Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 347 - Old House

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Chapter 347 - Old House

Music Recommendation: Palimpsest by Will Bates


Madeline stared at the table where the cards had been spread earlier. It came less as a shock that her aunt had come here with ill intentions of using her, unlike her grandparents, who had come to the castle to bury her back in the coffin. Raphael spoke about her being the treasure which Aunt Mary had been looking for.

"What if there is no treasure?" questioned Madeline. Because according to Lady Ruth's ghost in the closed cemetery, what her grandparents knew was nothing but a false rumour.

Raphael walked around the table to come and stand in front of her, "Treasure has many meanings, milady. Something that is of great value, can be nothing to another person. While something dull might be of importance to someone else. Your cards show great potential," he said to her.

Madeline's lips were set in a thin line, when she asked, "The cards I chose were different compared to what I picked last time when I met you."

The man nodded his head, "Indeed, they were different. It only shows how quickly things are changing around you. I can tell that you worry that if you close your eyes, you will miss things, but that's okay. This is the time to keep your eyes open and believe in what you see."

"Will you tell me what you read today when it came to me? The truth" said Madeline and Raphael's black eyes stared at her brown ones. The demon wondered if he should tell her the truth because of how sensitive the matter was. Having the gift of sight, he could tell what was going to happen in the coming future, "I want to know," persisted the girl.

"Death," said Raphael, his voice low, "Too many deaths surrounds you. Do not feel burdened over it. Things happen because they need to happen. There are sometimes when certain events need to run its time. You have the answers, and all you need to do is to bring the puzzles together. Things may seem scattered, but that is only so that you can take in the information you are receiving."

Madeline wasn't sure if she should tell what happened, but knowing how Calhoun trusted Raphael, she decided to reveal to him, "I see dreams that are not something I would like to see. I think they are premonitions of what happened or what is going to happen in the future. I saw Calhoun's dead body in the dream."

Raphael's expression stayed the same, without having a hint of indifference on his face, "Was it you?" he asked.

Madeline nodded her head, "There was blood on my hands, and that was his," the words came out slowly out of her mouth.

It was one of the most vivid dreams she had, and she still remembered it, as if it was taking place in front of her right now. Calhoun's cold body next to her, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping, and the blood continued to spread on the bedsheet of the bed, inch by inch. She snapped out of her thoughts, looking back at Raphael.

"I know I am capable of hurting people," confessed Madeline, "But I don't want to hurt people who are innocent."

Was she calling the King to be innocent? Asked Raphael in his mind, "Maybe he isn't, and that is why you killed him in your dream?"

Raphael's words were not helpful as it only had Madeline worried more, but the man internally smiled. It seemed like the King of Devon had someone who cared for him.

Madeline looked left and right, her eyes falling on the window. "Let me show you," she said, walking towards the window and standing next to it. Raphael looked slightly perplexed as he didn't know what the lady wanted to show him. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the window, and within a second, the glass shattered to fall on the ground.

The demon looked astonished seeing what happened, "As I said, you have great potential. All you need to do now is to harness it and keep it under control, making use of it only when it is needed," advised Raphael.

If only she knew how to do it, thought Madeline to herself.

"You know," drawled Raphael, "When I first took your reading, I had come to know that you were something different, a stark contrast compared to Calhoun. He is as different as you, though I was never able to find more about him, apart from him being a demon. I think you both suit each other. Not just by nature, but also the abilities."

Madeline's eyes fell on the pieces of glasses that were on the ground. At this rate, every relative of hers would turn vile with the intention of wanting to have a dark angel to sacrifice for powers.

"Thank you," she thanked him for telling the truth about what he read.

"I just read cards," he shrugged.

"Can I say something?" asked Madeline and the man nodded his head for her to go on, "I know it isn't nice to say, but Elizabeth has always looked at the outer appearance of things and then liked it." She could see his interest in her sister, and she also knew the kind of men her sister always looked up to.

Raphael smiled, "I know what you mean. I will see you later, milady," he bowed his head, taking a step outside the room. He knew what Beth's eyes pursued, but this time, he wanted her to look deeper than outer appearances. With a small smile on his face, he went on his way.

Madeline stayed in the room alone next to the window as air passed through it that moved the strands of her hair gently.

Nobody liked to hear that they were going to be the reason for people's death. She pursed her lips, only if she could remember the face of the angel in her dream. Looking down at the ground, she turned herself and brought her hand up to see the glass pieces shake on the floor as if they were trying to move.


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