Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 287 - Troublesome Hearts

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Chapter 287 - Troublesome Hearts

AN: For readers who missed the note in the chapter, I was attending one of my best friend's wedding, which is why I was on break until yesterday. Indian weddings have a lot of ceremonies and they are long. Happy Diwali for the one's who are celebrating~


Raphael offered a smile to Calhoun, his droopy eyes staring at the King before his eyes fell on the hand that had caught hold of the card of the fool.

"My King," Raphael bowed his head.

"Throwing the card at me so that I catch hold of it," Calhoun said, who brought his hand in front of him to look at the card that was thrown at him. But when his eyes fell on the surface of the card, there was nothing in there. It was a blank card. He threw the card back at Raphael with double the intensity and the card reader caught it. In the process, the side of the card which was sharp left a cut on Raphael's thumb.

If Calhoun didn't know Raphael, he would have had him executed, for being nosy and interested in his readings. But Raphael was not any acquaintance. He was a friend who was very similar to him as they had demon blood.

"I was only checking your precision, my King," Raphael smiled, while bowing his head. Calhoun shook his head, "I received your letter and decided to come here quickly with my trunk." He had been called here only to give a reading, but Raphael had decided to stay here till the wedding because he had a feeling he had to be here.

"There are plenty of rooms in the castle. It shouldn't be too hard to accommodate you in one of the guest rooms," said Calhoun. "What are the blank cards for?" he inquired.

Calhoun preferred not to know about what his future consisted of as he believed that when a person heard about it, they came to believe even if it meant it wasn't true—making it to be the truth and destiny of the person. Calhoun was a person who decided his and others fate. It was who he was.

Raphael on hearing this walked towards Calhoun. His eyes fell on the card of the fool he had thrown at the King to receive a blank card.

Though people didn't like to receive the card of the fool, what people didn't know was that the card of the fool was what determined the character of the person—showing traits and information. With the number of years, Raphael had lived, he had seen more than seventy-four different types in the fool's appearance or expressions. Therefore, it came as a surprise that the fool had disappeared entirely from the card, and he tilted his head.

"I have no idea," murmured Raphael, "You appear to be the first few who always encourages me to have more knowledge about my own cards," smiled the man. Getting into the serious discussion, he asked, "Why did you ask for a second reading for the lady?"

When people came for card readings, Raphael had always advised them to have a three months gap before they would approach him for the next reading. It was only because there wouldn't be much difference if the reading was done too soon.

Calhoun stared at the walls and pillars of the castle from where they stood in the garden. Without looking at Raphael, he said,

"Madeline is an angel."

The smile on Raphael's face fell, "That's not possible. Creatures like those don't exist."

Calhoun was in no mood to joke, not at least when it concerned Madeline's well being and life. He looked at Raphael, "Apart from her, there's one angel imprisoned in the dungeon while one more rots in the forest."

"You don't mind if I pay a visit to the one in the dungeon, do you?" asked Raphael, his droopy eyes for once looked like it was filled with interest.

When both of them reached the dungeon, Calhoun opened the lock and pushed the door open where Madeline's grandmother was held captive.

Madeline's grandmother glared at Calhoun and the new man who had come to look at her. Raphael, on the other hand, looked at the older woman with keen interest. He said,

"It doesn't look like she's one. She looks very human-like," commented Raphael.

"It would have been better if she was a human, but she isn't," stated Calhoun. The woman looked as if she was waiting for an opportunity to strike at Calhoun for killing her husband. "She is Madeline's grandmother."

Raphael's eyebrows raised, his lips forming into an O shape.

"That's very interesting," hummed Raphael, "I never knew they existed. Why is she in here?"

"Just so that she will not try to kill Madeline," came the casual words from Calhoun. He wanted to ask the woman questions, and he didn't mind torturing her. The woman looked stubborn, and she hadn't spoken a word since his and Madeline's last visit.

Once they stepped out of the dungeon, Calhoun continued to say, "Apparently, there is more to the story of angels when they fell. There is a possibility that the first fallen angel bedded a human, who gave birth to children. And the last descendant happens to be Madeline."

"What is this? A war between the first fallen angel and the rest of them?" asked Raphael, intrigue in his voice.

"Possibly," Calhoun replied before continuing to speak as they made their way towards the castle. "Madeline is not a normal angel, but a dark angel, the last descendant of the first fallen one. If there is more than one angel in the vicinity, it is possible that soon they will come for her. But I would like to kill them before they even smell her presence."

"Fair enough," Raphael agreed, nodding his head, "What do you want me to do?"

"I have Theodore for keeping an eye in the villages and towns now, but I will need another pair in the castle. Also, if possible, amuse others and keep a low profile about yourself while guiding Madeline by your words," stated Calhoun, "There are two more weeks left before the wedding, and the High House has decided to pay a visit to the castle."

"I didn't know you were close to them," Raphael gave a questioning look.

For the people they were, demons in the disguise of humans and vampires, the demons had often stayed and strayed away from the High House. And it seemed like even fallen angels were doing the same.

"Markus and Rosamund have been trying to throw me into a pickle."

Raphael chuckled, "I see they are still being persistent and don't know when to stop. I will keep an eye on them."

Calhoun hummed, and as they entered the castle, they caught sight of Beth who was walking with Markus in the corridor.

"Who is that beautiful girl?" asked Raphael, his eyes taking in the appearance of the green-eyed brunette girl.

Markus and Beth reached where Calhoun and the stranger was, who looked nothing less to a beggar in Beth's eyes.

"Going out?" Calhoun questioned, and Markus gave out a charming smile.

"Yes, my King," answered Markus, "Lady Elizabeth wanted to buy shoes for the wedding, and I thought to take her out to the town today." Markus then turned to look at the man whom he had never seen before. By the man's appearance, it looked like he was someone who had been picked from a local street.

Raphael noticed their gazes, and he bowed his head in greeting, "I am Raphael Sparrow. An old acquaintance of the King."

Markus didn't hold a surprised look on his face. He was aware that before Calhoun had turned to be the King or had entered the castle, Calhoun once used to live in the dirty market area. People who lived there looked similar to this shabby man.

Not bringing his distaste on his lips, Markus introduced himself, "Markus Wilmot. I am the King's cousin, and this here is my fiance, Elizabeth Harris." Beth could only bask and beam in the glory that she was the fiance of a man who was the King's cousin. Though the man named Raphael Sparrow whom she was being introduced to looked like a worthless man, Beth bowed her head in greeting.

"Has there been any word about what happened in East Carswell?" questioned Calhoun to Markus.

Markus replied, "Yes, my King. It seems they found the trails of the guards whom you had assigned at the shop. Clothes of the guards have been retrieved from the forest, but we are yet to find the bodies."

"What a pity," murmured Calhoun, his eyes staring into his cousin's lighter coloured eyes, "It must be someone who doesn't know how to cover the trails of their actions. What do you think, Markus?"

Markus looked slightly startled at the question, "My King?"

"I was asking if the culprit would be caught in time. I would love to see the person's head hanging at the front of the castle. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" questioned Calhoun, a broad smile forming on his lips.

While Calhoun was busy speaking to Markus, Raphael couldn't keep his eyes away from the girl who stood in front of him. Even though the lady was introduced as Markus' fiance, Raphael couldn't help but look at the girl. After all, he belonged to the kind of creatures who had no morals.

Raphael still had the card of the fool in his hand, and testingly, he dropped the card near the girl and far away from him. Beth, who was good in portraying herself to be the kind and benevolent girl, bent down quickly and picked the card to hand it to the man, who offered her a smile.

"We shall be going. Lady Elizabeth," Markus called her name, and Beth let go of the card as the man had taken hold of it. Bowing their heads, they left from there.

"She is a troublesome girl," Calhoun commented noticing the interest in Raphael's eyes and then said, "I will see you later."

Raphael nodded. He then looked down at the card of the fool to notice the fool carrying branches with thorns in them and stepping towards the cliff. He couldn't help but chuckle,

"Looks like a damsel."

When Beth and Markus reached the town, Beth's joy knew no bounds. They entered a shop which she had only seen from afar in the past. The feeling was nothing less to a princess as assistants hovered around her holding shoes in their hands. She only had two pairs of shoes which she made sure not to walk on the muddy patches so that she could keep them in good condition.

To be offered so many different shoes, it was a treat to her eyes. Beth looked at Markus who offered her a kind smile.

"If you don't like the one's in here, there's another shop that Sophie visits. We can go and take a look there," said Markus to her.

Beth wondered if this was what heaven felt like. Somewhere it felt her wishes and dreams were finally coming to be true and fruitful. Her prayers for a husband who would dote on her had been answered. Given Markus was not her husband and only fiance, she still enjoyed the title of being related to a powerful man like him.

"I will see that one," Beth pointed at the shoe that was gold in colour. The shop assistants were used to assisting the vampire and other elite families.

"Is this all that you have? Get the most expensive shoes for the beautiful lady," Markus' words brought a certain blush on Beth's face. But at the same time, she couldn't help but look down at the assistants who had given her looks in the beginning when she entered the shoe shop.

To Markus, Beth was not the first girl who had eyed him or tried to land him as their husband. While pampering the girl, he had also tried to find out about her and her sister, Madeline's dynamics. The good news was there was a rift.

After buying the shoes, they headed back to the castle in the carriage, when Markus decided to bring up the conversation,

"Knowing how Sophie is, you should bring your sister here. You might enjoy shopping for clothes and jewellery," stated Markus, a kind smile still on his lips.

"You are too kind, Markus," Beth replied to his generosity. Madeline already had the King to dote on her, she didn't see why there was a need to shower Madeline with such things. "Thank you for buying the shoes for me," she smiled.

Markus shook his head. He took hold of Beth's hand that was on her lap. Picking it up, he kissed the back of her hand,

"Anything for you, Elizabeth." He saw the human blush one more time. Though the elder daughter of Harris was beautiful and had caught his eye instantly, lately it was the younger one where his thoughts were drifting to, "You are my fiance, it is the least I can do. Once you become my wife, you will be showered with much more luxury," he promised her.

"Did things get better between you and Lady Madeline?" asked Markus. Even a little bit of spark is enough to set the entire forest aflame. To Markus, Elizabeth was nothing less to a pawn, and even though he was starting to notice the younger Harris girl, it didn't mean he forgot what his aim was. What he wanted was the throne.

Beth gave a tight smile, "Not yet. It is a common thing between siblings."

"She must have really hurt you. Especially someone as kind as you," Markus praised her indirectly.

"Sophie can be insensitive, but she mentioned how the King didn't choose you when you are the most beautiful, most thoughtful and wisest of the two sisters. I mean, it is usually the elder one who is sent to get married first. Pardon me, but sometimes, I feel it was unfair that you weren't the one but Lady Madeline. Didn't she say anything?" Markus gave a pitiful look before adding, "I must be lucky to have you by my side. But I do understand how it feels when you don't get chosen."

Leaving a question of doubt in Beth's mind, he waited to hear Beth ask,


"Yes," Markus put up a solemn look on his face, "My parents have always aspired to see me ascend the throne considering Calhoun was the illegitimate son of the previous King. Can you imagine how it would have been? If I were to be the King and you my Queen?" Markus turned to look straight into Beth's green eyes.

To be the Queen? Thought Beth to herself. The greed that was lurking in her reignited, "Why didn't they fight for it? That seems unfair," she responded back to his words.

"Yes, sadly it is. The previous King had already decided, and we couldn't do anything. It does feel unfair, and I know you understand how I feel. When what rightfully belongs to you is snatched away, without a chance," Markus carefully tried to weave the trap around Beth. Knowing how much she was smitten by him, he used it to his own advantage, "Only if things would be different."

Beth couldn't help but dwell on the thought of 'what if's?' in her mind. Since they were children, Madeline had always shone better than her, and Beth worked hard to be the better one. More presentable in appearance and in character that was appealing to others. It was also something her grandparents thrived on. When the King's invitation arrived, she was sure she had reached her goal, but it had shattered. Madeline only showed that she was better than her again. Beth wanted to be the Queen, and she liked Markus more compared to the blunt King.

Somewhere also the possibility of the King executing her had crossed her mind as he was now aware of the letter she had written to James in Madeline's name.

"Would you like to be the Queen, Elizabeth?" questioned Markus in full seriousness.

Beth couldn't help, but smile. But seeing the serious expression on his face, she said, "Anyone would love to be the Queen."

"What if I said I can make you the Queen?"

The carriage entered the castle ground through the wide opened gates while Beth stared at Markus, "That is not possible." Her sister was marrying the King, and she was marrying Markus. Beth had a frown on her face when she heard Markus say,

"Don't worry about the possibilities. My question is if you want to be the Queen or not."

Pursing her lips, Beth answered, "Yes. Yes, I would love to be the Queen."

Markus tested the waters, "I will help you with that, but you will need to follow my words closely. Okay?"

Beth knew the underlying meaning of Markus' words, but the offer was too tempting, and she gave him a nod. Markus couldn't help but smile to himself.

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