colleague who called. May I ask if you are the family of the phone owner? Please come

to the hospital to pay the hospital fees.” “Hospital?”

“Yes. The patient fainted on the road and was taken to the hospital. The situation is bleak and needs

further examination. But you’d better come over and pay the medical…”

“Doctor, the patient’s situation is very unpromising. Look, here are the test results. There are signs of

cancer cells spreading.” “Cancer cells? Let me see.”

Yvonne was conversing with the doctor when another woman’s voice rang out on the phone. When she

heard the other party say ‘cancer cells spreading’, her heart pounded in fear. How can this be?

“Hello, are you his family? Please hurry up and come to the hospital. The patient’s condition is in dire

straits,” the doctor continued to say to Yvonne. Yvonne was frozen in place before she replied, “Okay,

I’ll be there right away.”

Then, she hung up the phone and went to wash her face before quickly changing her clothes. She

didn’t hesitate as she drove straight to the hospital.

It took half an hour to reach there, and Yvonne’s mind kept recalling the doctor’s words. As the doctor’s

words echoed in her mind, the uneasiness within her swelled with each passing second.

The moment she arrived at the hospital, she inquired about the situation at the front desk and went to

the ER. However, when she had just run to the corridor, she heard a commotion originating from the


“Sir, your situation is very severe. Please cooperate with the treatment.”

“Yes, he’s right. You have liver cancer, and it has spread. You won’t have much time left if you don’t get

treated in time.” “I know you must be worried about money, but is money as important as your body?”

A few medical staff tried to stop Conrad, but he pushed them away. “Let go! I told you, I’m fine. What

do you mean I have liver cancer?”

“We did a CT scan on you, and it shows clearly that you do.” The doctor tugged on his arm. “You need

to get treatment as soon as possible.”

Suddenly, he pushed the doctor against the wall and held onto the doctor’s neck with his hand. “I

repeat, I am not sick. And, if this thing gets out, I’ll drag the hospital’s name to the mud!”

Everyone was stunned, and nobody dared to make a sound after hearing that threat.

Only then did he let go of the doctor’s neck. He let out a derisive snort as he walked in the direction of

the elevator.

There, he saw Yvonne, who was standing by the doors of the elevator.

This caught him by surprise as he halted in his steps momentarily. Regardless, he continued walking

toward her with furrowed brows.

Yvonne had just heard the entire conversation, and it was only then that she discovered that he was

ill. But…

Is he acting?

Yvonne still had some doubts about the matter.

She thought that Conrad would talk to her when he laid his gaze on her. Instead, he stopped at the

elevator entrance to press the elevator button, faced the other way, and didn’t say a word.

During the whole time, it was as though he didn’t see Yvonne, who was just standing at the side.

If it weren’t for the slight pause in his steps earlier, she would have believed that he hadn’t seen her.

Although they were in close proximity, it felt like there was a chasm between them.

Even though she hadn’t seen him for half a year, her heart still pounded now that he was right before


Even the thought of him having cancer caused a burst of pain deep inside her heart.


The elevator door opened when it reached their floor.

Conrad immediately entered the elevator. He didn’t even hesitate to press the close button, so the

doors closed after him, and he left, just like that.

From the beginning to the end, he didn’t even glance at Yvonne; it was as if she didn’t exist.

At this time, a paramedic came over. “Are you the wife of the gentleman just now?”

“Huh? Oh, yes, I am.” Yvonne returned to her senses and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong with him?

Why was he so emotional just now?”

The doctor standing before her was the same doctor Conrad had just choked. He pointed to the CT

report in his hand and said, “The patient has advanced liver cancer and now needs treatment, but I see

that the patient was agitated just now. It’s probably because he couldn’t accept reality. As the patient’s

family member, you must persuade him to cooperate with the treatment. He must fight for that sliver of

chance that the treatment takes, and he lives a long life. Otherwise, I’m afraid that he doesn’t have long

to live.”

“What? He doesn’t have long to live? What do you mean?”

Yvonne clutched onto her bag nervously. She unconsciously held her breath as she waited for the

doctor’s explanation.

“Look, the cancer cells have spread so much. It is severe.” The doctor pointed to the CT report. “If it

deteriorates further, he will only have about less than a year to live.”

The doctor let out a long sigh. “After years of practicing medicine, I’ve seen too many reactions like this

from patients. Most of them are not willing to accept it.”

“Okay. I-I understand.”

Yvonne nodded her head, but her mind was filled with white noise.

In the end, she didn’t even know how she got into the elevator and left the hospital.

After she returned to the villa, Yvonne had expected that Conrad would take the initiative to contact her,

but she didn’t receive a single text from him even though she had waited for the entire day.

Veronica and Ruka had agreed to go to Castron the next day, but today she received a call from Ruka,

saying that the fashion show scheduled in Castron had been canceled.

Ruka asked, “So… Do you still want to go to Castron?”

She knew that Veronica was in a bad mood, so she was cautious with her words.

“Of course, I’ll go. I’ve already promised you that, and I won’t go back on my promise.”

So, the two took a plane the next day and went straight to Castron.

On the other hand, Yvonne tossed and turned. She stayed awake the whole night as her mind was

preoccupied with Conrad’s situation.

The check sitting on her bedside table kept reminding her of the man.

Finally, she couldn’t resist it anymore as she phoned Conrad.

Beep, beep…

Someone picked up the phone.

After the call was connected, Yvonne did not wait for the other party to speak.

Both of them knew who each other was, but Conrad didn’t have the intention of talking first.

“W-What are you doing right now?” Yvonne finally stammered out a question after swallowing the other

questions she had for him in her heart.


Conrad’s attitude was slightly cold. “Is there something you need?”

“I… I…” Yvonne didn’t know what to say. Finally, she glanced back at the check on the bedside table

and asked, “I just wanted to ask, why did you give me the check?”

“Didn’t Veronica explain? That check isn’t for you. It’s for the child.”

He sounded indifferent, which made her feel as though there was a wall between them.

She was utterly unused to his cold reception, so she couldn’t help but feel that there was something

very wrong with the way he was acting.

Could it be… that there is something he couldn’t tell me?

“I can raise the child myself. Where are you? I’ll return the check to you.”

“There’s no need,” he didn’t leave room for discussion as he refused.

But Yvonne was stubborn. “I don’t want your things.”

“… I’m at the company.”

“Okay. Then, I’ll be seeing you.”

Yvonne took the check and drove to Conrad’s company.

Humans were innately curious creatures. Therefore, she was no different from everyone else. If

anything, she was even more curious and worried since she was still deeply in love with Conrad and

the mother of his child.

Now that she had learned that he had cancer, she felt very uncomfortable.

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Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband by Novelebook

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