Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 15 - Sisterly Affection

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Chapter 15 - Sisterly Affection

Upon returning home, Madeline removed the dress that she wore and the pins that were pushed into her hair, freeing her blonde hair where she weaved her hand through to comb it. The dress was neatly folded and placed at the side so that she could return it along with the other dresses her family had rented from Mr. Heathcliff.

Taking the brush from the dressing table, Madeline started to brush her hair when she heard her sister Beth say,

"Lady Catherine must really like Mr. Heathcliff, isn't it?" Beth was still looking at the red dress that she had worn, which was sad that she would have to part from it tomorrow morning.

Madeline, who was moving her hand, removing the knots of her hair, said, "Is it because she invited him to the ball?"

"Of course, why else would a woman of her status ask a man who belongs to the middle class," asked Beth tearing her gaze away from her dress and standing up from the bed to start folding it, "If I am not wrong, I heard from Mrs. Lilith that there had been many suitors who have been showing at her doorstep. She could have picked one of them, but instead, she picked Mr. Heathcliff."

Madeline continued to brush her hair, "Mr. Heathcliff is a good looking man. He has a decent job."

"I would agree on him being good looking, but being a tailor is barely a job, Maddie," said Beth, waving her hand, "We know he works for the King and his subjects who live in the castle but if he were that important why did the King miss to send an invitation to him?"

"Maybe the person who was dealing with the invitation forgot to put his name?" Madeline did find it to be strange that Mr. Heathcliff didn't receive an invitation tonight but thanks to Lady Catherine he did get to attend the ball.

"Hmm," Beth made a disagreeing sound with her closed mouth, "Maybe he did something disagreeable. Did he dance with you?" Beth knew he didn't because the man had undoubtedly only danced with Lady Catherine and no one else.

Madeline shook her head, looking at her sister through the mirror, she said, "He was busy. It would have been rude to leave Lady Catherine's side when she was the one who invited him," she mustered a small smile.

Beth seeing the look on her sister's face, placed the dress next to Madeline's dress before going to stand behind her sister, "I know you like Mr. Heathcliff, and the man gives you eyes, Madeline but a man who couldn't even ask you for a dance, do you think he shares the same feelings as you do? I am sure men and women have danced with more than one partner tonight," she placed both her hands on Madeline's shoulders, "I don't mean to discourage you, but the man needs to know to take the initiative. I don't know what prevented him from asking you to dance, and you look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you, Beth," Madeline placed one of her hands on Beth's hand that was on her shoulders.

Madeline, who was about to tell Beth that Mr. Heathcliff had asked her out, decided not to speak about it for now. After all, they were going to their aunt's house that day. Maybe when the day would arrive, she would let her sister know.

At the same time, she knew what Beth meant and somewhere she agreed even though her heart wanted to ignore it. Men and women had indeed danced with more than one partner. There had also been a time where he wasn't dancing but standing idle, giving her a smile from a distance which she had returned with a polite one.

Madeline then changed the conversation to say, "The food was delicious, wasn't it? They had these beautiful cakes."

"Expect nothing less from the King's hospitality," Beth replied, "There were so many chandeliers I think I stopped counting once we reached the ballroom. Mama kept speaking about this fountain, and now I wished I had stepped out of the room. If it weren't for the number of men who kept asking me to dance with them," Beth shook her head that made Madeline smile.

"That is what happens when you're beautiful, isn't it," to Madeline, her sister Beth was the most beautiful one in the village. It wasn't that Beth was only beautiful, but the way she spoke, she could charm a person by her words.

"Oh, hush," Beth leaned down and kissed her on the side of her little sister's head, "Only you and mama praise me."

Madeline couldn't stop but smile, "You are my sister."

"And you are mine," Beth responded with a smile, squeezing Madeline's shoulders gently to let it go finally.

"Did you like anyone? Anyone who caught your fancy?" Madeline asked, eager to know as it was hard to please Beth. She had turned herself to see Beth taking both their dresses to place it in the cupboard.

Beth had a thoughtful look on her face, "Hmm, I think Mr. Danvers was interesting. He appeared to be smarter than giving me a love-struck expression. I mean the other is good that he travels, but I think it would turn out very lonely. Better to have someone who is around you."


Madeline, who had finished brushing her hair, placed the comb on the dressing table to hear her sister say, "It is a shame though that the King didn't appear. I heard from a lady that he was away from the castle; therefore, he had people from the village invited because he wouldn't want to mingle with us, but then another said that the King would appear later. But you know, later never appeared."

With their clothes changed and everything put aside that had been used, they got inside the bed getting ready to sleep. The house of Harris wasn't big but had two rooms, one hall and one kitchen. Madeline blew the candle that was on her side of the bed and placed her head on the pillow.

She was glad that the night was done. As beautiful as the castle and other things were, she couldn't help but think about the silver masked man she had come across.

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