Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 609 - Climbing To Meet Juliet

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Chapter 609 - Climbing To Meet Juliet

Music Recommendation: Mad World (piano version) by Myuu


"I already drank my share of the blood, it would be rude to waste this," stated Theodore, and Lucy noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses right now.

Lucy had mixed feelings about Theodore being up here in her patior where no one was supposed to be, even if it was during the day time. Before any of the guards would see her, she quickly sat down next to him. One part of her wanted him to leave so that neither would get caught and be reported to her parents or her grandmother, while another part of her found it to be thrilling.

Like the breeze that moved into the atmosphere, Lucy felt her heart sway by the presence of this person.

She didn't know him enough, yet here she was, sitting on her patio with him.

"Here," said Theodore, handing the flask in Lucy's hand. "If there is one thing I have been taught, it is to never show your emotions on your stomach."

"Thank you," whispered Lucy, opening the cap of the flask. She was quick to gulp down the blood until the very last drop.

She felt embarrassed to face him, because it was the second time her family had denied her meal and she could only guess that Theodore might think she was a person who was always misbehaving and causing unwanted trouble.

"You must be thinking how troublesome I am, isn't it?" questioned Lucy, holding the empty flask tight in her hands.

"Not even for a second, milady," responded Theodore and Lucy blinked at his words before turning her gaze to meet his red eyes that were looking at her. "I think it is remarkable that you try to put your thoughts of how you feel out in the open, even though there are people who are ready to curb those thoughts. Truth to be told, I haven't met many women like you."

"You seem to be very brave, Theodore. Climbing up to the princesses patio without worrying to be caught. Did you not consider that I might call the guards?" questioned Lucy and she shifted her gaze away from him as she felt her heart would continue to skip its beats if she looked at him any longer.

"I was hoping you wouldn't call the guards. I did bring you blood," he offered her a smile and Lucy smiled back.

Lucy had met many handsome men before, but there was something about Theodore that had started to make her notice his presence more than before. She wondered if it was because even though he had a polite demeanor there was something roguish underneath it.

"I can bring you some more blood if you want," offered Theodore and Lucy shook her head.

"It is more than enough for now. I wouldn't want you to be caught," said Lucy. "Did you break your glasses?" she asked curiously.

"Hm? It is right here," Theodore pulled out his framed glasses from his pocket.

According to Lucy, it was only the humans who weren't able to see things that were either close or far away from them. It was rare to find a vampire not being able to see without glasses. But then Theodore didn't wear it because he couldn't see. He wore it because it went well in setting a sophisticated atmosphere around him without bringing too much attention to himself.

Lucy picked up the glasses and she watched the sky through it. While she continued to gaze, she asked, "What did you do before entering the castle?"

"Why?" his question was direct and Lucy dropped her hand before shaking her head.

"It's not me, but my maids who were curious about it," blurted Lucy and she handed the glasses back to him. "They were um, curious about both brother Calhoun and you." It wasn't a lie that the servants in the castle were curious about the two young men, but Lucy had taken an interest with the man who had shown her concern and care. It warmed her heart.

"Can I ask you something?" she questioned.

"Of course, milady," Theodore asked her to go on.

"What happened to brother Calhoun's mother?" Her mother and grandmother looked unhappy with his presence in the castle, but her father was more than happy to welcome him. People around her refused to talk about him or answer her questions.

Theodore's face turned serious and his lips were set in a think line. He then said, "She fell gravely ill. She couldn't get up, nor could she eat. Nobody knew what was wrong with her."

"May her soul rest in peace," said Lucy, quickly praying that caught Theodore's attention. Lucy didn't forget her mother's choice of words for Calhoun's mother, calling the woman as a whore, and it had her frown. "She must have been a lovely lady. Right?"

Theodore didn't meet Calhoun's mother but he nodded his head to the young vampiress' words, "Yes, I heard she was a good woman."

"What about you?" inquired Lucy. She didn't know anything about Theodore.

In response, Theodore smiled, "I don't think it is right if I tell what I did before coming here. You might not view it well."

"Did you kill people for a living?" Lucy sprung the question, her eyes intently looking at him and waiting for his answer. "It must be did kill the man in the alley that day."

"My apologies if it startled you," apologized Theodore, and Lucy shook her head.

"Nothing ever startles me, I am always prepared beforehand," replied Lucy as if she was very brave.

The smile on her lips slipped down when she noticed him watching her. For a moment, Lucy felt the world had stopped and she lost herself in his eyes. His hair had slightly ruffled because of the wind and she gulped down the fluttering feeling her mind.

"I think I should leave," said Theodore and Lucy cleared her throat.

"Let me see if the guards are around," Lucy whispered and she stood up and took a peak around the place. But when she turned around, Theodore had already disappeared.

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